View Full Version : do u check out the go go bars b4 u sit down

May 3rd, 2007, 16:30
It is perfectly OK to do this. In fact, it is very common for the touts to say TAKE A LOOK. It is not OK to stay more than a few moments though. Not much different than looking at a restaurant menu and deciding there is nothing there you want to order. Don't be intimidated. Lots of posters here will think you are cheapie, but it is your time and money, why waste it?

May 3rd, 2007, 16:34
Yep i know what you mean about watching a few bored boys on the stage while waiting for a 120bht coke.
Ive for the past year or so now just look throu the door first and if i dont like i dont go in.

May 3rd, 2007, 17:01

wx40afp and Jingthing,

The poster wx40afp, firstly, has got his Sois mixed up. Dreamboys is in Pattayaland Soi 1 not Soi 3. I think it is reasonable what you post provided that is what it is, a quick look, Yes, I like it, No, not for me and moving on. There is nothing wrong in that, in my opinion.

It is not OK to block the view of others, try engaging in conversation whilst they are dancing, try to call them when they are sat with a customer or try to slip cards/phone numbers to them to avoid paying the off!!

Prices is a very difficult one. You cannot compare bars offering substantially more entertainment in the form of shows, Disco's to bars that are strictly a GO-GO and say drinks should be the same price. That is up to you and the owner. He sets the price, you choose, whether to pay it or not.

Biased maybe, but I have never seen what you refer to, and never allowed it, eg. three / four boys sat on the stage in their 40s looking bored, not in Pattayaland Soi 1 anyways.

Throb/Splash, certainly when I had it, never did this nor Did BBB across the street. I agree, it would not be value for money and it has happened to me in other bars.

When this did occur, I headed straight for the bar area, and sat or stood and drank a beer at the counter there usually adding with sarcasm what A great bar it was! and why wasn't it busy!!

Whether posters like it or not, By and Large, Bars NOT controlled by Foreigners are not kept up to standard in hygiene, manners of staff, diplomacy,efficiency, up to date on equipment etc. usually, because the Captain/Mamasan does not want to fall out with his mates, is suffering a hangover himself or has not turned in for work!

I am not saying all foreigners are good at their jobs either, usually listening or afraid of running the bar efficiently because they don't want to fall out with the Boyfriend, who they usually allege, they bought the bar for in the first place!!

Then follows, the usual tale of the cruel boss and the downtrodden member of staff, the latter, who usually omits to mention, when he has no money, that he spent all the last ten days money he received from the Foreigner, spending it on his mates, getting laid not paying the off fee to the bar where he works,and showing off with his Thai friends till it was all gone.

Then follows ' Can you help me please?" Mam's sick, no rent moneyetc. What he should have said is, Lost it at cards, Girlfriend/Boyfriend stole it, got pissed at Hollywood/ X Zyte, thought it would last forever, but it DIDN'T!!

Been there gentleman, read the book, seen the film. And before anyone says, " Yes, but there are genuine cases" There are, BUT, its the boys who cried Wolf, who spoilt it for the rest of them.

Always please,take the selfish view, [ which it is not in reality ] that it is your money, your holiday and you spend it as and where you wish!

Those that set the standards survive, those that don't go by the wayside. It is pure economics.

:cheers: :cheers:

May 3rd, 2007, 17:53
As a semi-resident of Dick's Cafe Bangkok when I am in town, I often see customers going into a bar and leaving after a few minutes as they have obviously decided that they don't wish to stay.

I suppose that it is more likely in Bangkok where most top bars are charging 200 + baht a drink than in Pattaya - only 150+ baht a drink except at Krazy Dragon which is a nicely decorated bar and only 99 baht a drink - it's almost a charity.

The ones, in view, people stay least time used to be Fresh Boys (opp Future Boys and now Screwboys X)) and the one next door upstairs. Boys Bangkok a bit and Dreamboys and Future Boys hardy any. Quite a lot of these were dragged there by touts ( did you know that they get 100 baht for each introduced customer who stays? ) or doormen.

