View Full Version : PERFECT SOLUTIONS (2): A good thing to buy your boyfriend...

May 6th, 2007, 23:48
This gift will work wonders. It will put you in high standing. Using it (with him) will tone you up (for him).

Take it with you to the beach, kick it around a bit, learn to dribble it with your feet, toughen up your soft body parts (for him) and play barefoot with it ... (learn the technique of not stubbing your toe). Kick it around and around, scoring a goal between the beach tires, send him ass-over-teakettle trying to defend. Bet him on the outcome.

A few minutes of farang-upon-Thai out in the sun 'twixt sea and umbrella will net you farang-upon-Many-Thais.
Lithe young men will join in like out of palm tree shadows and soon you'll be knocking gently into hard Thai butts, and strong Thai shoulders and hairless Thai thighs (Oh Lord!).
Inhibitions are lost on the sandy pitch and ~ if you're very lucky ~ you might even be granted the priviledge of ending up in a 6-way pile up of 5 brown bodies and one whiteish Older-Guy-But-Good-Sport . . . (try and weedle your way to the bottom, oh you of Ulterior Motive you).

For all the luscious and healthful future possibilities on Thai beaches . . . go out and buy your guy a professional Soccer Ball (don't cheap out on this one), and forget those stupid bloody GoGo bars for once in your bloody life.



Cheers ...

May 7th, 2007, 03:16