View Full Version : Do you believe in G-O-D

June 18th, 2007, 02:32
nope i'm 666% not religious and loving every hedonism minute of it :cheers:

am i right? I'll only discover when i'm dead :blackeye:

June 18th, 2007, 15:42
Yes, I believe in a "superior being" but I don't allow certain passages from the Bible to dictate my overall belief... If I fall in love with a man or a woman, it is a beautiful thing... I can't imagine MY God thinking that is wrong. As the conservative born-again Christians can find quotes to damn gays... I am sure one can find quotes in the Bible to say that being gay is fine.
To me all religions is a avenue to communicate with ones God and spiritual self... Unfortunately some religions such as Christianity and Islam can be taken out of context and used in a negative way.... I guess that is why Buhddhism is so well liked-- it doesn't seem to condemn.

Lunchtime O'Booze
June 18th, 2007, 19:54
so I believe in me.

What is more-three times in the New Testament it says Jesus loved James.

that says all you need to know about a mad Rabbi wandering the desert with a group of young men.

June 18th, 2007, 20:57
No-one in their right mind and with any common-sense or ability for original thought should take any notice of anything written in religious texts originating up to 2000 years ago (and in the case of the Old Testament and Torah considerably before that). They contain, at best, a load of mumbo-jumbo made up from unprovable apocryphal stories and hearsay passed down by word of mouth over several hundred years (until someone decided to put them on paper in the Midde Ages) - even today we all know how quickly a story can be embellished or distorted over even a few days to conform to what the teller wants to convey. At worst they are a deliberate attempt by priests and other religious leaders of the time (and even today in the case of Islam) to indoctrinate their followers through fear of death or other terrible punishment. The same sort of thing is still happening in Haiti and the Caribbean to this day - in this case it is called VOODOO but much the same same!

June 18th, 2007, 22:59
" ... What is more-three times in the New Testament it says Jesus loved James.
that says all you need to know about a mad Rabbi wandering the desert with a group of young men ... "
Not necessarily. "Love" in the Bible often has a "brotherly" connotation, rarely a sexual one.

The real secret code phrase to watch out for would be " ... Jesus KNEW James ... ". Notice that in the Bible and it means they're fucking for sure.

Cheers ...

June 18th, 2007, 23:13
I have know many men. :clown:

June 19th, 2007, 05:17
Hey, Jinksy, you've probably known a few too..... :cyclopsani:

Back to the question posted: Billyboy, it'll be a cold day in hell (which I may or may not believe in) before I'll discuss religious philosphy with you. However, I'll write that on my list of things to do. It's about 240th on my list (239 is playing in traffic).

June 19th, 2007, 05:21
I am sure one can find quotes in the Bible to say that being gay is fine.I look forward to that

June 19th, 2007, 07:52
90% of Americans literally believe the Bible. You know the more plausible bits like Noah's-ark and such. Not passing judgement here, see it as Wrigley's wrapper info, it might help.
I personally stopped believing in Father Christmas, oh it must have been when I was about four. Luckily I don't suffer from arrested development, can you imagine the disappointment, year after year, of not seeing my lean, hairy legged, tight arsed father in his jocks, sweetly arranging the presents under the tree for all our enjoyment. I still quiver when I think of stubble.

June 19th, 2007, 07:56
90% of Americans literally believe the Bible.

Source? Not one of my American friends have any interest in the Bible whatsoever.

June 19th, 2007, 08:02
I found this on the web in about 30 seconds. Once again, Cedric is full of shit.

A USA Today/Gallup Poll in 2002-JAN showed that almost half of American adults appear to be alienated from organized religion. If current trends continue, most adults will not call themselves religious within a few years. Results include:

About 50% consider themselves religious (down from 54% in 1999-DEC)
About 33% consider themselves "spiritual but not religious" (up from 30%)
About 10% regard themselves as neither spiritual or religious.

June 19th, 2007, 08:08
Some facts about American religion, from a recent nationwide survey:

тАв A third of Americans (33.6 percent) are Evangelical Protestants. That's the largest U.S. religious group, followed by Mainline Protestants (22.1 percent) and Catholics (21.2 percent).

тАв Just one in 10 Americans (10.8 percent) is not affiliated with any religious group.

тАв Most Americans who aren't affiliated with a religious tradition believe in God or some higher power (62.9 percent).

тАв Among Evangelical Protestants, 47.8 percent believe the Bible is literally true, while 6.5 percent consider it an ancient book of history and legend. (The others didn't know or offered no opinion.)

тАв Those beliefs are reversed among Mainline Protestants: 11.2 percent believe the Bible is literally true and 22 percent consider it a book of history and legend. Catholics are about the same (11.8 percent and 19.8 percent).