It seems perfectly reasonable to me to see the sort of bar and type of go-go boys. Quite recently i did not stay at Jupiter 2002 because there was no good seat and it was a bit smokey. I have also recently left Future boys when I saw that they had very few boys in that night. I have never had any objection except at a Pattaya bar on Soi one many years ago. I looked in and the boys - very young looking, jumped on stage as they had no customers. I did not like and left. The German owner came outside and told me not to mess about "We are tying to run a fucking business here". Indeed he was. Needless to say I have not been back there.

May 3rd, 2007, 18:46

please note the info below the log name


May 3rd, 2007, 19:01
Yep Jinks,

I stumbled slightly as it was a subject close to my heart and tried to respond politely but assist people to understand the " other side of the fence '

May 3rd, 2007, 20:21
I stumbled slightly as it was a subject close to my heart and tried to respond politely but assist people to understand the " other side of the fence '

It may have been tidbits to a troll, but it's also very interesting to hear things from an owner's perspective.

I've greatly enjoyed your input on clubs and ownership, kquill - I'm sure you have a wealth of stories... how about:

-- Memorable customers (different cultures and viewpoints undoubtedly caused some interesting interactions)
-- Show disasters (the power outages, the fat falang sure he should strip onstage during the performance, etc.)
-- Overly busy nights (crowd control, capacity issues, and so forth)
-- Fondest memories over the years
-- Best "Buffalo Stories"
-- Most colorful employees

Please keep sharing with us!

May 3rd, 2007, 22:01
Bao Bao,

I'll do my best, there are loads. A quick one for now concerned Terry , who had My Life bar which was adjacent to myself. However, I was present, as I was on our Terrace.

A French customer went in the bar and asked if they sold House wine, Red. by the glass.

The waiter informed him, Yes, they most certainly did. The guy orders a glass, swishes it around in his mouth and announces to the boy, " That's lovely wine, where does it come from?

" The young waiter, with a smile at the compliment, and without batting an eyelid announces proudly; " Friendship supermarket!!"

May 3rd, 2007, 23:30
... days of visiting gogo bars, it was hard enough going through the doors let alone turning around and walking out if the atmosphere or guys inside were just not right. However, after spending several visits in bars where I was the only Ferang (or maybe one of two or three Ferang) and had the task of keeping a fixed smile on my face as I was shmoozed by the mamasan or had several guys congregate infront of me and seeing me (of all things) as the answer to their night in gogo hell, I have grown a set of balls and if I don't like the place, am accosted by the mamasan or am feeling pressure, I take a walk.

May 4th, 2007, 00:06
Yes, I have to agree with the post above. A good bar in Day night. With Lap top dancing would be kind of cool. A show that changes every week for the guys who live here.

Throb Splash was good in its time, but nowt changed for a few years now.

Nice lighting and none smoking. Good music but not too loud, a bit like funny boys with a bit more personality.

May 4th, 2007, 16:58
Yes, I have to agree with the post above. A good bar in Day night. With Lap top dancing would be kind of cool. A show that changes every week for the guys who live here.

Throb Splash was good in its time, but nowt changed for a few years now.

Nice lighting and none smoking. Good music but not too loud, a bit like funny boys with a bit more personality.

Shows changed now, and that's a fact!! :idea:

May 5th, 2007, 09:03
Of course, if some other customer is sitting with the boy you fancy, you just call the captain or the mamasan and utter the magic words "I off him." Secret signals and whispers occur, the boy tells the other customer he needs to visit the bathroom, and he vanishes out the door with YOU.

Great idea, did not know this was done. Will try it out tonight.


May 5th, 2007, 09:17
Of course, if some other customer is sitting with the boy you fancy, you just call the captain or the mamasan and utter the magic words "I off him." Secret signals and whispers occur, the boy tells the other customer he needs to visit the bathroom, and he vanishes out the door with YOU.

Great idea, did not know this was done. Will try it out tonight.


Hi Dboy,

Do you really think it is a "Great idea!" . I feel, a nicer and less confrontational way, is to speak to the Captain/Mamasan, ask if the customer intends to take the person in question. , if he does, leave it and come back tomorrow early!

There are 1000s of men/boys working in Pattaya to choose from.

