View Full Version : Teacher dies cause no medical I.D/bastards !

Lunchtime O'Booze
May 6th, 2007, 13:50
the unfortunate chap was from Ohio he may well have been in the same position in the US if he didn't have medical insurance. Although hospitals must admit injured persons no matter what in the US-without medical insurance it can make all the difference to the type of treatment you get.

As opposed to countries with socialized medicine like Canada, New Zealand, Norway or Australia etc where you get the exact same treatment-private insurance or not.

The wonderful England of course is slightly different as under certifiably insane Tony Blair all hospitals have been abolished.

However it shows the futility of riding those ridiculous motor cycles in Thailand..I wouldn't be found dead on one ( especially since I ride side-saddle)..although of course I lie as only a few weeks ago I left Krazydragon with a stunning waiter on the back of his motorbike traveling at frightening speeds and I can only assume my screams of terror were mis-interpreted as delight as he simply went faster with each howl.

Are there any gory pictures to go with this story ??