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View Full Version : lynching on fart-stop

May 25th, 2007, 13:12
As a follow up to my discussion (with Pussy) regarding the influence of anti-semites on Fart-stop.com, everybody is welcome to see as a group of filthy antisemites with inferiority complex virtually lynched one of their members of apparently Jewish origin (who is also a prolific comtributor to this and other message boards).

May 25th, 2007, 13:30
What a bunch of Smurfy Nazi-smurfs! :smurf:

Smurf Stop (http://websmurfer.devnull.net/cgi-bin/translator.cgi?mode=smurf&url=http://www.baht-stop.com/forums/index.php?s=14a02426f47df2010635f25d4d55d698&showforum=11)

What a bunch of smurf-holes! :yel:

May 25th, 2007, 21:45
Doesnt Oogleman run that board?
Im sure he wouldnt put up with that?

Gay Ting Tong is Oogleman's. Fart stop is the terror twins, Hedda and (deleted). Or so I'm told.

May 25th, 2007, 23:25
(deleted)? Who is (deleted)?

Cheers ...

May 26th, 2007, 01:14
(deleted) is someone who will definitely bitch if he sees his first name being used in vain.

May 26th, 2007, 01:21
(deleted) is someone who will definitely bitch if he sees his first name being used in vain.

He will act like (deleted) Lee in such cases, and makes no prisoners but goes for direct effective but painfull kill, Only what I have heard mind you, so it's a wise decision Spike.

May 26th, 2007, 01:23
It is shameful that this thread is permitted to run with its offensive thread title.

A banned poster on baht-stop.com uses this nonsense name which doesn't even rhythm and now
it has been picked up by otherwise responsible posters.

As the thread is full of deletions and nonsense, it should be deleted in total, even if smiles thinks otherwise.

It shows a lack of respect for other boards to permit slurs like this one and one can expect vulgar names
for this site and the others from disgruntled posters. It just feeds the trolls and is beneath the standards of
this forum. No doubt these comments will rouse someone to sling some nastiness my way and it would be
appropriate on this most stupid and undignified of current threads.... :cat:

Brad the Impala
May 26th, 2007, 02:29
A banned poster on baht-stop.com uses this nonsense name which doesn't even rhythm and now
it has been picked up by otherwise responsible posters.

How do names rhythm? Is that like saying George Bernard Shaw in a tango tempo?

Or did you mean rhyme? Why do nonsense names need to rhyme?

Catawampus Cat doesn't rhyme or rhythm. It's so hard to get your drift sometimes.

May 26th, 2007, 06:10
Suggest this entire thread be deleted.
Not of any merit here!!
And I am not even Buddist...

May 26th, 2007, 07:48
(deleted) the Goose


May 26th, 2007, 07:58
Who's afraid of the big bad (deleted)?

May 26th, 2007, 11:45
It is shameful that this thread is permitted to run with its offensive thread title.

A banned poster on baht-stop.com uses this nonsense name which doesn't even rhythm and now
it has been picked up by otherwise responsible posters.

As the thread is full of deletions and nonsense, it should be deleted in total, even if smiles thinks otherwise.

It shows a lack of respect for other boards to permit slurs like this one and one can expect vulgar names
for this site and the others from disgruntled posters. It just feeds the trolls and is beneath the standards of
this forum. No doubt these comments will rouse someone to sling some nastiness my way and it would be
appropriate on this most stupid and undignified of current threads.... :cat:
Let me remind you, Cat, that you have been slapped by Hedda personally. While on the surface it had nothing to do with our discussion, I am sure that was the reason. Due to unfriendly nature of our exchange I do not want to go back to it but read again what you said
then. It was more than enough to infuriate Hedda. And it is her typical MO to strike when it fits her. Your usual appeal tp HER manhood (if you man enough...) was totally unappropriate as she on more than occassion self-characterized herself as an old sad queen.
On more serious note this message board was viciously attacked on Baht-stop on numerous occassions. Thus, I think it is totally appropriate here to indicate the degree of degeneration of Baht-stop and its SHAMEFUL nature.

May 26th, 2007, 11:56
OK, enough. Thread closed.

The Boss
