View Full Version : Where is Kalasin & Kevin Quill?: Provinces of Thailand

May 22nd, 2007, 07:49
When Kevin posted some weeks that he is now holed up in upcountry Isaan (North-east Thailand) in the Province of Kalasin I must admit to not knowing exactly where that is. Knew it was "somewhere" in Isaan but that's about it.
Anyway, I looked it up and found this excellent map on Wikipedia showing all 75 provinces . . . I number which surprised me: I had thought it was substantially less.

So my education is upgraded a bit, and thought I'd share this very good map with the board. (By the way, Kalasin is the #4 province in the North-east section of the map. The beloved is from Surin province ... #16 in the North-east section ~ but I did know that :blackeye: Where's your BF from? )

Cheers ...


List of provinces


Chiang Mai (เชียงใหม่) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Chiang Rai (เชียงราย) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Kamphaeng Phet (กำแพงเพชร) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Lampang (ลำปาง) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Lamphun (ลำพูน) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Mae Hong Son (แม่ฮ่องสอน) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Nakhon Sawan (นครสวรรค์) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Nan (น่าน) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Phayao (พะเยา) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Phetchabun (เพชรบูรณ์) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Phichit (พิจิตร) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Phitsanulok (พิษณุโลก) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Phrae (แพร่) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Sukhothai (สุโขทัย) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Tak (ตาก) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Uthai Thani (อุทัยธานี) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Uttaradit (อุตรดิตถ์) [/*:m:1is5ktea]

North-East (Isaan)

Amnat Charoen (อำนาจเจริญ) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Buri Ram (บุรีรัมย์) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Chaiyaphum (ชัยภูมิ) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Kalasin (กาฬสินธุ์) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Khon Kaen (ขอนแก่น) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Loei (เลย) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Maha Sarakham (มหาสารคาม) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Mukdahan (มุกดาหาร) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Nakhon Phanom (นครพนม) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Nakhon Ratchasima (นครราชสีมา) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Nong Bua Lamphu (หนองบัวลำภู) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Nong Khai (หนองคาย) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Roi Et (ร้อยเอ็ด) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Sakon Nakhon (สกลนคร) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Si Sa Ket (ศรีสะเกษ) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Surin (สุรินทร์) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Ubon Ratchathani (อุบลราชธานี) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Udon Thani (อุดรธานี) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Yasothon (ยโสธร)[/*:m:1is5ktea]


Ang Thong (อ่างทอง) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya (พระนครศรีอยุธยา) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Bangkok (Krung Thep Maha Nakhon), Special Governed District of (กรุงเทพ ฯ) [1] [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Chai Nat (ชัยนาท) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Kanchanaburi (กาญจนบุรี) [2] [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Lop Buri (ลพบุรี) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Nakhon Nayok (นครนายก) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Nakhon Pathom (นครปฐม) [1] [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Nonthaburi (นนทบุรี) [1] [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Pathum Thani (ปทุมธานี) [1] [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Phetchaburi (เพชรบุรี) [2] [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Prachuap Khiri Khan (ประจวบคีรีขันธ์) [[/*:m:1is5ktea]
Ratchaburi (ราชบุรี) [2] [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Samut Prakan (สมุทรปราการ) [1] [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Samut Sakhon (สมุทรสาคร) [1] [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Samut Songkhram (สมุทรสงคราม) [2] [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Saraburi (สระบุรี) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Sing Buri (สิงห์บุรี) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Suphan Buri (สุพรรณบุรี)[/*:m:1is5ktea]


Chachoengsao (ฉะเชิงเทรา) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Chanthaburi (จันทบุรี) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Chon Buri (ชลบุรี) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Prachin Buri (ปราจีนบุรี) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Rayong (ระยอง) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Sa Kaeo (สระแก้ว) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Trat (ตราด) [/*:m:1is5ktea]


Chumphon (ชุมพร) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Krabi (กระบี่) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Nakhon Si Thammarat (นครศรีธรรมราช) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Narathiwat (นราธิวาส) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Pattani (ปัตตานี) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Phang Nga (พังงา) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Phatthalung (พัทลุง) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Phuket (ภูเก็ต) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Ranong (ระนอง) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Satun (สตูล) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Songkhla (สงขลา) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Surat Thani (สุราษฎร์ธานี) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Trang (ตรัง) [/*:m:1is5ktea]
Yala (ยะลา)[/*:m:1is5ktea]
From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Provinces_of_Thailand

May 22nd, 2007, 08:07

Great Map, Rainwalker, Great photo!

