View Full Version : The Cat is licking his wounds again. More Lies?

June 12th, 2007, 22:58
if they can make a gay bomb, maybe they can also make a straight bomb? hope not!!!

June 13th, 2007, 00:02
if they can make a gay bomb, maybe they can also make a straight bomb? hope not!!!

If they use the gay bomb first, the then our new gay brothers will straight away bomb every straight awayhttp://images.fok.nl/s/yes_new.gif

June 13th, 2007, 05:16
US military proposed weapon to turn enemy troops gay

My guess is the bomb was a cannister that dropped phamplets (sort of a mauve color with lace on the sides) that simply said: Please ask and, for god's sake, PLEASE TELL!

June 13th, 2007, 11:34
I wish someone would develop an anti-American bomb, it drops and suddenly they are all intelligent beings, content with their lot and dying to go home.

June 13th, 2007, 13:25
I wish someone would develop an anti-American bomb, it drops and suddenly they are all intelligent beings, content with their lot and dying to go home.

Let's just hope they don't develop a British bomb...


June 13th, 2007, 13:51
Or even a wx40afp bomb

Can you imagine a whole tribe of fat rampant drunk wx40afp's?


June 13th, 2007, 13:57
Let's just hope they don't develop a British bomb...

A Molotov including both would be good.

June 13th, 2007, 15:26
Of course Cedric can take bites out of any nationality he pleases. His own nationality is so embarrassing it is a closely guarded secret.

June 13th, 2007, 15:55
Of course Cedric can take bites out of any nationality he pleases. His own nationality is so embarrassing it is a closely guarded secret.Molvanian, perhaps? - http://www.molvania.com.au/molvania/

June 14th, 2007, 09:56
Of course Cedric can take bites out of any nationality he pleases. His own nationality is so embarrassing it is a closely guarded secret.

Good point 555, I often wonder what the good old feeling of nationalism would feel like. I suppose I have been spared that little dilemma by having multiple passports and parents that come from two different nationalities who have also lived in so many places that I have a wide choice still to choose from. Being a bit rootless can also be a bit of a dilemma in itself. For some reason I always support the Ivory coast or Brazil during the world cup. And am suddenly feeling all warm and fuzzy when I think of New Zealand. I wonder what their notion of sub-tropical means?
Despite having carte blanche to assault any nationality I choose, I don't do this in any arbitrary manner, only those that well and truly deserve it, my own opinion of course.

June 14th, 2007, 20:52
" ... Ill be landing at the new Airport in a couple of weeks ... "
Perhaps it's just me, but I get this feeling in my gut that hardly anyone cares anymore.

This last vicious little puddle-of-piss of a topic has (IMHO) lowered you're stature to that hardly larger than an ant on a sidewalk, and I am certainly glad that the Mods have moved this one to a Forum-far-away.
Even though Catawampuscat usually responds in kind, this time it's to his credit that he has ignored you.

Cheers ...

June 14th, 2007, 21:31
Smiles,is there any comments there that you would describe as use of "affectation"?
Wx40afp, pleeeeeeeaze PM me on the topic of "affectation".
I've pleaded with you before to talk to me in private about this matter (I've lots to tell you!!). Get hold of me by PM ... toot sweeet, OK buttercup.


June 14th, 2007, 22:22

I dont know what your post is about,.

Don't worry Billy. Nobody knows what his posts are about :colors:

June 15th, 2007, 09:40
Documents obtained under freedom of information laws in the United States have confirmed that the country's military considered developing a "gay bomb."

In 1994 the US Air Force research department requested $7.5m to create a weapon that would release a chemical causing enemy soldiers to become sexually attracted to each other.

The proposal described the weapons as "distasteful but completely non-lethal." Pentagon officials blocked the project

Is it true that the plane they would have used to drop the bomb was to be called the Enola Really Gay?

June 15th, 2007, 13:20
Wow. This whole thread is absolutely fucking brilliant.

And I'm supposedly a complete idiot because of my nationality! <Starting a sentence with a Conjunction just to piss-off idiots

Carry on!

June 15th, 2007, 13:25
Wow. This whole thread is fucking brilliant, and I'm supposedly a complete idiot because of my nationality!

No - you are a complete idiot for other reasons apart from your nationality

Carry on - Of course we will - until jinks sticks in his auditors pen and closes the thread

By the way - who is the most anal retentive poster on the forum? Smiles or jinks

Perhaps a poll to crown the queen?

June 15th, 2007, 13:29
No - you are a complete idiot for other reasons apart from your nationality

You just got even dimmer, Jojo.

By the way - who is the most anal retentive poster on the forum? Smiles or jinks

Wrong question to ask.

"Who controls this forum" would be the correct question to ask in this situation.

I'm afraid you have been eliminated in the first round, Jojo.



As a consolation prize, you get a "Cat Food Sampler".

You never have to scoop litter (liter?) again.

(Click below for details)

Meow! (or as we say on this side of the pond......."(MIow!)" :laughing3:

June 26th, 2007, 20:48
I wish someone would develop an anti-American bomb, it drops and suddenly they are all intelligent beings, content with their lot and dying to go home.

