View Full Version : Black socks & sandals, 2007 style

June 15th, 2007, 18:19
Yes, indeedy do, it's the good ole Prez of the USA wearing crocs and socks.

And, as article on AOL (http://www.styledash.com/2007/06/13/george-w-bush-caught-wearing-crocs/) bemoaned:

"What's odd, is that it's not like Mr. Bush just ran out of the house without thinking about what he was wearing. The hat, shorts, socks and shirts all match -- perfectly. I think they're even the same shades of gray and black. So why, with all that forethought and preparation, would a person ever choose such hideous shoes?"

June 15th, 2007, 19:14
Yes, indeedy do, it's the good ole Prez of the USA wearing crocs and socks.

Surprised the dumb oaf isn't wearing texan boots with his shorts :p

June 16th, 2007, 08:18
oh that is just precious! :cheers:

Its almost as good as the photo op of Nixon walking down the beach in full suit, tie and black shoes.

Much as I hated Ronald Reagan I must say he always looked good no matter what he wore. Perhaps because he knew he was always on camera.

June 16th, 2007, 11:48
Much as I hated Ronald ReaganPresident Hoppalong? Why did it take the Yanks so long to work out he was suffering from Alzheimers when it was apparent to the rest of the world for years during his presidency?

June 16th, 2007, 13:47
Actually, I'd like a close-up of those socks. It almost looks like they have the presidential seal on them?

June 16th, 2007, 14:46
I was chatting with a gentleman about those plastic or maybe pvc clog sandals that come in many
colours. He was wearing orange and was talking about buying lots more as there are now knock-offs
made locally for just a 100B. or so.
He claimed that he has to wear white socks with his plastic clogs even though they are riddled with large air
holes or his feet will sweat. Must be why they call them sweatsocks.
Black knee high socks should never be exposed and certainly not when wearing flowery Bermuda shorts but
adding black leather dress shoes really compounded the fashion horror.
Try foot powders and lime green is hot this season but not for the over the hill gang. :colors:

June 16th, 2007, 17:13
"President Hoppalong? Why did it take the Yanks so long to work out he was suffering from Alzheimers when it was apparent to the rest of the world for years during his presidency?" (See above).

That reminds me of the joke current at the time of Reagan's presidency (when he was infamous for ignoring the growing problem of AIDS)...

President Reagan went for a medical check up. Afterwards the doctor reported back to him. "I have grave news, Mr President", he said, "I am sorry to tell you that you are suffering from AIDS."

"Oh" said the President, "that's terrible."

"But I'm afraid there's even more bad news, Mr President", said the doctor. "You're also suffering from Alzheimer's Disease"

"Phew", said President Reagan. "Thank goodness for that. For a minute there, I thought you were going to tell me I've got AIDS."