They don't think any more of you for doing this, and you could have then made also, a potential " holiday enemy ' for nothing in a situation that could have been avoided.

But Hey, I'm not telling you what to do, up to you! :blackeye: :blackeye:

May 5th, 2007, 09:57
I have never had any objection except at a Pattaya bar on Soi one many years ago. I looked in and the boys - very young looking, jumped on stage as they had no customers. I did not like and left. The German owner came outside and told me not to mess about "We are tying to run a fucking business here". Indeed he was. Needless to say I have not been back there.

I think you may be referring to Gentlemens Club. In fairness here is a story about my only visit there with a guy I met on Jomtien, some years ago

He chatted with the doormen as we arrived and I moved to a table by myself I noticed that he stood right in the doorway
and had a number of boys in turn go up to him. Sick of drinking by myself and uncomfortable with age of the boys I paid my drink and left. As I passed him on the way out he had his hand down the front of a boys briefs .I ignored him
and tried to avoid him the rest of the night I imagine him he would be in his element at Kaos if he is still around.

Next day on the beach he told me he gives the boys 20 baht for a feel, and bragged that was the cost of a meal for them, so he was being a " good guy"

He said he never went in for a drink and never stayed when the owner was at the bar. I felt complete and utter disgust for this person using and abusing the system, cheating the boys and the bar owner a well

I cannot help wondering if he is still around. I read a post somewhere about 6 months ago complaining that go go boys do not give freebies. Read another post from a wealthy man who complains bar owners dont give discounts.

It takes all types , and unfortunately Pattaya attracts some of the worst.

May 5th, 2007, 13:32
Of course, if some other customer is sitting with the boy you fancy, you just call the captain or the mamasan and utter the magic words "I off him." Secret signals and whispers occur, the boy tells the other customer he needs to visit the bathroom, and he vanishes out the door with YOU.

Great idea, did not know this was done. Will try it out tonight.


Oh come on, that's a real low class farang thing to do. Listen to kquill advise, please.

That's not much better than when you with a Thai boy and some farang comes up who knows the boy and starts talking to him.

May 5th, 2007, 15:32
This is why i cant understand why you have to buy a drink for the boy just to talk to him.

Excuse me wx40afp,

I think you know already, you don't!! , it is a purely common courtesy!!

Why buy them food???, they'd only eat it! Why give them money??, they'd only spend it!!

Why give a tip in a Restaurant if you're not going back until next year!!!

It's called Manners, my friend. :love7:

If I got caught short and only wished to use a bar lavatory, I would buy a drink, and ask to use the facility, but maybe I'm just old fashioned!

May 5th, 2007, 16:21
This is why i cant understand why you have to buy a drink for the boy just to talk to him.
In some cases you can just tell the boy, I won't buy you a drink but will give you a good tip. They only get a few baht for the boy drinks so unless they are really thirsty, it is better for everyone, except the bar, and who cares about them?

May 5th, 2007, 16:33
In some cases you can just tell the boy, I won't buy you a drink but will give you a good tip. They only get a few baht for the boy drinks so unless they are really thirsty, it is better for everyone, except the bar, and who cares about them?[/quote]


Maybe the owner????

May 5th, 2007, 17:14
In some cases you can just tell the boy, I won't buy you a drink but will give you a good tip. They only get a few baht for the boy drinks so unless they are really thirsty, it is better for everyone, except the bar, and who cares about them?


Maybe the owner????[/quote]
Exactly. They make enough on customer drink sales and offs. Like I said, why should customers care about them? We should care about the boys. They are the value. The others, especially the mamasan, are parasites on the boys.

May 5th, 2007, 17:15
Do you really feel that you're getting ripped off if the "boy drink" is smaller or weaker than yours? I take the attitude that buying the drink is the price of having the boy sit with me for awhile. It's how the bar and boys make money. Of course, the boy and bar hope you will take the boy off as well. If the boy orders a Heineken, he gets the bottle and I doubt it's watered down.