Let's just hope they don't develop a British bomb...


I really don't understand the anti-American sentiment. Agreed, we are in a war for no good reason and constantly think are number one of the colonist, however, when I see it in print it really does hurt. I spend most of my time away from the USA. I see it from a Muslim country and I understand some of it. But, when I see it on a gay forum it makes me sad. We gays have been abused laughed at and been anti-gay brunt of most joke for years from almost every section of society. I fail to see why some one as hated as we are, would do the same to others no matter of race creed or accent. I am no better or less than anyone for my heritage. I personally take it personal when it is spewed out like vomit on a gay forum. Maybe we need a political section of our own I can skip all the hate and get on with life with out the remarks given to most Yanks. I am not sure I should always sit still and pass on to some other poster who has lived in more than one country. I rarely see anyone do more than we do in the time of trouble or Tsunami or earthquake more than we do only to get this kind of rubbish back over a Stupid WMD mistake. I assume normal Americans will set it straight in the next election since most Americans are ready for us to go home. grant it we make mistakes lives are ruined changed and whole populations become refugee's. I still however, I am not sure that makes me a bad person. It means I have a bad president. I hope and it looks like there is a change for the good as much as I dislike the democratic socialism agenda. In the end we seem to do what is right.


June 27th, 2007, 07:14
It means I have a bad president. I hope and it looks like there is a change for the good as much as I dislike the democratic socialism agenda. In the end we seem to do what is right.I fear you misunderstand anti-Americanism completely. It wasn't something that was invented yesterday, in response to Bush

I tend to think of American Presidents as there to amuse the rest of us. Who can forget President Hoppalong, clearly suffering from early-stage Alzheimers during his second term, or Bill Clitoris and the pornographers of the Starr Report and the American Congress ("eleven episodes of oral-genital and one of oral-anal contact"), or Tricky Dicky ... the list is endless

June 27th, 2007, 09:23
Now why screw me because of their presidency or anyone else. Just because I am American doesn't automatically put me up for the next round of quail hunting with VP Cheney. Yes there are some bad ones, some good ones too. Its like calling all of us gay people fuck ups because we are gay. I am not Gay because one day I woke up and decided to be gay. Nor am I American because I chose it, the name American was given to me at birth. I fail to see what and where Mom and dad conceived me has anything to do with my self worth or the fact that I am gay has to do with how I am or am going to be treated by any other person. Grant it some deserve what they get. I am not sure all Americans or all gays are targets for abuse just because of their heritage or sexual orientation. You my friend have called the kettle black. I cannot change my spots nor can you change your sexual orientation no more Than can make Bush or any other president better or worse than they are. Look at your self and you will see a gay person of whom I I have no recollection of your heritage nor do I care. I may spar with you because of your words but I Cannot condemn you because you are gay or Canadian or What ever country you come from. I don't call all Muslims terrorist because a few decided to blow up the trade center or condemn my bf who is Muslim for the 911. attacks. To do so would be folly. Don't call me names because of my heritage and I assure you I won't call you anything because of your avatar.


June 27th, 2007, 09:43
Now why screw me because of their presidency or anyone else. Just because I am American doesn't automatically put me up for the next round of quail hunting with VP Cheney. Yes there are some bad ones, some good ones too. Its like calling all of us gay people fuck ups because we are gay. I am not Gay because one day I woke up and decided to be gay. Nor am I American because I chose it, the name American was given to me at birth. I fail to see what and where Mom and dad conceived me has anything to do with my self worth or the fact that I am gay has to do with how I am or am going to be treated by any other person. Grant it some deserve what they get. I am not sure all Americans or all gays are targets for abuse just because of their heritage or sexual orientation. You my friend have called the kettle black. I cannot change my spots nor can you change your sexual orientation no more Than I can make Bush or any other president better or worse than they are. Look at your self and you will see a gay person of whom I have no recollection of your heritage nor do I care. I may spar with you because of your words but I Cannot condemn you because you are gay or Canadian or What ever country you come from. I don't call all Muslims terrorist because a few decided to blow up the trade center or condemn my bf who is Muslim for the 911. attacks. To do so would be folly. Don't call me names because of my heritage and I assure you I won't call you anything because of your avatar.


June 27th, 2007, 12:33
I suppose if it was worth saying (a dubious proposition, admittedly) it was worth saying twice but I don't think I've ever seen anyone quote themselves, in full, with no other entry

June 27th, 2007, 12:34
The very core of Beryl (aka Hovelturd) , Wesley, is sadly that of a corrupted, brutalised, perverted self. Beryl cannot love. Ignore his taunts Wesley. You don't have to justify anything, especially not to him. Responding to him only supplies the attention he so desperately craves, but that he never achieves through more appropriate means.

June 28th, 2007, 10:34
Seems as though they did believe all the lies, sad, but true. It takes more than just one prick-head to go to war, how about four hundred thousand of them, soldiers, including "contractors" and the backing of the entire nation and billions of their "tax dollars", just to start with?
Either the American people have lost control of their own country or they are as thick as Puss himself, I don't really care who they prey too, as long as they stay at home.

