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June 8th, 2007, 00:24
BBC Breaking News Thursday 8th June

"Leaders of the G8 nations have agreed to a compromise deal on tackling climate change, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said. "We agreed... that CO2 emissions must first be stopped and then followed by substantial reductions," she said.

Reports said the leaders had agreed to hold talks on a replacement to the Kyoto Protocol within a UN framework.
Mrs Merkel had been pushing for a 50% cut in emissions by 2050. The US had resisted calls for targets to be fixed.

"Global greenhouse gas emissions must stop rising, followed by substantial global emission reductions"
G8 statement

She said G8 leaders had agreed to consider her target, but there was no suggestion that a final agreement would include any mandatory commitment to major emissions cuts. According to an extract from the agreed text published on the G8 website, the leaders agreed to take "strong and early" action.

"Taking into account the scientific knowledge as represented in the recent IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] reports, global greenhouse gas emissions must stop rising, followed by substantial global emission reductions," the text says.

Blair optimistic The German chancellor has portrayed the deal as a major success.

But the BBC's diplomatic correspondent James Robbins, in Heiligendamm, says the precise wording of today's agreement will be picked over by critics and environmental campaigners.

I'm both surprised and very pleased at how far we have come forward Tony Blair British Prime Minister.

Ahead of the meeting US President George W Bush proposed the establishment of his own process of climate control negotiations. The compromise appears to bring Mr Bush's plan into the wider UN-brokered process - something the US had previously resisted.

Speaking to reporters, British Prime Minister Tony Blair deflected concerns about the absence of a precise definition of the term "substantial cuts". "I'm both surprised and very pleased at how far we have come forward in the couple of years since [the 2005 G8 summit at] Gleneagles," he told reporters.

"Now we have an agreement that there will be a climate change deal, it will involve everyone, including the US and China, and it will involve substantial cuts."

Climate change had been one of several themes dominating the build-up to the summit.

Meanwhile, Mr Bush has met Russian President Vladimir Putin against a backdrop of disagreements over US plans for missile defence.

Mr Bush said the pair had a "constructive" meeting, in which Mr Putin suggested using a radar station in Azerbaijan instead of facilities elsewhere in Europe.

Earlier, Mr Bush said the row over a missile defence shield was "nothing we ought to be hyperventilating about".

BBC News

So Pres. Bush's charm offensive which seems to have blown hot and cold, has upset the Czechs and Russians over the missile defense shield neither of whom want it. Tony Blair, Angela Merkel, and many are desperately disappointed that no clear action for leadership on climate change can be announced due to the President's vacillating and intransigence.

June 8th, 2007, 03:52

Global warming is a simple matter of the Earth's Climate following the pattern of sun spot activity.
It has happened in the past several times.

British TV Channel 4 - The Great Global Warming Swindle (http://www.channel4.com/science/microsites/G/great_global_warming_swindle/)

The Royal Society a simple guide (http://www.royalsoc.ac.uk/page.asp?id=6229&gclid=CLrC65yk94sCFQzklAodGngxWw)

Global Warming is a Farce (http://www.globalwarmingisafarce.com/)

June 8th, 2007, 23:50
TOTAL SCAREMONGERING. said the ostrich with his head in the sand. :))

BBC News
Geldof calls G8 summit 'a farce'
Poverty campaigner Bob Geldof has condemned leaders of the G8 nations for coming up with a deal on Africa which he says is a "farce". He praised Tony Blair, who he said had "gone down all guns blazing" in an effort to get the eight nations to deliver on previous aid commitments. But he said he also felt sorry for the out-going PM as he had secured "no legacy stuff" in the two-day talks.

And he launched a strongly-worded attack on the other summit leaders. At a joint press conference with fellow rock star and Live8 organiser, Bono, Mr Geldof said: "When richer nations so flagrantly view pledges as disposable, if they become too inconvenient, their ability to urge the leaders of the poorest countries to stick with difficult changes is much reduced.

"This is seen throughout the world, throughout any shape of politics, where people talk about numbers or the poor, as a nonsense. "I won't have it spun as anything else, except a farce." Earlier, the G8 leaders vowed to deliver on pledges to Africa, and agreed a $60bn (┬г30bn) package for fighting Aids, malaria and TB.

On the final day of their summit in northern Germany, they repeated a commitment made at the 2005 Gleneagles summit to double aid for Africa by the end of the decade.
Mr Blair, who is standing down as prime minister at the end of this month, hailed the deal as "immense progress".

But Mr Geldof, who led global calls for action on Africa ahead of the 2005 Gleneagles summit, said the summit had been "a grotesque failure". He used strong language to describe the leaders of the G8 nations. But he told BBC News 24 that he and Bono did have some respect for Mr Blair and Gordon Brown, who set to replace Mr Blair in Downing Street.

"In this issue, he and I and all the other thousands of people wouldn't have got very far if Blair and Brown hadn't been doing their thing for the last few years." And he said campaigners would continue to put pressure on the world's leaders ahead of the next G8 summit in Japan.

Story from BBC NEWS:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/u ... 735109.stm (http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/uk_news/politics/6735109.stm)

On BBC World TV, St. Bob Geldorf said that the US$60 billion promised for Africa was later changed to $60 billion worldwide. Generous promises made at the G8 meeting at Gleneagles Scotland had mostly not materialized.

June 9th, 2007, 00:14
Why am I not surprised that wowpow is a global warming monkey?

June 9th, 2007, 02:43
Angela Merkel has said, "We agreed... that CO2 emissions must first be stopped and then followed by substantial reductions".Those Germans never were very strong on logic