Based on the above, less than 20% of Americans believe the Bible is literally true.

June 19th, 2007, 10:40
Not me.

June 19th, 2007, 10:41
90% of Americans literally believe the Bible.

Source? Not one of my American friends have any interest in the Bible whatsoever.

HALLALOOYA!!!!!!! Praise the boy Genius, he is as popular as the has been baby Jesus, a miracle, St. Geenyarse, he has touched 90% of his country folks hearts.

Trust you to latch on to the pro-religious lobby's statistics. Better rush out and get you a Bible because Armageddon is a coming. Spread the word, HALLALOOYA!

June 19th, 2007, 10:42
I have given statistics. Where are yours?

June 19th, 2007, 13:09
Who believes there is a superior being ?
There's quite a few who write here who believe that they are just such a being :cheers:

June 19th, 2007, 14:58
The basis of the prohibition against homosexual acts derives from two biblical verses in Leviticus: тАЬDo not lie with a male as one lies with a woman; it is an abhorrenceтАЭ (Leviticus 18:22) and тАЬIf a man lies with a male as one lies with a woman, the two of them have done an abhorrent thing; they shall be put to deathтАФtheir bloodguilt is upon themтАЭ (Leviticus 20:13). The Torah considers a homosexual act between two men to be an abhorrent thing (toтАЩevah), punishable by deathтАФa strong prohibition.
However this relates to the "act" itself,having personal thoughts or personal inclination as long as the homosexual "act" is not performed,is ok.

If a man lies with a male as one lies with a woman - A prohibition against bisexuality? I don't lie with a women, so what's this got to do with me?

Do not lie with a male as one lies with a woman - What does that mean? What does lie mean anyway? Sleep next to? Play sport with?

Something which is abhorrent - doesn't say sin does it? It doesn't say it's a sinful thing to do, does it? If it's that 'against the will of God' why not? How come something that, according to the false American invented born again Southern Baptist Christianity - it's all about me, and God, my great Lotto master - why didn't Jesus once mention such an abomination and terrible (the worst, according to the Jesus Junkies) sin? He spoke about plenty of others, why not that one? If it's really that bad - it doesn't make any sense does it?

June 19th, 2007, 19:47
I believe there may be a higher power but do not believe in any 'organized'--Best money-maker ever devised by man--religion (Um, maybe prostitution's raked in more.) and not one can prove it's most basic premise: you are to accept it as, a matter of faith, Or you will go to hell! A place that hasn't changed since the Greeks but sounds more interesting and fun (There's boating and doggies for instance.) than heaven: the place where Mary shot off to like a rocket, followed a few years later by Mo: Mohammad, that is....Well, at least he found one virgin in heaven--But probably too old for him: he like them around six years old.

I do not believe it is an old man with a long white beard & long white robe who sits on a throne in the sky. More likely it's an, 'it': looks like a Dalak or is a cosmic or spiritual 'soup.'

Leviticus was written by the Levites: a tribe of Jewish lawyers. Lawyers!...about a honest then as today.
I don't believe 'god' ever 'spoke' to any living person; not Abraham, not Moses, certainly not a lawyer! 'For man to know what god is thinking would prove the non-existence of god.'
And I notice that those who go about quoting Leviticus seldom know more than the one 'law' and are usually engaged in breaking several 'laws' themselves--At the same time the are spouting off Leviticus ... so tell them to go feck themselves--And ask them what Leviticus says about that! Anyway, I think the suiggested punishment for gettin' it on with other guys is being 86'd from the 'tribe.' Big f'ing deal!... Like I care! I'm wearing a watch and have three clocks and a calendar just in the room where I'm sitting. I Have a small tat around my navel and a smaller one...never mind. I saw my mother naked when I was three (And puked: thought someone had whacked her wee-wee off.). I love lobster, crab, fried rabbit and pork, wear clothing made of blended fabrics, planted peppers last year & tomatoes this, haven't tried to start a range war: to confiscate my neighbors untended lawn--And went to a Halloween party, in drag, when I was twelve. WTH: In for a penny....

June 20th, 2007, 04:16
I don't believe 'god' ever 'spoke' to any living person

Really, Edith? With all those falang yelling "oh God!" in all the whorehouses in Thailand, I figured there was some discussion going on..... :clown:

June 20th, 2007, 22:19
After all these years I still believe in miracles, one happens every day I wake up


June 21st, 2007, 20:28
After all these years I still believe in miracles, one happens every day I wake upSome might have thought that that was evidence for the opposite conclusion

June 22nd, 2007, 16:10
Now, of that my Bf can probably be the only real one to say,but given all I know you could very well be right!