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May 6th, 2007, 19:17
About 2 days ago some costumer accused a boy for steal a very expensive watch (about 25.000 Euro). Himself and his maid looked everywhere in the sleeping room. Nothing! The watch, he said, was gone. The next day, he called and messaged me about this happened. In the evening the boy comes back as normal to work. I was very exited, because this costumer is a very good friend. So, I ordered the boy in my office and investigate myself. The boy was afraid and nearly cries. He said that he never stole something in his life. He remembers, that he saw the watch lying on the ground besides the bed and some site table, covered with a large bed sheet. I believed him, which I actually do very seldom. I contact to my friend and told him, where the boy saw the watch. My friend went in his sleeping room and found the watch, hooch amazing and what a wonder. He felt pity and apologize to the boy and me several times and gave the boy 5.000 Baht for compensation. By the way, he was not drunk

Lunchtime O'Booze
May 6th, 2007, 19:26
and bravo to the customer for rewarding the boy for the slur on his character !!!:salute:

May 6th, 2007, 19:50
An Isaan boy could set himself up for life with 600,000 baht.

Some Isaan boys. One I know came back from Switzerland with that much in his pocket in cash and in 4 or 5 months it was all spent.

Lunchtime O'Booze
May 6th, 2007, 19:55
"Later i found a wallet i had a credit card in missing.Now i cant prove its him and i may have lost the wallet somewhere else,however after a while i guess you become complacent."..I guess you become very drunk at times as well.

May 6th, 2007, 20:10
I agree that it is virtually culpable negligence to leave valuables around when entertaining a penniless young man. Just like leaving a starving man in a room with a loaf of freshly baked bread - a cruel, if not unusual, trial?

I have lost money by hiding it in hotel rooms and not being able to find it later and knowing that my guest was never left alone. I often thought that I had had a watch stolen but then found it in a hiding place I had forgotten. Unlike the guy in the story I was not usually sober.

I have had waiters, massage guys and internet staff run down the street after me to return stuff left around - usually my mobile. Similarly money which had fallen from my pocket.

I continued careful by locking valuables in hotel room safes or a secure place in my condo. Then not long ago I went crazy. I locked my stuff up as usual and entertained a guy that I liked very much indeed. I decided to take some photos of him. I admit it - I put my expensive camera on the bedside table and went off to shower. He seemed in a big hurry and I forgot the photos. When he left I saw the camera gone. He had worked in a bar but I found out that he had left there some weeks earlier. To be perfectly frank, I was more upset at loosing him than loosing the camera.

I also wonder when I read in the newspapers of taxi drivers returning hundreds of thousands of baht to people who left stuff in the car. I wonder what appropriate rewards are for false accusation or someone who returns valuables. Is 10% too much? 5000 baht for the boy in krazydragon's story does not seem overgenerous, particularly when a proper search would have found the item. The boy was probably delighted with the sum.

We keep on reading about people who walk around wearing expensive jewelery, carry large sums and keeping vast amounts at home. There seems to be something about Thailand that causes visitors to leave their brains at the airport.

May 7th, 2007, 00:17
A couple of years ago in BKK, I needed about 80,000B. in cash to pay for security deposit and several months rent.
It was a very rainy nite in BKK, and I had a big umbrella and a small bag which also had my passport, wallet, credit
cards and the 80,000B.
Somehow, I left the bag in the dark restaurant and only realized it about 20 minutes later. I ran back to the restaurant
and the waiter pointed to the office where my untouched bag was waiting for my return.
It could have been a nightmare losing the cash, all my ID, passport,driver's license, credit cards etc. and it was a bad scary experience which ended happily with great relief..

Funny thing, I just lost a really nice umbrella in a taxi and just forgot it as the rain stopped. Small loss but I will
remember the honesty of the restaurant staff... :cat:

I have had a digital camera and small amounts of foreign currency stolen from my place over the years and could not be sure if it was a boy
or my housekeeper. There are some farangs I wouldn't trust alone in a room with my possessions and anyone can steal........

May 7th, 2007, 01:00
Not every boy is a theif.
And alas, not every Farang is honest.

Always keep your hand on your wallet and your wits about you, no matter who you are with!