View Full Version : so many bars for sale?

May 4th, 2007, 02:04
I use to like Throb / Splash and go in every night to catch the show. However since Kevin left ive heard bad reports on poor shows and bored boys so ive not been in on my last holiday back in January.
See its all to do with good managment. Come back Kevin!!!

May 4th, 2007, 15:26
As i said i didnt go back on my last holiday, so i did try the other 10000 bars might have missed one or two come to think of it.

May 4th, 2007, 16:50

I would not, as an ex-owner criticise the new ones, it would be tacky, low class and bad mannered. And Life's too short already!

All the best,


May 5th, 2007, 20:06
it would be tacky, low class and bad manneredThat's never seemed to stop most posters here.

May 5th, 2007, 20:49
Some dubious bar owners “close” or signalling “for sale” just a few days before end of month in order to drag some staff ways. They simply tell they couldn’t afford to pay salaries anymore.

A few bars are notorious for this.

Ask a "selling" owner for his price and you find out that the amount is astronomical - or with other words: not for sale.

The number of good business for sale is very limited. If you want to know more, just ask any good local agent.

May 6th, 2007, 00:00
Hey, I used to know a guy who ran a gay bar. He had done an informal survey (in 1993) of the other gay bars -- and the girlie bars -- in Chiang Mai, and he came to the conclusion that running such bars was basically a hobby. He only found one such bar in Chiang Mai which actually produced a significant income.

Well, that's what he said, 14 years ago. More recently, I have seen Adam's Apple driven into bankruptcy by incompetent management, and one informant told me that My Way, during the high season, takes in something like 20,000-30,000 baht PER NIGHT just from the bar operations. On a good night, it could soar to 50,000.

This does not sound like a "hobby" to me.

Adam’s Apple CM and the whole block including mini-market and a row around the corner belongs to someone I know pretty well. He is also owner of opp. Lotos-Hotel incl. Garden Bar and some more. And Hotel, bars and there like are still running as usual.

I am pretty certain that he (M.) is not bankrupt.

There present closure of Adam’s Apple does have a different reason.

www.lotus-hotel.com (http://www.lotus-hotel.com)

May 6th, 2007, 06:58
Well, we both know the same guy, who can be referred to as The Owner.

This guy does not blabber about his business dealings a lot. However, I gather that some 3-4 years ago, this guy decided that gay bars were not in his future, and then leased AA to a Thai manager. I'm sure you know his name, too.

The story I have heard is that, some 3 years later, the Thai manager could not manage to pay the rent, so The Owner of the property kicked him out and put the whole building up for sale.

It's been almost a year now, and the only news I have heard is a rumor that some dude from California is going to buy the place and re-open it. In six months or so.

My free advice to this (perhaps imaginary) dude from California is to turn the whole place upside down: put the bar on street level, not at the top (where farang worry about fire traps). Perhaps have saunas, guest rooms and massage on the second floor, and reserve the top floor for private living quarters and entertaining VIPS.

But, since I have no experience at all in running bars and restaurants, my advice is probably worth about two satang! :-)

One problem with Adam’s Apple is that for the top floor construction the documentation “went missing”. You might remember that one part of the building was less than 180 cm high the toilet floor, the bar was above.

Changing ownership means also official check up of premises for standards and safety. And not everything can be sweetened by tea money.

I cannot judge the manager’s skills since I was treated very well any time I was there.

The whole lot wasn’t just my cup of tea. M was OK and I liked Boy. We usually meet quarterly at the garden bar for some gossips.

May 8th, 2007, 17:38
I notice that Mr. Beans (Sunee area) is now closed, after having a "for sale" sign up for quite awhile. What's the story/gossip with it?

I also notice K.Boy is still closed, but now the police notice has been removed from the front door. Will it re-open?


May 9th, 2007, 23:45
Billy are you making up numbers again? The figures you come up with are just plain silly.

May 10th, 2007, 10:17
Just a piece of advice,

Bars, especially in Sunnee Plaza, are owned in full by Madam Sunnee.

Before, anyone goes running in and buying believing the Thai/Farang owner about anything, I suggest you check with the main office of Madam Sunnee located in Sunnee plaza.

Ask for full details, including rents, length of lease, period remaining etc. DO NOT go rushing and using the sellers lawyer for speed!! It has been done in the past!!

Some are not what they seem, some are selling expired leases which you then must renew with the office.

Some of the rents quoted are not in line with the rents supplied by the office. Some are even trying to sell a sub lease of a sub lease!!!!

Be careful out there,its a jungle! and the cheeky monkeys will have your retirement fund!

May 10th, 2007, 11:05
No thanks,,

I'd sooner open a envelope!

I'll stick to being Joe Customer, it seems a better option and no hassle!

May 10th, 2007, 21:38
No thanks,,

I'd sooner open a envelope!

I'll stick to being Joe Customer, it seems a better option and no hassle!

We haven't seen truer words posted in a L-O-N-G time.

May 10th, 2007, 22:42
Ring the number and find out if he died or my bets are they got divorced?

Hope this doesn't disappoint you too much, but he is neither divorced, or dead. He is actually living in a house he has built in Essan where his wife comes from.

Mr Bean's is still up for sale and he is still the owner. I hope that sets the record straight for anyone interested in facts, of which you no doubt, will probably be one of the last to be concerned with such trivial things. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/whistle.gif
