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February 4th, 2006, 22:02
One of the disadvantages of a board of this kind is that any kind of unsubstantiated allegation can be aired.
The danger is that people take the points seriously.

I checked the board for the first time in a while to learn that Sunee Plaza is a dark threatening place.
Where? The hundreds of customers who prefer the bars in this area know that this is simply nonsense, unless of course you mean after 1.00 a.m. when the bars close.

It is also a pedophile haunt I read. That there are a few in the area I cannot deny, but it is quite amazing that the writer managed to find the one major location in a visit of an hour or so when I, who have visited Sunnee Plaza for years, only found out about it a month ago.

Yes, amazing. Or perhaps the writer is a bit less disingenuous that he appears.
In general terms the people who go to Boystown are tourists, those who visit Sunee Plaza are residents, or better informed tourists.

In a Boystown Bar a few weeks ago I met a guy from China. He offed a boy from a popular bar. I saw him by chance a week later in Bangkok. It had been a bad experience for him. The boy had refused to accept 1000 baht, then 1500 baht, and then took 2000 baht in poor grace.
If you want to avoid this type of thing, in the experience of the better informed, go to Sunnee Plaza.

I do not name the bar, because I will not throw dirt in any bar's direction. I know the owner and he would not be happy I know.

But this does not worry another poster.
Ozone is closed, he states. Unsavoury goings-on. Condemn by innuendo. Do not worry about the facts.

Ozone is not closed. It has been closed for a few days because of the renovations of Forest House below, but it is open as normal today.
As far as the unsavoury goings-on. I do know what is being referred to (I think) and would have to say that nothing here ever got close to what the popular Bangkok bars have daily.

But then innuendo would fail here because too many of us actually know them well. As far as I have seen Ozone has never had boys who even threatened to be near underage.

I am told that the police did call to object to what would be very tame in Bangkok. The matter was resolved.

Sunnee Plaza has improved a lot this year with many bar owners investing significant sums to improve facilities.
New, comfortable bars abound. Well done to them. It has a lot to offer.

In its area are several restaurants which charge about half what a similar one in Boystown charges, gogo bars and a large number of host bars for those who prefer to see boys in a more normal setting than stripped almost naked on a stage.

Now, the comments one can sometimes read on this board can be ignored by those of us who recognise that they are nonsense, but the danger is that visitors who do not know may be influenced.

I do not know who the ill-informed posters are. Perhaps they have an interest in promoting another gay area of Pattaya.

February 4th, 2006, 22:51
Cuteboy is right in a lot he says. Too many people enjoy putting down bars and certain gay areas on rumour and not fact. We all know that over the years bars in certain areas had underage boys working for them, however these days i think 99% of bars have very lagal boys working for them. And most owners today wouldnt entertain kids on the premesis. But you still get fools on this board who sweepinly condem all of a street due to past actions.

February 4th, 2006, 23:54
It is correct, that in many ways Sunee is a nice place and a safe place. But you still see too many underaged boys in the street and there have also been figting and shooting amung youth-gangs. And maybe thats why some persons find Sunee as a dangerous place. But not more dangerous than soi 6 in Pattaya. I believe there are more figthing going on there.
And Sunee have nice cheap prices and a lot of nice bars and go-go,s.

February 5th, 2006, 00:20
And Sunee have nice cheap prices and a lot of nice bars and go-go,s.

And is a lot more fun than the overrated boyztown, it's true there are minors but they can be avoided by not off them , wow it's really simple :drunken:

February 5th, 2006, 02:48
You SING LOFTY SING have got to realise you also "put down" Bars and other businesses in the Sunee area.Think about it,you did mention one business had a dirty kitchen and made you sick.I didnt see that myself,im only going on what you say.However i take your word for it as i believe you are genuine.

February 5th, 2006, 04:22
In general terms the people who go to Boystown are tourists, those who visit Sunee Plaza are residents, or better informed tourists.

This is true. I didn't know about Sunee Plaza until three years ago, despite visiting Thailand every year for a decade. When I heard about Sunee Plaza I first thought it was a shopping centre. When a friend recommended I go and have a look I could not find it. I found soi VC but it seemed it was leading nowhere. Sunee is not the sort of place you stumble upon.

Silom the poorly informed tourist :idea:

February 5th, 2006, 07:14
It seems that it is wrong to tar Sunnee with the "pedo" brush exclusively. Other areas have their moments too. I was in a well known bar in Boystown 2 nights ago, one of the longer running ones, and was talking to one of the boys.
Asked him how old he was, got the answer 17. To check i asked when he would be 18, he said 3 months time. Check bin, thank you and good night.

February 5th, 2006, 12:18
gay4asian, if a 17 y.o. with three months to go to 18, shocks you, then you have never been to Sunee..Unfortunately, a small but significant part of the scene in Sunee involves those many years away from turning 17 y.o.
With the demiss of Dangs bar and the replacement by the Corner Bar, one major cesspool is forever gone and other renovations around Sunee are improving its image..The police have been effective and the gangs of underage boys are much less visible and the gogo have been more careful about not hiring the underage, but of course, the demand is strong and there is a lot of money in it and it still is there..
It shouldn't shock anyone if a 17y.o is working in a Boyztown bar but the vast majority are at least 18 y.o. and some look like they are in their late 30's...

