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View Full Version : Enough

American Teacher-old
February 8th, 2006, 11:31
Enough is enough. I submit to defeat and bow to the presence of those more experienced and incredibly more jaded members who have harrassed me.

I will no longer post on this board. You win.

For anyone who wants the latest information on the Nook, you have 3 choices:

1. Goto our website... www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)

2. Sign up for our mailing list -- just email info@niddysnook with your information.

3. Watch the Pattaya Gay weekly report.

Best of luck to all of you.

-Chris & Niddy

February 8th, 2006, 11:52
Leaving so soon? I haven't even ordered my main course yet. Well, I just wanted to wish you Happy Birthday! Great combover Chris - you don't look a day over 40.

PS My love to Niddy, Sebastian and Olivia.
PPS If I were to bring my little Pekinese, would you give it a rinse and blowdry while I was dining?

February 8th, 2006, 11:57
Well thats your right A.T.The point is to be a businessman you have to be able to take negative feedback as well.Every business gets complaints sometimes justified sometimes not.If you cant take that then your self esteem is very low.To run a business you have to be strong,take the good with the bad,fix problems,be a people person,be seen by the public as happy and in control.Its your business,you run it as you see fit,if people got you down on here then you are not confident about yourself.
What some business people fail to do is turn negatives into positives.
People test you,test you out to see how you react.Reacting in a calm positive manner lets the many readers on this board feel more comfortable with you even if your in the wrong.
Sometimes as a businessman your the same as a politician,and have to lie and apologise and crawl to people when you really dont want.You have to talk to all kinds of people and listen to their problems and remember their names and their stories and be nice to them when your think what arseholes this customer is.You do this to build up your business and to bring in more money.People like to be treated importantly and their name remembered.They like to see a business owner who finds positive solutions to complaints and abuse.The many readers on here look to see how you react and they then get an idea of what kind of person you could be.As sad as it may be,when a poster puts down or runs down a business on here ,readers want to read how the owner responds and then that comes across to them how you react and what kind of person you are.
You will tend to find most people will not be concewrned about small mistakes and minor complaints if they think your a positive type person who does his best for everyone.Its how you are seen that counts.
Its a bit like when someone is wearing a uniform ,that person will be asked questions on locations etc by members of the public,why,because he is wearing a uniform and they have the idea he knows everything because he looks important and is trustworthy because of the uniform whether that be fireman or paramedic or security guard.Its the same with a businessman,the idea is they are leaders and should be able to control and react to all situations in a calm manner and be polite and take abuse etc. Thats how the public perceive businesspeople.No ones knocking you for going,thats your right,as they say,if its too hot in the kitchen then go.

February 8th, 2006, 12:00
Enough indeed. Thread closed.