View Full Version : Drugs in Boystown and not Sunnee this time.

May 14th, 2007, 23:07
Was in a well known GOGO in boystown Saturday night. Went to use the toilet while the show was on. The Khatoy's and showboys dress at the back of the toilets. There was a numberof Go Gos in the toilet at the time. There was a guy there who helps with the costumes. He was selling some type of pill. I asked my thai friend what he was selling and he told me Jabba.

Maybe the police should think about testing some of the gogo bars in Boys town. It seems unfair that only Sunnee boys get tested.

May 14th, 2007, 23:10


Maybe they were Flintstones chewable vitamins. Jabba-dabba-doo!

May 14th, 2007, 23:16
Yes, indeed. All these queens thinking because they go to BoysTown they are high class.

Lunchtime O'Booze
May 14th, 2007, 23:42
count me out.

I prefer to view the stars from the gutter.

May 15th, 2007, 07:58
Hi Marigar,

Of course you are correct on you post.

There has, most certainly in the past when I was there. been tests carried out by the Police on Boyztown bars.

I actually paid myself for these tests, [ on occasions] to be carried out in my old premises, when we suspected it was happening. We also paid for weekly STDs tests.[which a lot of bars don't,regardless of area!]

You can't do these every week or at set times,[ drug tests] as the boys arrive deliberately to miss them, not bother turning in at all, or have a story that they are on some special medication and cannot take the test!

Sometimes, Politicians are going to favour Sunnee as the TV cameras get a better backdrop for the Police and the Ministers involved to be "seen to be doing something"

Everyone knows when the cameras are gone, so is the interest!

May 15th, 2007, 08:05
Hi Marigar,

Of course you are correct on you post.

There has, most certainly in the past when I was there. been tests carried out by the Police on Boyztown bars.

I actually paid myself for these tests, [ on occasions] to be carried out in my old premises, when we suspected it was happening. We also paid for weekly STDs tests.[which a lot of bars don't,regardless of area!]

You can't do these every week or at set times,[ drug tests] as the boys arrive deliberately to miss them, not bother turning in at all, or have a story that they are on some special medication and cannot take the test!

Sometimes, Politicians are going to favour Sunnee as the TV cameras get a better backdrop for the Police and the Ministers involved to be "seen to be doing something"

Everyone knows when the cameras are gone, so is the interest!


Curious as to how often you found boys with HIV, and what you did with them after discovering it?

May 15th, 2007, 08:58

If we found any person was HIV. we would refer them to someone,[ sometimes but not always Dr. Phillippe] but similar, some boys flatly refused to go and left.

They have been known to go work in bars where such tests are not carried out.

I must point out a weekly STDs test, is not specifically looking for HIV, as you all know, an HIV test is only as good as your personal behaviour two weeks prior to the test [ or similar]

HIV tests now are a lot quicker and the results faster now than it was for us for many years.[ Systems have changed, and technology better]

The test is out of date, null and void next time you have sex.

We tried to offer some boys alternative employment, if it was humanly possible.

Their predicament is explained to them. I would say,in my experience, the majority just leave and head out back to where they came and don't want any further discussion about it.

Many boys, who had been around for years, know their status and don't disclose it. That is the same, unfortunately, the World over.

May 15th, 2007, 11:08
That is the most forthright, honest and clear eyed post I've ever seen on this board.

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

And I wonder how many posters here know THEIR HIV status?

May 15th, 2007, 16:32
And I wonder how many posters here know THEIR HIV status?

Or for that fact, how many posters here know their STD status?

May 15th, 2007, 17:33
That is the most forthright, honest and clear eyed post I've ever seen on this board.

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

And I wonder how many posters here know THEIR HIV status?

Knowing ones, or ones sexual partner's HIV status is irrelevant to preventing infection. Not exchanging body fluids and, the proper use of condoms is the only thing that matters, and that comes down to a personal choice and responsibility.

May 15th, 2007, 17:57
Yes, Aunty, you are of course correct.

I was simply wondering if the bar did check HIV, and if so what kind of incidence they found -- and then what they did to support those workers.

It would not matter one bit to me -- if I were a punter -- whether a bar did HIV checks on its boys or not. It would not make any difference to how I would behave with them. In fact, I'm not sure it's a good thing for a bar to advertise that they give periodic HIV tests or not. I'm sure many punters use such a statement as a possible excuse to have unsafe sex, which obviously endangers both themselves and the boy.

May 15th, 2007, 18:26
It is only a short time since we had the bare backer from Oxford St bragging about F****** ladyboys without condoms

He admitted he did not know his HIV status and did not care

Isnt that typical of most of the sex tourists who demand the venue provide boys who are safe, but do not admit their own status

May 15th, 2007, 18:31
I'm sure many punters use such a statement as a possible excuse to have unsafe sex, which obviously endangers both themselves and the boy.
I've had that particular excuse foolishly expressed to me on more than one occasion.

As Kevin says - The test is out of date, null and void next time you have sex. And that applies to both you and the boy.

Safe sex is the best way to prevent catching STDs and HIV (apart from abstention) - but even safe sex is not an absolute guarantee of avoiding infection - it just reduces the chances to a minimal risk!

May 15th, 2007, 18:36
I wouldn't even use the term "minimal risk", as it really depends on one's interpretation of safe sex.

I'd substitute the words "acceptable risk", because that's really what it is. Each of us decides on what amount of risk is acceptable to him or her. For some, it might be abstinence from sex altogether. For some, it might be staying in a monogamous relationship. For most of us, it means fucking with a condom. Some of us insist on a condom for oral as well (I'm not one of those people).

May 15th, 2007, 20:02
Surely the kids' cocks are all too small to have a condom stay upon their innocent member.

Does that mean that the pedophiles are at the greatest risk of STDs