June 29th, 2007, 17:49
Actually, I have been out of town a few days doing things at the beautiful lake here,(Second largest Fresh water lake in the world) I really didn't mean to quote myself however, it was supposed to been an edit but before I could get time to fix the mistake my Driver was here knocking at the door a bit early. So, I had to leave my mess as it was and hope some idiot would read the second post and realize I had corrected a few typo's.

In my old age I guess I just clicked the wrong Button and then had no time to fix it for 3 days while I was getting my ass burned at the lake with my BF. So I guess I should try to fix this, but I am not sure how to delete a post and then copy and paste the edit to a new post. I guess some nice Moderator would have to do all that. It seems I remember you used to be able to delete your own post (or was that PG's Board?)but I have not seen any button that will delete the screw up. I think a reply to what I had to say would be more in line with an intelligent response to my fuck up instead I get poked in the ass for being one. I assume you have an ignore button on yours too. If you don't want to read my post. Then just blame my dame driver for being early and we will talk about the subject matter instead of my edit that became a quote and new post. I am still not sure how I did that, or how to fix it, I guess since my driver is not an American I can just forgive him and not fire his ass for being early and fucking up my post. Of course if he were an American, sure I would have fired him because he would know better than to disturb me 30 minutes before I was to leave. So, now I could blame all Muslims for his fuck up since he is a Muslim and fire all Americans because they are Americans and should know better. You see simply I made a mistake which a Muslim caused. Since I am an American, I can Blame all Muslims and just hire some cheap American to drive my car for me from now on.

June 29th, 2007, 18:39
... my Driver was here knocking at the door a bit earlyDamn servants; it's so hard to find a good one these days

June 29th, 2007, 20:02
... my Driver was here knocking at the door a bit earlyDamn servants; it's so hard to find a good one these days

damn right they are ... You need a job too. get in line with the rest of the help?


June 30th, 2007, 20:13
Seems as though they did believe all the lies, sad, but true. It takes more than just one prick-head to go to war, how about four hundred thousand of them, soldiers, including "contractors" and the backing of the entire nation and billions of their "tax dollars", just to start with?
Either the American people have lost control of their own country or they are as thick as Puss himself, I don't really care who they prey too, as long as they stay at home.

I am still not sure why you blame all Americans for the worlds problems or, why you would like us to stay home. If Americans did as you ask and the Americans with drew within themselves as it was before Germany invaded Poland. We could return to the non-intervention policies of that age and let the world go to pot. I would dare to think what the world would look like on a map now if we had of stayed put of that war or just let the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor and shrugged it off as some big mistake. I fear, if we retreated inside our borders the tourist including Thailand would go to pot as would many other tourist spots around the world and everyone had we strayed out of the war would be speaking German in the Europe. The world would be more divided and America would likely be the only English speaking country left and the rest would be speaking Japanese and German. So,There was a time when the call was not Yang go home it was Yank please come. I guess I really don't understand what makes you hate me or us with such venom. I have met many that disliked us and maybe with good reason. But none that carried the chip on his ass that you do about an American. Your father must have fondled you as a kid or something while singing the national anthem. That is the only logical conclusion for you being both gay and as anti-American as you are.


June 30th, 2007, 21:43
Seems as though they did believe all the lies, sad, but true. It takes more than just one prick-head to go to war, ....

Right on Ceddie! It usually helps if you have some dumb-shit British PM sending his own troops in to watch your backside in Basra.
And Blair STILL thinks it was a good idea!

June 30th, 2007, 21:54
If Americans did as you ask and the Americans with drew within themselves as it was before Germany invaded Poland. We could return to the non-intervention policies of that age and let the world go to pot. I would dare to think what the world would look like on a map now if we had of stayed put of that war or just let the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor and shrugged it off as some big mistake.

Well I have no doubt that the British Empire, already having fought the Nazis to a stand still in North Africa and over the skies of western Europe, together with her ally, the Soviet Union, who had crushed the Nazi hordes at Stalingrad turning the tide of the war in the East, would have pressed on to certain victory in around 1952 -55. Germany could never win a war on two fronts, it couldn't in WWI and it couldn't in WWII either. With a cowering America retrenched back to the mainland, the Japanese would have had no need to attack Australia and PNG to protect it's southern flank, the Empire would have abandoned East and SE Asia to its fate under the Japanese military jackboot. The Japanese would have taken Hawaii, and the US deprived of the huge growth the war brought to its industrial and scientific base would be but a shadow of its current self.

As Roosevelt undoubtedly understood it, if the US did not join the already existing War in 1941, it was the US that had the most to loose.

July 1st, 2007, 20:13
I am sue Auntie you may Be right, eventually they wold have won but at what cost. 45 to 52 is a long time to fight in that kind of cold and circumstances although, I am sure the Russians were much more used to the cold.

I probably watch to much national geographic any way since they took Fox off the air or the Sputnik went away as the said. I have only CNN Asia to watch and national geographic. Since I hate the libs on CNN I just try to catch the world news and Skip the politics.