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June 5th, 2007, 03:37
Often I see questions as to what gift to give a Thai bf. Consider giving your bf and yourself vaccinations for Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B. Hep A is very contagious although not necessarily life threating however Hep B is one of the leading causes of liver cancer especially in Asia. It seems that Hep B is far more prevalent in Asia then in Europe or North America and is transmitted through contact with blood of an infected person. Hep A requires two shots and is readily available and inexpensive at most clinics in Thailand. Hep B vaccination requires three shots and is more expensive and not as readily found so best to go to a hospital. Unfortunately there is no vaccination for Hep C which is also a leading cause of liver disease. These are simple measures that could save suffering or your life.

June 5th, 2007, 03:52
Bonne idee Francois!

Another thought is to buy your BF medical insurance. There are a couple of good plans (BUPA, Happy, etc.) and they are very affordable.

June 5th, 2007, 12:00
I agree. The Hep A and Hep B vaccines should be taken by every farang who comes to Thailand.
You get get Hep from eating shellfish or any food if the handlers haven't washed their hands after
using the toilet and other ways like rimming.

I took the full series of Hep A and B vacccines before my first trip as I knew I would be at risk.
You have to space out the vaccines and I recall Hep B was a series of three shots and Hep A two but
you need to verify that and that the time space between shots was several months (3-6) but again I don't recall.
I had them done at a public health clinic in the USA at no cost and it was at a time when they were
reaching out to the gay community.

Your Thai friend may have already been exposed to Hep A and/or B and will need a blood test to make sure.

Another good idea is to bring the boy/man to the dentist, if only for a checkup and a cleaning/scaling. It may be
his first time and you can do a good deed for very little money. Now, if he needs braces, run for the hills. :cat:

June 5th, 2007, 13:28
I I took the full series of Hep A and B vacccines before my first trip as I knew I would be at risk.
You have to space out the vaccines and I recall Hep B was a series of three shots and Hep A two but
you need to verify that and that the time space between shots was several months (3-6) but again I don't recall.
I had them done at a public health clinic in the USA at no cost and it was at a time when they were
reaching out to the gay community.

Agree about the getting the Hep A/B vaccinations, but really ALL gay guys should have them regardless of whether they go to Thailand or not. It seems that some people have the idea that Thailand is rampant with every STI known to man, but think that they dont need to take the same precautions at home. Seems that the HIV rates in many western countries are increasing at significant rates, despite money being put into education programs there.

June 5th, 2007, 14:07
Hep A needs a booster shot after 10 years and Hep B after 5 or that was the case when I got mine. It's not a bad idea to make a note in your passport.

Others you should have are:

Polio - booster 10 years

Tetanus - booster 10 years

Typhoid - booster 3 years

June 5th, 2007, 15:33
wow, didn't know about this one.
Is it reccommended for SE Asia?

You can get the boys the vaccines, go to the dentist and still buy them the gold and mobiles.

Nobody wants vaccines or to go to the dentist but it is a way to gain merit and maybe some
good karma. Surprised that bg and jb both took the cheap shot when francois came up with
a good idea and sometimes adults have to take care and do what is best for the health of
those they care about.

June 5th, 2007, 15:49

We thoroughly understand the value of vaccines and dental care.

It is unlikely though, that your uneducated companions will understand or appreciate them as a "gift".

Do it for them, by all means. But don't expect them to appreciate it as much as a gold necklace or a mobile phone.

That's all that was meant.

June 5th, 2007, 15:56
of course everyone knows these things and of course everyone understands that francois meant gift as in gift of life, and
in a different sense than a material gift. .... :cat:

June 5th, 2007, 17:32
This is my first post and I expect it will be my last. I have been reading this board for some time now and am used to the styles of the regular correspondents. Generally they make for interest, but I have to say I've had enough of the boygeenyus character. Francois made a very worthwhile suggestion which I can support from experience. I have dragged a couple of the boys along to the hospital to organize their Hep A and Hep B shots and I pay another's annual medical insurance premium. (I will probably do it for others.) I can assure you they knew and valued what I was doing and would not have preferred that I give them a gold chain instead. Boygeenyus seems to think that cleverness with the waspish riposte or condescending rodomontade is an indication of intelligence; to me it is an indication of a smartarsed prick.

June 5th, 2007, 17:50
Well, in my opinion anyone who uses the word rodomontade is a white shoe-wearing, pedantic putz!

June 5th, 2007, 18:41
Hang in there post again he has always been a prick put him on ignore

June 6th, 2007, 04:47
Like Chancellor, I had to drag my friend to the clinic for the initial shots and had to follow up to see that he returned for the others, which he had done. As much as he hates getting jabbed with needles he seemed genuinely touched that I cared about his health. And it was at his request that I provide him with medical insurance.

On a more personal note, when I first requested by Thai friend to be vaccinated for Hepatitis over a year ago, it was because this seemed the smart thing to do, same as a Flu shot or any other vaccination.
One month ago my twin brother was diagnosed with liver cancer caused by a Hepatitis infection contacted during the Vietnam War many years ago. This type of cancer is inoperable, incurable and always fatal. When I did research into his condition I then learned of the prevalence of Hep A, Hep B, Hep C and liver cancer in Asia. This prompted my post on the Gift of Life.


June 7th, 2007, 19:01
And since you are at it why not taking them to the Red Cross Centre for and HIV Test?

June 8th, 2007, 04:10
I think bringing your Thai friend to the dentist is a neat thing to do, I have been doing it for several years for one of the guys I met in 2001. This past May, he said he needed to go to the dentist. I don't think he had been to the dentist often before knowing me. Thank goodness he only needed one filling over the years and this time he needed to have one pulled. He does associate me with a trip to the dentist. I may have mentioned another of my more recent friends, knowing him for three years. This year he said he needed glasses more than a trip to the dentist. So off we went to Beautiful Optical across from Boystown on Second Soi. The staff is gay-friendly to say the least. They treated me like my friend's uncle, and explained that his astigmatic condition was a bit worse and he needed a bit stronger lens in his glasses. I hated all the rain that seemed to follow me during this past visit, but the rain made going to the dentist and Beautiful Optical less burdensome. I did notice a new phone hooked on my current best friend's belt. He upgraded by himself, seems he came into a bucket of baht that coincided with my visit. he he he The day before I left LOS we went to Cabbage and Condoms, he was so proud to call the motor bike boy on the phone as we were sipping our coffee after the meal, so as we exited the restaurant, our chariot awaited us. ... What a nice place for a meal as you hear the soft pounding surf in the background. It is a must do, be sure to ask for a table near the water. Big 10 on romantic scale. Cabbage and Condoms is a bit off the beaten path but worth the effort. Just follow the signs off the road that goes out to Jomtien beach.. I have no memory of the food, I guess I liked it, but it will be a night that is stored away in my memory Palace. I used to say memory bank, but needed more room the outstanding memories, and had to move into a memory Palace, a la Hannibal.