View Full Version : Driving in Thailand + Getting a license

May 16th, 2007, 21:35

This is a very useful site especially for getting a driving license. I got mine yesterday and it was incredibly easy but maybe I was just lucky.

In Pattaya the most difficult thing is to find the driving license office. It is tucked behind the Regent School but you may need a guide and translator. The website is informative.

The certified letter of address I got from Immigration with my house paper and a photo.

I only had a UK driving license, not and International one but that was accepted. I hear that they don't like the UK International one as it does not have a photo.

We got to the driving office about 8.45 a.m. it was pretty full. You join a long line and get your papers checked and the wait until your number comes up. You got to a desk and hand them in. Then you wait until called and go for a colour recognition test, and emergency stop test and a test of focus.

Now that's all I was asked to do, no paper, no lessons no driving. I paid my 105 baht and got the license. We left shortly after 10 a.m. I think I just got lucky?

One interesting thing about Thai driving licenses which not even my Thai friend had noticed. The 5 year one is issued not just 5 years from the date of issue but longer - until your next birthday - making it easier to remember.

May 16th, 2007, 22:24

I hear that they don't like the UK International one as it does not have a photo.

One interesting thing about Thai driving licenses which not even my Thai friend had noticed. The 5 year one is issued not just 5 years from the date of issue but longer - until your next birthday - making it easier to remember.

You are sad Wowpow, you make it sound so privileged and brilliant that they give you a 5 yr one with the birthday clause. In the UK they give you a licence till your 70.

Anyway, Thailand requires that for UK citizens (I'm only pointing out UK in the event that people get mixed up with other nationalities, I mean, I aint got a clue what sort of system they run in any other country) a British licence is required together with a UK International Licence - the International Licence lasts for 12 months only anyway and has to renewed. I think in most countries after the 12 months you have to get the country's relevant licence, however that is gotten. The point is a 12 month International Licence will suffice anyone staying in Thailand for 12 months or less.

A UK International Licence does and always has had a photograph of the relevant person in it. The new style UK driving licence also has a photograph detailed in it. The old style UK driving licence does not however.

May 17th, 2007, 00:07
White Desire - You are in very harsh mode today . You make me feel unloved.

Why you find it sad to be amused that a license is issued to be renewed on your birthday, I don't know I think it's cute. Perhaps you were reading something into my words that was not there? It is not long ago that in Thailand you just coughed up 1500 baht and a license was issued. Now that's very difficult as the Government is trying to reduce the high numbers road accidents. We went to the office through country roads and it was so sad to see the number of young children driving around on motorcycles - several definitely under 10 years old - and having a younger person as a passenger - all helmet-less!

As a first time applicant I could only apply this time for a 1 year temporary license. Thailand is not the UK and things are different here. No surprises there then.

I am sure that you are correct that an International license is valid if staying in Thailand less than a year. However, the website states that several Insurance companies have fine print stating that the driver should obtain a Thai Driving License to be fully covered. So take care.

I could have sworn that my old International Driving Permit did not have a photo in but I'm wavering. I see that a photo is required for current applications so it probably did. It is supposed to be used with the new plastic license with photo anyway.

Did you think the website - the main reason for my post - was useful to people interested in getting a Thai Driving Permit?

May 17th, 2007, 00:11


May 17th, 2007, 07:32
Sorry if I was harsh, I dont know why either, it wasnt meant to be. The site was fine, shame there is nothing (or is there) about insurance for cars and even the small motorcycles one rides.

Dunno about me paying 1500 bht for a licence, when was that, I dont recall?

May 17th, 2007, 07:38
No driving test needed? Thats more than lucky wowpow thats devine intervention.

May 17th, 2007, 14:39
I agree, the Pattaya office can be difficult to find -- I wound up hiring a motorcycle taxi to lead me to it.

I can not speak for Bangkok Immigration regarding the following "tip" on the web page:

Tip: The letter from the embassy is the fastest option, but the immigration office will provide this service for free. However, it will take them 3-6 weeks to complete and an officer from your local police station will visit your place of residence for verification.

However, at Pattaya Immigration it is usually obtainable the same day - for my 1st license, it was a 10 minute wait - for my renewal, it was come back in an hour. There was a charge (200 baht) for the first time - the 2nd time was free (show your driving license and note it is for renewal) - documents were same: copies of relevant pages from passport plus TM card, 2 photos, and copy of house paper (I provided a copy of my lease - in English).

The site also notes when renewing:

2 photos, 1 x 1 inch and not older than 6 months (use the photo service on the premises, so there won't be an issue about how old the pictures are. Using last year's pictures will definitely not be accepted).

A German friend of mine told me when he went for his renewal he had new photographs made. However, he happened to be wearing the same shirt he wore for the photo that was on his one-year llicnese. They refused to accept the pictures claiming they were "old." :scratch: When you go to get your license, either the 1-year or renewal - it is convenient to use the shops across the street from the Drivign License Office for making copies and getting your photograph -- like the shop next to Immigration, they know what documents need to be copied and make the correct size photographs. The fee is reasonable as I recall (it has been about 3 years since I used them and the memory tends to get foggy).

May 17th, 2007, 16:11
Regarding the information given by White Desire concerning the International Licence, unfortunately it is not valid for twelve months in Thailand unless the holder leaves the country every three months. On arrival, although it is a twelve month licence, its validity in Thailand ceases after the first three months. If the holder leaves Thailand, albeit for only one day, the validity is reactivated for another three months.

May 17th, 2007, 18:38
Actually I don't have a clue how long in Thailand, I actually meant the UK International Licence is valid for 12 months, however, after looking on the Thai (Hull) UK website, it says up to 6 months in Thailand before applying for Thai licence.