I think it's the height of rudeness for another customer to try to hijack a boy that is sitting with you. I think the next time that's pulled on me, I will hand the bin to the mamasan and refuse to pay for it ( the boy's drink that is). If the other guy is so hot for the boy, let him wait and see what happens. Eventually, the person sitting with the boy he fancies will either take the boy off (in that case tough luck) or pay his bill and leave.

Of course, if you sit with a boy for a time, a decent tip is in order.

May 5th, 2007, 17:16
Jingthing,i doubt if the mamasan will call the boy down without you buying a drink.
Funnily enough when i did buy a boy a drink i tested it when it arrived.Sundance go go coca cola was not watered down,however the boy i spoke to at Ozone ordered a whisky and coke and on me testing it i found it to be watered down cock and i immediately asked them where the whisky was in it.Notice how the glass is smaller for a boy drink,always ask the glass be the same size as yours and immediately taste test it on arrival rather than get ripped off.
Those drinks are supposed to be ripoffs. No need to test or compain. Either buy it or not. You can call down a boy yourself, and if you have any balls at all you can talk to him for a few minutes, then decide, buy him a drink, off him, or tell him to bugger off. You are the boss. Not the boys. Not the other customers. Not the mamasan. Not the bar owner.
Yes, in some or even most bars, they will pressure you to buy a drink for him right away. Ignore them or just tell them you will talk to the boy right now and no not now. If you did this, they will almost NEVER tell the boy to go away right away, because they know if they do that:

you will leave the bar and probably not come back
there is now no chance you either buy a boy drink later or off the boy

Try it, it works.

If more people grew a set of BALLS, the bars would be much more pleasant for all of us. Remember, you are the boss. Don't be intimidated by the low class scum that work as mamasans and bar owners. I know some of you are bar owners or friends of same, but they are PIMPS. Deal with it.
If you have any balls that is.

May 5th, 2007, 17:37
I know my own taste in potential sex partners. In a restaurant, I don't let the waiter order for me. I don't need "professional" advice which is usually self serving BS anyway.

May 6th, 2007, 18:10
Jingthing,i doubt if the mamasan will call the boy down without you buying a drink.
Funnily enough when i did buy a boy a drink i tested it when it arrived.Sundance go go coca cola was not watered down,however the boy i spoke to at Ozone ordered a whisky and coke and on me testing it i found it to be watered down cock and i immediately asked them where the whisky was in it.Notice how the glass is smaller for a boy drink,always ask the glass be the same size as yours and immediately taste test it on arrival rather than get ripped off.
Those drinks are supposed to be ripoffs. No need to test or compain. Either buy it or not. You can call down a boy yourself, and if you have any balls at all you can talk to him for a few minutes, then decide, buy him a drink, off him, or tell him to bugger off. You are the boss. Not the boys. Not the other customers. Not the mamasan. Not the bar owner.
Yes, in some or even most bars, they will pressure you to buy a drink for him right away. Ignore them or just tell them you will talk to the boy right now and no not now. If you did this, they will almost NEVER tell the boy to go away right away, because they know if they do that:

you will leave the bar and probably not come back
there is now no chance you either buy a boy drink later or off the boy

Try it, it works.

If more people grew a set of BALLS, the bars would be much more pleasant for all of us. Remember, you are the boss. Don't be intimidated by the low class scum that work as mamasans and bar owners. I know some of you are bar owners or friends of same, but they are PIMPS. Deal with it.
If you have any balls that is.

Yes, Jingthing,

You are correct in your post. ALSO, what you OMITTED, The boys are PROSTITUTES or in a nicer way"WORKING BOYS ' and You are a PUNTER! So please you deal with it!!

It amazes me how some take the moral high ground and get holier than thou, when they are in there doing the same as everyone else! Looking for trade employed from the low class scum bar owners. Sad.

May 6th, 2007, 20:25
You miss my point. I have nothing against prostitutes or punters. Its is parasites I don't care about.

May 6th, 2007, 21:36
if boy sits with you, you buy him a drink - but don't off him - what should he typically be tipped?

does this vary much between BKK and Pattaya?