We are very close by Roi Et [ about 45 minutes] and Kalasin centre is about 1 1/2 hours from us, and Khonkaen is two hours, so we are at the far end of Kalasin.

Good location if you want to visit Laos over the Friendship Bridge!

May 22nd, 2007, 08:52
My Wan (good choice of names, Rain), occasionally delightful, is from North #2 but lives in North#1.

May 22nd, 2007, 11:56

May 22nd, 2007, 12:22
And a particularly useful feature of the Wikipedia maps, I've found, is that if you click on the link to any particular Thai province, you then get a detailed map of it and a list of the various amphoe. Click on one of those and you get a list of the individual tambons.

So you can actually check out in a little more detail than you could before exactly where that hot #18 from Xtrabigboys bar comes from!!!

May 23rd, 2007, 02:33
I think 98% from Pattaya guys and girls ( am I allowed to mention the girls on a gay board? ) are from North East #18

May 23rd, 2007, 07:39
I think 98% from Pattaya guys and girls ( am I allowed to mention the girls on a gay board? ) are from North East #18

Not really Jetsam,

Kalasin, Roi Et, Khonkaen, Khorat, Surin and Ubon contribute a greast deal also!! Maybe, you've just not come across it on your travels.

Don't forget, I used to see all their IDs and we kept copies of their papers!

May 23rd, 2007, 12:18
And almost all the boy vendors on Dongtan beach seem to come from Surin!

May 23rd, 2007, 12:36
One farang,I know,states that almost all the ice cream boy vendors come from Surin and of course the one I asked, came from elsewhere
but it would make sense for friends to help friends from their home villages and provinces to find work.

For the first time in a long time, I have to give credit to smiles for authoring an interesting and helpful thread. good map!, I am sure
brad the impala helped out as I can see his imput. :cat:

May 23rd, 2007, 13:07
Yodchai from No18 - Udon Thani

May 23rd, 2007, 15:20
Hey Smiles,

It looks like you are in favour with someone!

May 23rd, 2007, 16:50
My husband is from North East No 6, Loei. We celebrated the first part of our wedding there in September last year with 40-50 of his family, friends and neighbours.

We even found the one gay bar in Loei near the bus station, although it was pretty empty every night we were there.

We stayed in a hotel in Loei where my husband had worked when he was 13/14 and some of his old workmates were still there, and surprised to discover he was gay and about to marry a farang and move to London.

One Grandmother (83, but looked 123) arrived at the house for the ceremony and asked where the woman was! When they laughed and pointed at me she shrugged and simply took her place next to us in the circle around the flower decoration and signalled to the Headman to get on with the ceremony!! Afterwards she gave us a long lecture on being faithful to each other!! Amazing!

May 24th, 2007, 10:28

Brad the Impala
May 24th, 2007, 11:07
My husband

So you are the woman or "bitch" in your relationship then???

Is it your personal experience that there is a "bitch" in every relationship then?

May 24th, 2007, 11:14

There was for me, but I was married to a woman then! and she could be a right bitch.

May 24th, 2007, 11:21

May 24th, 2007, 11:22

May 25th, 2007, 07:52
BF (see avatar) is from Chai Nat - Central area #4

Unfortunately his family lives in the east, far from the river and irrigated farmland. They only get rainfall irrigation and thus only one crop a year. Even though they're in the central provinces they're as poor as an Issan farmer.

In fact from what I could make out of his family history his grandfather did come from Issan 60 or 70 years ago and bought the land the family lives on.

May 25th, 2007, 07:55
BF (see avatar) is from Chai Nat - Central area #4

Unfortunately his family lives in the east, far from the river and irrigated farmland. They only get rainfall irrigation and thus only one crop a year. Even though they're in the central provinces they're as poor as an Issan farmer.

In fact from what I could make out of his family history his grandfather did come from Issan 60 or 70 years ago and bought the land the family lives on.

That's a boy?

May 25th, 2007, 08:02

You evil man and a good morning to you.

You'd better start being civil, they're leaving or threatening to leave the board faster than a Thai who's just won the lottery cancelling you, due to the fact you are as old , fat and ugly as his mates insisted you were all along!!!

May 25th, 2007, 08:05

You evil man and a good morning to you.

You'd better start being civil, they're leaving or threatening to leave the board faster than a Thai who's just won the lottery cancelling you, due to the fact you are as old , fat and ugly as his mates insisted you were all along!!!

They're leaving because of me? I thought they were leaving because they didn't like the job our esteemed moderators were doing.

