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May 24th, 2007, 09:52

May 24th, 2007, 11:12
I'm not!

but typically witty, in Billy's own kind of way! Fits with the avator!

May 24th, 2007, 11:41
" ... Any relationship with an age gap (he is 30 and I am 48), and cultural differences as profound as Thai to UK, is going to be hard work. But for now at least I have decided to keep on working at it ... "
Have to say that does have an ominous sound to it.

Cheers ...

May 24th, 2007, 11:45
In other words, he'll do whatever he can to keep a hold on his piece of ass...until he gets bored with it and decides to exchange it for a younger model.

May 24th, 2007, 11:48

May 24th, 2007, 12:30
BG You are pure class. I wonder what it must be like to live in your perfect little world?

You'll just have to keep wondering, JB, as you'll never experience it yourself.

May 24th, 2007, 13:10
Oh yes, I see the compliments are flying :cheers:

May 24th, 2007, 13:27
48yo? couldnt you find a Thai BF in the U.K?

Your suppossed to be Registered Nurse ,why couldnt you find a Thai male nurse?
I hope your relationship falls apart because you deserve it.

Well can't you find a Thai bf in Sydney? I mean there's plenty there. (I've rooted plenty of Thai here in Auckland, and Sydney's no different). Or what about hooking up with some Aussie manshelia? We've all seen Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, we know Australia's got more tranny's than Sony, especially around the area where you live in, ya big poofta.

Actually what do you need to go to Thailand for anyway? Sydney was built on whores, sluts, hoes and the exchange of money for buggery, and from what I've heard, not much has changed either. You can buy any kind a base, sexually degenerate perversion you like in Sydney, and it's completely legal. So what are you going up to Pattaya for? And then when you're up there, you can't even get a l-bs.

Jesus mate, what are ya?

If I was you mate, I'd certainly loose those 50kgs asap. And when you've done with that I go for a whole new makeover too. Why don't you try that real classy place that's just around the corner from your place. You know, the Glamarama.

May 24th, 2007, 13:35
48yo? couldnt you find a Thai BF in the U.K?

Your suppossed to be Registered Nurse ,why couldnt you find a Thai male nurse?
I hope your relationship falls apart because you deserve it.

Well can't you find a Thai bf in Sydney? I mean there's plenty there. (I've rooted plenty of Thai here in Auckland, and Sydney's no different). Or what about hooking up with some Aussie manshelia? We've all seen Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, we know Australia's got more tranny's than Sony, especially around the area where you live in, ya big poofta.

Actually what do you need to go to Thailand for anyway? Sydney was built on whores, sluts, hoes and the exchange of money for buggery, and from what I've heard, not much has changed either. You can buy any kind a base, sexually degenerate perversion you like in Sydney, and it's completely legal. So what are you going up to Pattaya for? And then when you're up there, you can't even get a l-bs.

Jesus mate, what are ya?

If I was you mate, I'd certainly loose those 50kgs asap. And when you've done with that I go for a whole new makeover too. Why don't you try that real classy place that's just around the corner from your place. You know, the Glamarama.

When I applied for a visa for OZ they asked if I had a criminal record!!!!

Hey guys, I didn't know you still needed one!! :cheers: :cheers:

May 24th, 2007, 17:22
When I applied for a visa for OZ they asked if I had a criminal record!!!!

Hey guys, I didn't know you still needed one!! :cheers: :cheers:

Brilliant post Kevin !!! (But I suspect it will go over the heads of most of them)

May 24th, 2007, 18:56
Billy is just plain nasty. I will miss his return to LOS but maybe some of you can form a reception committee for him just to show him how much we appreciate his nasty self.

May 24th, 2007, 19:26
Many of us on this forum have followed the relationship of tricky rick and his Thai bf. It has been an uphill
battle with visas etc. and a long distance one for much of the time. I know the parties involved slightly and have been
cheering for them as things have developed.
I wondered how a winter in the UK would work out and how problems such as homesickness would be handled.

I imagine the problems must be the same for the thousands of heterosexuals who bring home wives from third
world countries and the odds are not good for success even in heterosexual marriages where the divorce rate
approaches 50% and many stay together for economic reasons or for the children.

It is sad and depressing that some posters are so cynical and mean spirited that they seek to squeeze the joy
out of life and want a world where everyone is as miserable and lonely as they are. so sad, but I give
Tricky rick much credit for taking the chance and giving it his all. It would be a pure fantasy to imagine that
everything would work out perfectly for all parties. Rick should know that some of us out here care about his
happiness and are hoping for the best against the odds.... :cat:

May 24th, 2007, 20:14
I hope the Mods don't start making it a habit of playing funny buggers with Members' posts, as they have with this one.

This mini-thread started off as a post by Colmx regarding his boyfriend receiving his 3rd visa to visit Ireland. As is perfectly normal on this message board, the thread went off in a couple of different (yet related) directions, with TrickyRick posting his experiences with his boyfriend in London (fair game and related). As is common, our Board troll wx40afp chimed in and the the Troll Feeders (who simply can't help themselves) predicatably added their 2 cents.

Then ... the Mods decided to split the thread, an give it a new name ~ included in that new title is the name wx40afp.

So now the Mods have: (1) ruined the "flow" of a perfectly good thread, without (I assume) consulting the original poster (Colmx) . . . (2) Made unintelligible some of the comments to TrickyRick, some of which are now rendered meaningless as they have been guillotined out, the body and heads placed in different threads . . . (3) Done exactly what should never be done with a troll, i.e. feed his ego (by creating a thread with his handle front and centre), and this time, presented him with not only a few crumbs, but an entire smorgasboard.

BOTTOM LINE: Colmx's interesting thread has dropped out of sight, and this troll-feeding abortion has flowed to the top ... because of course wx40afp will make sure it does, by bumping it ( and as I have now done :blackeye: )

I don't get you guys (the Mods that is) . . . and I don't get the logic of your decision-making processes (sometimes).

Perhaps each member who posts on the Board should write in big letters 'PLEASE DON"T SPLIT MY THREAD' after each message.

IMHO - only

Cheers ...

May 24th, 2007, 20:30
I couldnt agree more with what Smiles says. This thread is nonsense now.

Lunchtime O'Booze
May 24th, 2007, 23:46
"When I applied for a visa for OZ they asked if I had a criminal record!!!!

Hey guys, I didn't know you still needed one!!

I'll repeat my story about running into the late Earl (John) Jermyn many years ago in Oxford Street in Sydney and I asked what he was doing there ( he'd spent time in the clink in the US for drug offences)... "chasing a pretty boy" he replied " but now immigration are hauling me into court"

Sure enough a week later I read he had appeared in court for not stating on his immigration pass while entering Sydney that he had a criminal record...and when the magistrate asked why he replied : " but I thought a criminal record was a requirement to come to Australia !" (he relished playing an Oscar Wilde type pose)

He was deported 2 days later.

May 25th, 2007, 00:36
The thread went well off topic... thus a tangent name was used.

wx40afp edited it to apology and now I have closed it.

Smiles can now start another thread to ask the boss it reinstate its crap.