May 6th, 2007, 22:35
What do u mean by a parasite? These guys are not forced by bar owners to sell themselves.
There are plenty decent Issan boys working as motobike taxi drivers and 7/11 and Big C etc.
The boys in prostitution in Pattaya is a small minority compared to the other employment industries.
They have a choice,wouldnt you rather sleep with a boy who is not a prostitute.
Believe it or not there are boys in Pattaya who dont work as prostitutes and are looking for farang friends.And i dont mean for casual sex.
Bar owners are pimps.
Here is a pimp, to refresh your imagination:


A pimp is a parasite. They live off the boy water of their stable, who are paid slave labor rates,

These bars are not normal bars. They are whorehouses and clip joints:

clip joint
n. Slang
A restaurant, nightclub, or other business where customers are regularly overcharged.

We as punters have no obligation to cooperate with every tricky strategy of the parasites and their helpers, the mamasans,

BTW, if you don't think being charged 150 baht for a soda water in Thailand where that is above the daily wage of most lower class laborers, then I can't help you.

Do I personally give money to these parasites when I go to whore house clip joint bar. Yes, of course I do. But I pay the minimum possible because I consider these guys a necessary evil. The owners anyway. The mamasans are totally useless to customers.

The boys are the value in this scene, not the owners, not the crappy boring shows, not the rotgut booze, not the smoky rooms giving us lung cancer, and most certainly not the mamasans.

May 6th, 2007, 22:55

Does it come in Yellow??? I mean the suit!

May 6th, 2007, 23:43
thanks for the advice wx40afp,

I been to Krazy Dragon one time, and this place really threw me. All the boys came over, and started frotting me - some of it wanted, and some of it not. I had no idea what to tip, and thought well I'm not tipping you all... am sure they saw me coming!

I just wanted to leg it...

May 6th, 2007, 23:53
Jingthing donтАЩt hold it in. Just tell us what you really feel.

I think you may have plagiarized a Southern Baptist sermon.

Where did you find the photo of the young Kevin?

May 6th, 2007, 23:59
Jingthing donтАЩt hold it in. Tell us what you really feel.

I think you may have plagiarized a Southern Baptist sermon.

Where did you find the photo of the young Kevin?
All my writing is original, thank you very much.

May 7th, 2007, 06:35

I love it, Yellow for Mondays, powder blue Fridays, maybe a police mid brown for WEDNESDAYS. I think the Zebra touch really sets it off.

Now, what kind of car should I be driving???

May 7th, 2007, 07:41
There are plenty decent Issan boys working as motobike taxi drivers and 7/11 and Big C etc.

Over 15 years and many trips, I have yet to find an employed motorbike taxi driver

They are all owner drivers and struggle each month to make lease payments, pay insurance, the poolice for the stand etc.

The question is how does an Issan farm boy get the money to buy/lease a bike?

May 7th, 2007, 08:31
There are plenty decent Issan boys working as motobike taxi drivers and 7/11 and Big C etc.

Over 15 years and many trips, I have yet to find an employed motorbike taxi driver

They are all owner drivers and struggle each month to make lease payments, pay insurance, the poolice for the stand etc.

The question is how does an Issan farm boy get the money to buy/lease a bike?

That's an easy one. Sleeping with us!

May 7th, 2007, 10:06
There are more people poor in America than Thailand.
Did you know World Vision were advertising on Australian Television during Hurricane Katrina asking for donations for Americas poor.Did you know in America they work for slave wages.Did you know they get their Social Security cut off after a certain time,did you know they have food stamps.

CaperLA read your above comment - He is George Bush's evil twin brother!! :geek:

May 7th, 2007, 10:07
"This is why i cant understand why you have to buy a drink for the boy just to talk to him."

Excuse me wx40afp, I think you know already, you don't!! , it is a purely common courtesy!! Why buy them food???, they'd only eat it! Why give them money??, they'd only spend it!! Why give a tip in a Restaurant if you're not going back until next year!!! It's called Manners, my friend. love7" kquill

This is an aspect of the etiquette of the go-go bar that I had not come across. I must have a foul reputation of being a bad mannered person, as I avoid buying boys a drink when they spend time with me. I am 'bulletproof' to the scowls of the waiters but remember when tipping time, for carrying a drink 2 meters, comes around.

Like most things in life there are degrees. My worst experience was in a girl go-go bar in Patpong night market. A foolish, staight, drunken companion bough drinks for all. All got an eggcup of cola. I sipped one and even that was watered down. His bill was over 1200 baht. After that he said "let's go to a gay bar so I can relax".

Now in most bars the boys get a kick back when a drink is bought for them. On occasion I have been charged an additional fee over the regular drink price because "boy drink" This seems to have faded no doubt due to customer outrage. On other occasions a waiter will ask a boy directly what he is drinking, ignore the customer but charge the drink to his bill. Again fading due to customer indignation.

Is the pressure to buy boys a drink fading? Maybe I am just getting well known in the bars that I tend to visit and they know I won't buy. The top Bangkok bars are charging 240+baht on prime nights and many customers don't care to buy a boy a drink at those prices. The high price is justified by getting to see the show. Well the boys has seen the show umpteen times. Boy gets a small drink and 30 baht kickback and the bar gets 200 baht! Manners - forget them!

Some places, like Krazy Dragon, the boys seem very anxious to be bought a drink and it looks like they may get into trouble if they don't - or is this a come-on? Anyway I do buy them drinks there and they are cheap at 99 baht.

There seems to be some courting thing going on with some customers who really do think it is rude not to buy a boy a drink. If you are spending time with the boy and not going to give him a decent tip then that may be appropriate.

I have often given the boy enough money to buy a drink and told him that it's up to him if he buys one. No boy has done so to date. Maybe they, also, have bad manners?

May 7th, 2007, 10:48

I am not going to be sarcastic as I am well aware you are bullet proof and just ignore me, even though I know you know, it is only in jest!

The system many of you are talking about on this board is completely ALIEN to me.

I never gave the boys a percent of the drink when I was an owner,The boys were not even allowed to sit with you until invited and there were no scrounging Mamasans because I did not employ any!

Probably., that's why I had the happiest bunch of Waiters and go go in Pattaya. They realised they were going to get nothing, from the drink so they invariably,took the beer option.

If a boy did not drink and ordered Coke, that's what he got, if he ordered whisky and coke, that's what he got. ANYONE DISBELIEVES ME, ask the boys who work there!

I too, would not appreciate buying a short measure of watered down coke for 100 baht!

I would not like it and would not do it twice.

If the customer chooses the tip route, that also was fine by me!

More chance of the boy staying to work there and not quitting when he doesn't get an off if he can get his food/transport through a tip!

May 7th, 2007, 10:54
So how does it feel to be a pimp?

May 7th, 2007, 10:56
So how does it feel to be a pimp?


May 7th, 2007, 11:04

Isn't it amazing, the guys who go to Pattaya for the very reason of what it is, suddenly, always know better. The owner is a pimp, a parasite etc etc.

What does that make of those who use the services provided!

They then, try to justify this and take the moral high ground, " He used to work in a bar, but only as a Cashier!"

Yes, he/she normally works in the Bank, they're just helping us out for high season!

Then, Pattaya must have more cashiers than the Banks,Tesco and Wall mart put together!

May 7th, 2007, 11:25
So how does it feel to be an ex-pimp?

May 7th, 2007, 11:31
Not so good,

I miss all those incredible interesting people telling me how they know more and could do it better!

May 7th, 2007, 12:27
kquill - you ignore my basic argument that it is not 'common courtesy / Manners - my dear' to buy a bar boy a drink if he is invited to sit with you.

Any more tips on bar etiquette?

May 7th, 2007, 12:54
Well wowpow, ,

That's where we must agree to differ.

I personally, would immediately offer a drink to anyone I asked to come and sit with me, that's is 100%.If they came of their own choice, that may very well not be the case.

I also, would , if I occupied their time, for say 20 minutes/25 minutes leave them a tip on the way out. That's just me, and what I consider manners.

You may have a different view. That's why we are not all the same, as the World would be boring.

Any more advice on bar etiquette?? Yes!

Don't drive your new car fast through puddles, BARBOYS, when they are walking tend to get upset and remember your registration number!