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View Full Version : Comments about Bars and the Owners that post here

May 30th, 2007, 08:33
When I stayed at LaCafe Royale, I had such a good time, I was impressed with the room I rented, the driver and car that picked me up and I loved Throbb/Splash. I was more than happy to post my thoughts on the place... All my thoughts were Positive and on return visits I still found the hotel to be a class act but the show at the place was not as entertaining as I remembered it and I said so on the message boards. Shortly after my post, I found that the management of the place was active on the board! I had no idea! If I had known, I wonder if I would have been so free with my compliments and complaints?

It happend again when I visited Krazy Dragon. I loved the place but had some negative things to say. True that the negative things I offered were small and could have been dealt with very easy by anyone who was bothered the way I felt bothered.... But after my post, I went back and the staff were very apologetic to me and much kinder than usual. something was different and I was not sure what it was.... I was not sure until I came back to the board and was told that the owner reads the board! Later I saw some posts by the owner...... I felt so bad for employee who I had made negative comments about. Everything I posted was the truth but I don't think I would have ever said it on here if I had known that their employer would see what I said.

I think it is great the the owners and managers are active on boards like this but at times I wish we could speak freely without the hammer falling on an employee or two who may have had a bad moment, hour, day or weekend only to have them exposed to their boss in a one sided opinion of a drinking poster who is trying to write an interesting/entertaining post related to a person, place or thing....

So.... if I have anything negative to say about an employee of a bar, I will not mention the bar to protect the employee....

That is all..... This was on my mind and I just wanted to say it.

May 30th, 2007, 09:04
Dear bucknaway,

I am no longer the owner nor have any affiliation to Le Cafe Royale, Throb/Splash since I sold on October 31st 2006.

I have no affiliation to any bar or entertainment establishment anywhere in Thailand.

The New owners changed the shows and style of the shows when they moved in, I have no comments to make in that area at all, it would not be appropiate for me to do so.

Krazydragon is now on the board and has actually been a friend of mine for many years outside the "bars and booze" nonsense. The exchanges between us are most certainly not malicious in any way, only light hearted.

I do know him well, and if he saw, as would I, a comment on the board that needed correcting in our establishments, We would act upon it.

I am enjoying being a customer in all the bars and it is easier and more pleasurable, if I don't like it, I move, simple as that.

We have both been in Thailand long enough to know how to get our point across to the Thai members of staff without causing them hurt or upset.

Don't think too much.

May 30th, 2007, 09:09

May 30th, 2007, 09:15
Hahaha :) You guys are more fun than a message board stuffed with banner ads between every post! :)

May 30th, 2007, 12:06
Well I disagree.

You inconsiderate and callous bitch, bucknaway! How dare you be so thoughtless and hurtful to the feelings of the Thai staff concerned, you utter prick. I am absolutely disgusted with you.

It is my view that you need to make up for your wanton and reckless lack of consideration for others by immediately posting full frontal nude pictures of yourself to the board. As far as IтАЩm concerned itтАЩs the only way you are going to make up any merit in my eyes. :idea:

May 30th, 2007, 15:26
Name names, and bars.

Well no surprise seeing this post of yours here. Nothing wrong in naming names and bars in my opinion. However that said, one should always endeavour to make sure when naming these names, what is being said about them is the truth; something obviously, that's is of little significance to you.


May 30th, 2007, 15:31

May 30th, 2007, 15:34
Oh goody, looky here, I have a fan!!!

Do I care what you think Georgy Porgy?

Are you going to be stalking me now and every post I make you'll be referring to some post you got the arse with, in some small way? Just so I know.

That's what George does best. He has "issues" (he says, making a circular motion with his index finger near his right temple...).

May 31st, 2007, 04:58
Ol' Georgie thinks that the 9/11 world trade center event was an inside job (the US government or some such other evil entity carried it out to make it look like some terrorists did it) and we're all idiots for not accepting the "intelligent" reports that "prove" that. Better be careful, Botting, or you'll be named as one of the co-conspirators.

P.S. My guess is videos of the planes flying into the twin towers were made by Dreamworks and/or Disney. Come to think of it, they used the same movie set where they faked the moon landing.....

May 31st, 2007, 08:41
Better be careful, Botting, or you'll be named as one of the co-conspirators.

Botting does not like to be called by his last name! Former Police Officer Botting, please!

May 31st, 2007, 10:16
Oh goody, looky here, I have a fan!!!

Do I care what you think Georgy Porgy?

Are you going to be stalking me now and every post I make you'll be referring to some post you got the arse with, in some small way? Just so I know.

That's what George does best. He has "issues" (he says, making a circular motion with his index finger near his right temple...).

Oh look, a two pronged attack from Dumb and fucking Dumber. By the way Botting, I see nothing "small way" where slandering someone is concerned. As far as stalking you goes, you flatter your fucking self. Do you honestly believe that I would consider it worth my time to do so? Just in case you have any doubts on this; I don't.


