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February 6th, 2006, 10:03

February 6th, 2006, 11:37
I noticed the dvd 'Bareback Mountain' is now available from certain online outlets! :confused2:

February 6th, 2006, 18:14
Good wide screen copies too!

February 6th, 2006, 18:18
Buying pirated DVD's...a great way to support positive gay roles in cinema! Where's the goddam spite button when you need it???

February 7th, 2006, 00:07
Buying pirated DVD's...a great way to support positive gay roles in cinema! Where's the goddam spite button when you need it???

Exactly who are you swinging your handbag at?

And, at risk of being a pain in the arse, I think you mean 'smite button'.

Oh, and if someone is here in Thailand and cannot get to Bangkok, what do they do, wait until the biggest gay film of the last lord knows how many years is shown on HBO? Whilst I do not support the mafia that knocks out copy/pirated dvd's, I think if we are looking to what could be considered 'right or wrong' (and I count myself in on this too) I think paying a straight or gay money-boy to take it up the ass (or arse - see other forum topic) may rank as a a greater wrong in some people's eyes. As for me, I am just happy to watch a gay dvd that I maynot be able to see in Thailand and leave the 'off' fee in the cheque bin. :pain10:

February 7th, 2006, 00:17
OK, see Oprah in an interview with the pair Here (http://www.youtube.com/w/Brokeback-Mountain-Cast-on-Oprah?v=NRrW7ecrpxk&search=Brokeback) Thay are cute.

February 7th, 2006, 08:30
Weekly Shopping List from Brokeback Mountain








Coffee (espresso grind)
2 tubes K-Y


Fresh Fava beans
Jasmine rice
Prosciutto, approx. 8 ounces, thinly sliced
Medallions of veal
Porcini mushrooms
1/2 pint of heavy whipping cream
1 Cub Scout uniform, size 42 long
5-6 bottles good Chardonnay
1 large bottle Astro-glide


Yukon Gold potatoes
Heavy whipping cream
Asparagus (very thin)
Gruyere cheese (well aged)
Olive oil
Balsamic vinegar
6 yards white silk organdy
6 yards pale ivory taffeta
Case of Chardonnay
Large tin Crisco

February 7th, 2006, 13:44
Brilliant Boygeenyus so fully and spot on !

February 7th, 2006, 14:09
I LOVE this!

offering seats for "Brokeback Mountain"

February 10th, 2006, 15:44
Wow, how cool.

I'm just back (from a country that will never show this film! :pukeright: ) and glad I went to page 2 of Swatdee Forum to catch this news. It is too lare to "SMS" (whatever that is) I guess.

Can somewone remind me where "RCA" is in Bkk?

And my shitkickers, ... are back in Texas! :pale:

February 14th, 2006, 08:57
Has anyone seen the movie in Bangkok? How has it been received? Will it be coming to Pattaya?

February 14th, 2006, 09:56
It is just opening in Bangkok today -- the first screening doesn't even take place for another 15 minutes. So no one has seen in it Bangkok yet.

February 14th, 2006, 15:42
Don't know about Pattaya, but the film will be shown in Chieng Mai.

February 14th, 2006, 23:56
Has anyone seen the movie in Bangkok? How has it been received? Will it be coming to Pattaya?

I saw it today, as Rainbow Sky had a special Valentine viewing of the movie too, in Emporium. Now I realise why one Thai boy there wore a cowboy hat!

In the original story the two boys were 19 when they fell in love but the actors were older than that. If this was for PC reasons or practical reasons I don't know. But the actors need to age quite a bit in the course of the movie as it spans twenty years.

The movie is beautiful and tragic but it lacks that little extra either in the acting or in the directing to make it a six out of six possible points movie. I will give it * * * * *

February 15th, 2006, 01:05
In the original story the two boys were 19 when they fell in love but the actors were older than that.


February 15th, 2006, 05:26
In the original story the two boys were 19 when they fell in love but the actors were older than that...

I read the book too, and it did say the boys were 19. But man, don't forget the fact that farangs usually look older than their ages. Let's face it, if all the Sawatdee members post their picture here a passer-by reader would peobably think Sawatdee Forum is an elderly home !.

February 15th, 2006, 13:40
In the original story the two boys were 19 when they fell in love but the actors were older than that...

I read the book too, and it did say the boys were 19. But man, don't forget the fact that farangs usually look older than their ages. Let's face it, if all the Sawatdee members post their picture here a passer-by reader would peobably think Sawatdee Forum is an elderly home !.

I looked up the actors on the Internet. They are born in 1979 and 1980. This means they were around 25 when filming, maybe. 19 vs 25... it changes the tone of the affair the two had on the mountain. Young hearts are more passionate but also clumsier.

But Hollywood often uses actors that are older than the part they play. In "Friends" the tv-series they had 30somethings playing 20somethings, and in high school dramas the "kids" are often played by 20plus actors. In "Romeo and Juliet" Shakespeare had Juliet as 14 and Romeo as a teenager too. Knowing this gives new light to the drama. But you don't get to see that. Usually the parts are played by adults.

February 15th, 2006, 13:46
Pity, eh Silom, that there's not more opportunity to see teenage flesh on screen.

February 16th, 2006, 00:29
older actors have been playing teen/highschool roles for decades,
noone seems to notice.

a teacher once told me you really know you're old when you come back and see
them as children. but lots really mature too early and try to look like 20 somethings in HS

and some pathetic types would say there is something wrong with teen flesh on the big screen

February 16th, 2006, 07:31
Don't see anyone complaining that Jake and Heath continued playing their characters into their late 30's, when in real life the two actors are much younger. Did you expect them to change actors for every year they were supposed to age in the film?

February 16th, 2006, 07:36
This gay cowboy thing is getting out of hand:


February 16th, 2006, 09:00
Don't see anyone complaining that Jake and Heath continued playing their characters into their late 30's, when in real life the two actors are much younger. Did you expect them to change actors for every year they were supposed to age in the film?

I really felt bad when Jake caught that bad case of moustache from the Mexican rent boy!

Perhaps it is time to move this thread out of the Thailand forum

February 17th, 2006, 05:56
I have copied this from the GLBT forum of Flyer Talk

I just received a book I ordered from Amazon that includes the original short story, the screenplay, and short essays by the author and two screenplay adaptors. The title of Annie Proulx's essay is "Getting Movied." It alone is worth the price of the book, but it really is wonderful having the story and the screenplay together. It was interesting to have both in front of me to remind myself what was really done and said in each instead of the way I remembered what was done and said.
Last edited by sushibear : Yesterday at 5:50 am.

http://www.flyertalk.com/forum/showthre ... ge=4&pp=15 (http://www.flyertalk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=519018&page=4&pp=15)

February 17th, 2006, 10:52
You guys in Pattaya did get "Brokeback Mountain" yesterday. It's a good movie -- go see it!

Here are the Pattaya times (scheduled, that is . . one is never sure, as you know):

Central Festival Department Store: 12:20| 14:20| 17:10| 19:10| 21:10| 23:10

Royal Garden Center: 13:10| 15:10| 17:50| 22:10

It's 2 hrs 14 mins long.

Hurry! May not last long.