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View Full Version : Infra red cameras........

April 28th, 2007, 23:02
Perhaps I missed the posts, but I have noticed many bars are installing infra-red cameras. What is this all about?

Not confirmed but I was told all bars are required to have a certain amount of cameras on site.

Of course a couple of managers say that they are mostly for show and that they will only be switched "ON" when the police come and check. Hmmm.....

With the technology available today, it doesn't take rocket science to know that the video feds could easily be routed to a modem and who knows where or who will be able to review and/or view it.

Will my boyfriend be able to view my activities while I am drinking a beer in Boys town on YouTube?

Will certain dark forces be able to purchase copies of the tapes for personal viewing or Blackmail?

Call me a nut case if you must, but I don't like this new crime prevention tool. Yes, crime is much worse than I have seen it before but I still am uncomfortable with these cameras everywhere I drink.

That is just my opinion.

What is yours?.

April 29th, 2007, 07:34
Dear Bigben,

Yes, the authorities are very much in favour of thiese cameras for crime prevention as you should be aware they are being installed all over Pattaya.

I think the Police and City Hall will have a brother/cousin/Aunty/uncle in the Security cameras business.If not, they will have soon!

Try England, the have more cameras in the towns and cities than anywhere else in the World. Sign of the times.

April 29th, 2007, 12:50
Try England, the have more cameras in the towns and cities than anywhere else in the World. Sign of the times.

...but nobody seems too worried and most believe that they have been helpful in preventing further 7/7s. They do nothing to prevent the violence all too prevalent when the pubs turn out. This week the courts are in dispute with the administration about the repatriation of two individuals to Libya. Can we afford for the courts to lose ... or win? At least our Monarch will play no role.

April 29th, 2007, 14:05
Infra Red? I wonder why? Cameras these days can take effective shots in very low light. Maybe they use infra red in dark rooms?

April 29th, 2007, 14:23

I think we are really talking about video surveillance here. You must remember they can be used to prove innocence of a crime as well as guilt.

However, over here , I could easily see them being manipulated to suit the needs of the Police and if they failed to do that, The Police would simply say the street cameras were out of order on the day in question or if they were on private property, Tell the owners, that their cameras WERE out of action on the night in question.

They can also, in public areas of Hotels, Lifts, reception areas etc be good for crime prevention. I don't object to them at all but I fully understand the points of those who do!

It was actually the TV cameras, that the Police used to use when making an arrest that helped me win a case against them in Thailand.

I produced at Court a TV and video recorder, with a Police Major, thinking he was off camera after the arrest, announcing in Thai, " He had no need to do this again, as he was rich already!"

A QUALITY STATEMENT.....................for the defence lawyers!

We didn't see him after that. He got moved.

April 29th, 2007, 17:28
.... most people wouldn't object too much to Infra red cameras, just don't do anything too naughty. I think you have to be more wary about hidden cameras (if other posters are to be believed) carried in by journo's visiting Pattaya gogo bars and the like and then showing them on National tv or in the tabloids back home!

Oh and talking of 'Try England, they have more cameras in the towns and cities than anywhere else in the World. Sign of the times' (kquill), the latest thing in the UK is even better than the overload of standard snoop cameras, they now have an actual Big Brother watching you with talking cctv cameras telling people off if they do something wrong http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/6524495.stm

April 29th, 2007, 17:45
....Call me a nut case....
That is just my opinion.
What is yours?.

You're a nut case.

(I love you.)