May 31st, 2007, 10:22
Ol' Georgie thinks that the 9/11 world trade center event was an inside job (the US government or some such other evil entity carried it out to make it look like some terrorists did it) and we're all idiots for not accepting the "intelligent" reports that "prove" that. Better be careful, Botting, or you'll be named as one of the co-conspirators.

P.S. My guess is videos of the planes flying into the twin towers were made by Dreamworks and/or Disney. Come to think of it, they used the same movie set where they faked the moon landing.....

Instead of carrying a discussion over from the Global Forum Bob, you may consider dealing with my unanswered question to you in that thread first. That's if you can get your head out of your arse for long enough to do so. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/moon.gif


May 31st, 2007, 10:57
How does one answer the irrational? One doesn't. I'm just whistling the Twilight Zone theme song and moving on....

May 31st, 2007, 11:05
How does one answer the irrational? One doesn't. I'm just whistling the Twilight Zone theme song and moving on....

http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/no_no-1.gif That's a kop out Bob and you know it. You can take the piss all you want, but there was nothing irrational about my question at all.
The truth of the matter is; you don't have an answer to it. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/biglaugh.gif


May 31st, 2007, 11:12
Oh look, a two pronged attack from Dumb and fucking Dumber. By the way Botting, I see nothing "small way" where slandering someone is concerned. As far as stalking you goes, you flatter your fucking self. Do you honestly believe that I would consider it worth my time to do so? Just in case you have any doubts on this; I don't.Clearly there's a lot to be said for George's style of Buddhist enlightenment. Interestingly this piece of cool heartedness and general dispassionate discourse comes in a thread displaying inside knowledge of boy bars, yet when I had the temerity to suggest that George has an intimate knowledge of bars there was an indignant demand to prove it. This thread alone is proof enough. I'm waiting for the inevitable sequel, somewhere along the way, when George will tell us about the thrills of multiple offs, while at the same time asserting that he isn't a promiscuous homosexual

May 31st, 2007, 18:30

May 31st, 2007, 20:32
And BG whats with the ex-police thing all of a sudden?

I dunno...you don't like to be called "Botting", and I don't think you go back to being regular old "Mr." after you've been a copper. Do you? I mean, they're still calling Thaksin "Pol. Capt. Dr. Thaksin Shinawatra".

June 1st, 2007, 10:18
Looks like you've made a few "friends" here Georgie already?

Actually Botting that's quite true, I have. I am sure that you can imagine how devastated I am that BG, Hommie and especially yourself, are not amongst them. In fact, it is causing me sleepless nights. By the way, what was that you were saying about stalking? http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/whistle.gif

June 2nd, 2007, 23:13
What?? Will somebody please interpret that last note for me. Cute picture anyway.

June 2nd, 2007, 23:37
Portions? Is that a Welsh term? Pudding?

June 3rd, 2007, 00:43
I think LMTU has been on the old gin this evening?

June 3rd, 2007, 03:08
No wonder Pattaya is changing beyond all rhyme or reason. If you dont like it here stay away. .

Well LMTU, let me tell you something. You will never know how much I echo those sentiments of yours above. With the way that some here are constantly whinging about, not only Pattaya, but the country as a whole, it really baffles me as to WTF they are doing living here. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/headscratch.gif

Well, anyone else got any ideas as to why these people stay here, if it is so fucking bad? I ask, because it sure beats me. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/shrugs.gif


June 3rd, 2007, 03:11
Alot of long term expats have nothing to go back to. I don't mean that in a mean way. I mean that in a compassionate way. So I say go ahead and whine if it pleases you. People change. Places change. Getting old is no garden party.

June 3rd, 2007, 07:58
Well, anyone else got any ideas as to why these people stay here, if it is so fucking bad? I ask, because it sure beats me.

I think people like that were very unhappy in their home countries to begin with and think that moving to a place like Thailand will make them happy. It doesn't. Because it's not where they live that makes them unhappy, (what's on the outside) these are unhappy people (it's on the inside) and moving local won't change that.

I get the sense that Pattaya is becoming more and more gentrified, if that's the right word for Pattaya. How many times have you seen this around the world. Gays, bohemians, artists, creative interesting people, free spirits move into a run down sleazy dump of a suburb/city, and turn it into a hip and happening place. And then all the dullards and hangers-on attracted by the sparkly bright lights of the radiant people move in, to be seen with and among them of course! (I live among artists, it makes me a very interesting person!) But these people want better roads, better schools, better gogobars, more rules, and before you know it the whole place has become gentrified, expensive and nothing but a boring shadow of its former self. And all the gays and artists and druggies have long since buggered off.

June 3rd, 2007, 10:46
Well, anyone else got any ideas as to why these people stay here, if it is so fucking bad? I ask, because it sure beats me.

I think people like that were very unhappy in their home countries to begin with and think that moving to a place like Thailand will make them happy. It doesn't. Because it's not where they live that makes them unhappy, (what's on the outside) these are unhappy people (it's on the inside) and moving local won't change that.