May 25th, 2007, 08:36
....That's a boy?...

He's more a boy than you are, honey!

The real burning question is... Are you a Geenyus?

May 25th, 2007, 08:44
....That's a boy?...

He's more a boy than you are, honey!

The real burning question is... Are you a Geenyus?

Are you sure you're not mistaking a clitoris for a penis? Have you considered a chromosome test?

May 25th, 2007, 09:17
....That's a boy?...

He's more a boy than you are, honey!

The real burning question is... Are you a Geenyus?

Are you sure you're not mistaking a clitoris for a penis? Have you considered a chromosome test?

I don't think so, but I sure know an Asshole when I see one :cheers:

(boy, this has been fun but I gotta go to bed now. See ya tomorrow!)

May 25th, 2007, 10:46
One of the biggest divides between ex-pats is the ladyboy/femboy and man/boy issue.
Those who like their boys very fem, even with tits and long hair, don't feel a thing for the butch
street guys with tatttoos up the kazoo and muscled arms and legs.
The same works for those who admire brawn, hetero-oriented guys who look like cavemen...(extremes used
for dramatic purposes)...

THERE IS NO ACCOUNTING FOR TASTE and I have learned long ago, not to judge other's boys and
be thankful so many lust after the skinny baby faced pretty boys with exposed rib cages and fat free
bodies. I wouldn't go there for free but I am in a small minority on this issue.

I am lucky to like and lust after what 90% of the farangs I know, find too old, too unattractive, too butch,too fat and
not skinny bags of bones and not in their mid teens.
To each his own and only foolish men think what they like is the only thing worth liking and what they don't
like is disgusting and how can anyone be interested. bg knows better but the bitch is back......... :cat:

May 25th, 2007, 11:14
One of the biggest divides between ex-pats is the ladyboy/femboy and man/boy issue.
Those who like their boys very fem, even with tits and long hair, don't feel a thing for the butch
street guys with tatttoos up the kazoo and muscled arms and legs.
The same works for those who admire brawn, hetero-oriented guys who look like cavemen...(extremes used
for dramatic purposes)...

THERE IS NO ACCOUNTING FOR TASTE and I have learned long ago, not to judge other's boys and
be thankful so many lust after the skinny baby faced pretty boys with exposed rib cages and fat free
bodies. I wouldn't go there for free but I am in a small minority on this issue.

I am lucky to like and lust after what 90% of the farangs I know, find too old, too unattractive, too butch,too fat and
not skinny bags of bones and not in their mid teens.
To each his own and only foolish men think what they like is the only thing worth liking and what they don't
like is disgusting and how can anyone be interested. bg knows better but the bitch is back......... :cat:

And a big hand for catawampuscat!!! Never a truer word or lot of words spoken!

May 26th, 2007, 09:06
After thinking about it for a day I realized boyfriend would be absolutely delighted to find out I posted his pic on the internet and someone thought he was a girl!
Thanks BG! :cheers:

(And Kitty, Im starting to like you more and more since LMTU hasn't been around to irritate you :cat: )

May 26th, 2007, 10:32
After thinking about it for a day I realized boyfriend would be absolutely delighted to find out I posted his pic on the internet and someone thought he was a girl!
Thanks BG! :cheers:

(And Kitty, Im starting to like you more and more since LMTU hasn't been around to irritate you :cat: )

he looks too cute to be a girl

May 26th, 2007, 12:18
welcome to the light.

I'd love to start a thread about my thoughts on why lmtu hasn't posted on
Sawatdee for almost two weeks, but I'd be accused of starting trouble and
playing assistant moderator, but it does cause one to wonder if the powers
that be, have come to their collective senses and pushed the BAN button.

It would be a victory for the good guys and a defeat for the dark side......... :cheers:

May 26th, 2007, 12:50
That's a boy?

I can't be certain but isn't that the Ayatollah's bf/gf? I know he-she has full blown tits but it's hard to make out from the small pic. Too bad Geezer is in hospital. He'd be able to confirm.

May 26th, 2007, 17:34
That's a boy?

I can't be certain but isn't that the Ayatollah's bf/gf? I know he-she has full blown tits but it's hard to make out from the small pic. Too bad Geezer is in hospital. He'd be able to confirm.

Geezer, unlike yourself, is a gentlemen and would not respond to such a cruel and mean spirited post.

May 26th, 2007, 21:56
That's a boy?

I can't be certain but isn't that the Ayatollah's bf/gf? ......

No. :geek: