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View Full Version : Comment/Report from my latest Pattaya Trip

May 3rd, 2007, 05:38
Hi All
I have recently returned from another fantastic trip to Pattaya
Just said I'd jot down some comments/reports whilst they were still "hot"

Stayed as usual in My BFs apt on 3rd rd, he has air, hot water and Internet... so there is nothing more i require from an accom perspective

His family came to vist us for a few days and we put them up in the Changton hotel - its on the junction of 3rd Rd and Soi17. At 500 Per night its great value and easy walking distance from Sunnee

What a blast!
Sorry to all those people that i wet!
We spent 5 days n the motorbike(s) with our supersoakers just having fun.
Most evenings we set up shop in Country Road 2 in Jomtien (last bar amongst the lady bars as you walk from beach towards the jomtien complex)
They charge 500B for all the ice and mixers required to finish a 1L bottle of whiskey... so quite cheap and a great way to wet all the people in the baht-buses heading from Jomtien to pattaya!

Sansuk Sauna:
Visited here twice and met 2 nice guys on both occasions
Also saw quite a few boys that i recognised as Gogo boys there.
As has been posted before moneyboys are not permitted in sansuk.

From what i've been told the moneyboy modus operandi is to go to sansuk and meet a farang... Tell them you desperately want/need to meet them later and then get your "tip" the morning after.

Of course if you tell them you have a BF after the deed is done... this scheme falls down!

BF was hospitalised 2 days before songkran.
He was suffering from pains and swelling around the appendix area
First we went to Pattaya memorial where they gave him some Norfloxin.
The pain hadn't gone down 12 hours later so we took him to Pattaya Internation Hospital on Soi 2

They kept him in overnight for observation
Told me it would cost 80,000B if he needed to have his appendix out.
Luckily by 12 the next day the pain had gone (maybe cos BF wanted so much to "play" songkran!) So he checked out
Total cost for room, nursing, drip, docs and medication was 7500
But at least he didn't need the operation!

Was completely demolished over the weekend of Songkran... I'm not ashamed to admit i shed a little tear when i saw it was gone.
It has yet to be replaced as a "gay"venue - during the hours of 11-1.30 and we were pretty lost a lot of night for decent venue to go to!
Hopefully the new hollywood will be open before my next visit

"Stupid Show" (BF quote!) Expensive ice and mixers, 200 charge for foreigner, extremely persistent and annoying waiters and toliet attendants. And too many farang there with ladies!
Not fun!
Mixers for a bottle of whiskey in holywood used to cost 1200 max. z-zye tends to cost 2000 minimum for the same amount of mixers.
But the waiters are very cute!

Issan/Mowlam concerts:
We visited 2 x issan/mowlam concerts during my stay. Bothe in North Pattaya on 3rd Rd. They are not really my cup of tea... but BF loves them. They are however quite good for boyspotting... especially up near the stage. Its amazing how the boys will remember you and come up and mention how they saw you in their bar etc. As the night goes on and the shirts come off... it gets to be fun!

The place to go between 2-4am every night.
Its kinda dark and run-down. And not cheap..
But they have Nice coyotes and special show every few days... I never failed to leave there without a few numbers being discretely tucked into my jeans pocket!
If you like any of the show boys in Sawatdee boys or Lucky7 you will see them dancing here most nights when they finish their stints in Pattayaland
One thing is i don't like the "club" brand soda that they use for their mixers.

Its usually 500B to buy 700ml of JW red and 50B per mixer after that

We went here 1 week after it opened and it was heaving.
They had a handsome man competition (which was won by a guy from A-Bomb) and the place was crawling with gay boys - pretty similar to Maya - but a far more upscale venue.

They have some really stunning Coyotes - the top ones I believe command a 500B off fee and 3000B tip! But they look worth it!
Some of the boys from Dynamite also do a shift there after they finish in pattayaland

As per Maya Its usually 500B to buy 700ml of JW red and 50B per mixer after that

On our second visit the place was just as busy.

On our 3rd visit (on a thursday after x-zyte)we were the only customers there for nearly an hour. We left at 3AM to go to maya and it was heaving.
So it would seem X-Rays North pattaya is not attracting the punters

HAs reinvented itself from karaoke bar into disco
(As posted by kquill a few days ago)
They have knocked into the shophouse next door to make a double unit.
Usually gets going at 4.30 - after maya closes. And was busy every night we visited... Never left before 6 - when it was very bright!

As usual BBB, WWB and Dynamite are the best 3 bars in town for a mixture with somethibg for everyone... Will try to post more about all the bars i visited tomorrow

May 3rd, 2007, 06:23
Thanks for the trip report, colmx.

Sounds like you had your usual crazy time in Pattaya!

May 3rd, 2007, 10:44
good report, I was curious to hear about Xray as I sometimes see a guy who works in the show there.

May 3rd, 2007, 16:15
Issan/Mowlam concerts:
We visited 2 x issan/mowlam concerts during my stay. Bothe in North Pattaya on 3rd Rd. They are not really my cup of tea... but BF loves them. They are however quite good for boyspotting... especially up near the stage. Its amazing how the boys will remember you and come up and mention how they saw you in their bar etc. As the night goes on and the shirts come off... it gets to be fun!

I have an Issan boyfriend, and I would like some more information about these concerts! How would I find out when and where they are going to be held. I am sure he would really like them, as he loves his Issan music. Any info you can provide would be greatly appreaciated.

May 3rd, 2007, 19:09
" ... As the night goes on and the shirts come off... it gets to be fun! I have an Issan boyfriend, and I would like some more information about these concerts! How would I find out when and where they are going to be held. I am sure he would really like them, as he loves his Issan music. Any info you can provide would be greatly appreaciated ... "
Hi Richsac (& welcome to Sawatdee),
As an alternative to schedualed concerts, you might check out 'Charm Esarn' at the intersection of 3rd Rd & South Pattaya Rd. It's a big barn-like night club where they play Isaan dance music all night long. There a dacnce area up beside the stage, and on Friday & Saturday nights the place can get quite packed. It's a hoot and we go there at least a few times when in Pattaya. Beauty is that you don't have to wait for a scedualed concert. Decent basic Thai food is served there as well.

It's definitely less busy on week nights, but Isaan people love their music and it's a place for them to go to be reminded of a bit of 'home'. Lots of bar guys go there after there stint is over, and you'll see the occasional farang treating a gaggle of gogo-ers to dinner and dancing at a place they can really enjoy.

Pick one of the handsome dancers, compliment his dancing, buy him a beer, and he'll come back between each dance set and sit with you (they're paid poorly). Best to have your boyfriend with you to translate as very few folks in this place speak much English.


Cheers ...

May 5th, 2007, 16:01
Smiles...that sounds like a great idea. My bf is Issan, and has spent some time in Phuket, but we will be living in Pattaya pretty much permanently after the 5th of September, so I am sure he would love the place. Will definitely check it out! Thanks for the good info!!

May 5th, 2007, 19:36
Smiles...that sounds like a great idea. My bf is Issan, and has spent some time in Phuket, but we will be living in Pattaya pretty much permanently after the 5th of September, so I am sure he would love the place. Will definitely check it out! Thanks for the good info!!

Champ Isaan has good Isaan Thai food too, hot and spicy.
Another popular Isaan place is on the left hand side while leaving Pattaya direction towards Jomtien just after the junktion. Opp. are some painter (I am not calling them galleries) shops etc. This place gets busy with hotel and restaurant staff after work, i.e. 23 h onwards.