I get the sense that Pattaya is becoming more and more gentrified, if that's the right word for Pattaya. How many times have you seen this around the world. Gays, bohemians, artists, creative interesting people, free spirits move into a run down sleazy dump of a suburb/city, and turn it into a hip and happening place. And then all the dullards and hangers-on attracted by the sparkly bright lights of the radiant people move in, to be seen with and among them of course! (I live among artists, it makes me a very interesting person!) But these people want better roads, better schools, better gogobars, more rules, and before you know it the whole place has become gentrified, expensive and nothing but a boring shadow of its former self. And all the gays and artists and druggies have long since buggered off.


I have no problem with that and you are correct, just as long as people accept that and call a "spade a shovel" and A "pig, A hog." and don't deny what a place ,area, is and try to pretend it is opposite to what it is and sell it as something else.

It's like back to the old days of Superstars having gay friends, then half the budding up and coming stars decided it was a pre requisite of being famous.

In the UK,One of the most famous gay haunts in Manchester [Canal street] has now been overrun with the Fag Hags, Football loonies etc and they have, in effect, ruined it, as was.

Big business and breweries now rule the roost in Canal Street with swanky wine bars and restaurants.

There have now been serious assaults and violence and the colourful crowd, all the transsexuals, characters, dreamers, people who made it, the place it was have moved on,or been moved on.

I remember going back home a while ago, and I called in a gay pub in Bradford one lunchtime, it was very quiet, the smell of stale beer from the night before wafting through.

There were a few old queens sat at the bar on stools wittering on and going over the events in the bar of the previous evening, [which were about as interesting as watching England play cricket!] looking at each other over who's turn it was to buy the next round of half pints!

I looked out of the window and saw the dirt Grey overcast English skies and thought to myself, get me back over to Thailand. This must be the most distressing and dismal place on the Planet.

Then imagine jumping out of your car/motorbike on a bright sunny day, listening to Monty's nonsense etc, having a laugh and a beer with the daytime bartenders in Pattayaland, Sunnee or Jomtien,walking along Jomtien beach or the night market in Bangkok, Give me that any day, for any of its faults.

June 3rd, 2007, 11:08
" ... I looked out of the window and saw the dirt Grey overcast English skies and thought to myself, get me back over to Thailand. This must be the most distressing and dismal place on the Planet.

Then imagine jumping out of your car/motorbike on a bright sunny day, listening to Monty's nonsense etc, having a laugh and a beer with the daytime bartenders in Pattayaland, Sunnee or Jomtien,walkining along Jomtien beach or the night market in Bangkok, Give me that any day, for any of its fault ... "
Very cool Kevin. A wonderful synopsis of the reasons for making (or attempting to make) a home in Thailand ... be it in Bangkok, Pattaya, Chiang Mai, Phuket, Nongkhai, Surin, Hua Hin, Kalasin etc etc etc.

Thanks ....

June 3rd, 2007, 17:21
Aunty, I have no problem with that and you are correct. .

I have no problem either and also believe Aunty to be correct. Thanks for your detailed reply Auntie. Many of the things you said, described perfectly, many of those that are currently residing in Pattaya. Thanks for your input and answers to my question, also yours Kevin.

When I was back in the UK last April, I went up to Liverpool for a long weekend to visit some friends. One night whilst there, my friends took me to Canal Street in Manchester, where I hadn't been for quite a number of years. With the experience I gained by my visit that night, I I know exactly what you mean by your comments in your post Kevin with regard to how the place has changed.

To say it has just changed, would in my opinion be a gross understatement. It was fucking unrecognizable from the place I remembered it being from my last visit. As you rightly said Kevin, all the many different characters you would see there in the past, were no longer around, without having been replaced by any new ones. And, as you aptly described, there were swanky wine bars with totally outrageous drink prices and too many very ordinary restaurants.

I was really disappointed, as it was such a great and fun place to visit in the past. After finishing only my second drink, I asked my friends if we could go somewhere else. They looked relieved at my suggestion and seemed equally as anxious as I was to depart.

Anyway, when I am back in the UK, I never manage to hold out to the date of my scheduled departure and my flight home to Thailand. I always end up bringing the date forward. Despite all the many aggravating issues some have here with Thailand along with their many complaints about the place, as far as I am concerned it's good points far outweigh it's bad ones. I am left with no doubt whatsoever in my mind, how fortunate I am to be living here, instead of somewhere like that place in England you described Kevin, as well as other place like it. Thanks again guys, and Choc Dee.
Phom Rhak Thailand. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/beerchug.gif


Lunchtime O'Booze
June 3rd, 2007, 17:51
I've undressed and " the negative things I offered were small "..the lads just fall about laughing.

June 5th, 2007, 02:57
I looked out of the window and saw the dirt Grey overcast English skies and thought to myself, get me back over to Thailand. This must be the most distressing and dismal place on the Planet.

Then imagine jumping out of your car/motorbike on a bright sunny day, listening to Monty's nonsense etc, having a laugh and a beer with the daytime bartenders in Pattayaland, Sunnee or Jomtien,walking along Jomtien beach or the night market in Bangkok, Give me that any day, for any of its faults.

i think the same everytime I think of visiting England