February 5th, 2006, 13:52

February 5th, 2006, 14:16
I see Gaybutton writes about how quiet it is in Sunee Plaza

"many of the bars have been virtually empty of customers, even during the high season. It was like that last year as well. I've been saying that bars cannot remain in business without customers and now several are starting to close."

Do others agree with this?

In case you do, what is the reason for the downturn?

February 5th, 2006, 15:30
Some bars in Sunee have very few or no customers. But also in Boyztown 3 barowners complained having few customers.
I do,nt know why, but also girliebar owners complain. I have a friend who have a normally well visited beerbar with show, but he say the last week have been very quiet. Family have come there, but only buing a cup of coffee, a water or a coke. No liqour, and they can sit very long with cup of coffee.
Maybe tourism is going down?

February 5th, 2006, 15:41
"many of the bars have been virtually empty of customers, even during the high season. It was like that last year as well. I've been saying that bars cannot remain in business without customers and now several are starting to close."

Do others agree with this?

In case you do, what is the reason for the downturn?

I found Sunnee, totally by accident, about ten years ago: took a wrong turn looking for Day-Night which had several bars back then. There seemed to be only three bars in Sunnee, then: Crazy Pub, a karaoke place on Soi VC and a place, about where White Knight is now, called, I think, Black & White where the main attraction was darts. Boys Town had a corner on the market, back then; with about twenty bars, I can recall, not counting the six-or-seven south of South Road, around Soi Diamond. The names I remember were Od's, Connect, the Rose and there was a snooker club (With hosts) and at least two others, one of which may still be going--The others are long gone. I've watched Sunnee grow every year since.

I've only been to Pattaya late in high season but there has never seemed to be a lack of custom, especially; at the outdoor beer bars where the attraction may be lower prices. people watching and many of us do not like air-conditioning.

Certainly there are kids in Sunnee. The ones I see, however; seem to live in the neighborhood--It is a neighborhood, not just a saloon and restaurant row--with their families and are out horsing around with their mates-- But then I'm not looking for, or at, kiddies as sex objects. I suppose, if I were, I too would think the place a chicken hawks happy hunting ground.

Yes, there have been fights and 'incidents' in the streets. In ten years I have only witnessed one: In front of Monty's, three boys, who looked to be about ten-years old grabbed a handicapped boy's roses and ran. Fights and 'incidents' also happen in Boys Town. In that same period I've witnessed two serious brawls, that spilled out into the street, involving nearly all the workers of the bar where the fight broke out, and one silly, funny one: whores de combat.

The Sunnee-smears seem to always come from...similar sounding posters. 'Friends' of Boys Town'?...Those with an 'agenda'?...Or those with first-hand experience: the pedos themselves? What ever. Dare refute what they say; you are called a...Gasp! Horrors!...pedo!.
After reading the same old flames for years it's become tiresome. (I wish, instead of ignoring individuals--Which I do not: I'm too damned nosy--I could put certain subjects, such as: Sinful Sunnee*, on Ignore.) If 'Friends of Boys Town' are behind the smear campaign, how much longer until they figure out it is not working--And, if they've a brain between the lot of them; try offering something better: more fun, more entertaining, less expensive?

*The difference between Sinful Sunnee and the rest of Sin City by the Sea? It's rather like a joke I heard when I was six: 'What is that white stuff on top of chicken shit?" It's chicken shit too.

February 6th, 2006, 09:48

February 6th, 2006, 11:51
I must say I had no preconception of Sunee Plaza when I first visited all of 9 months ago ... how time fly's! However, I have been told by more than one Thai friend that Sunee Plaza is 'lower class'. asked to explain this, I am more often told that the boys are lower class and the venues seedy. Having visited just the open air bars (I like the grouping of whicker chaired bars down the end of one soi) and Top Man for the cabaret, I haven't seen anything on the seedy side (at least nothing more seedy than you see from outside the gogo bars in Boyztown or places in Pattong). What goes on inside may be another matter and one day I must venture inside to see what happens in places like the Krazy Dragon (I may have the name wrong!) where they have table top dancers ... is this any different to normal gogo? Actually, what about compiling a listing of the top ten seedy bars, if I am going for a walk on the wild side I may as well not waist my time with anything too tame! :angel12:

February 6th, 2006, 17:10
I have visited soi sunnee plaza on many occasions looks great at night with the bright lights very appealing BUT BUT BUT ------- however its an area that I do try to avoid , Iv seen many young boys of around the 12-15 years of age bracket [under-aged 18 in Thailand ] lurking around in the evenings, and constantly pestering customers at the open bars offering sexual services -and begging for money -drinks and cigarettes , This I have never witnessed in Boys town -or in the jomtien complex area -or indeed day night soi's

I have toured around soi sunnee in the mornings , in the light of day its a filthy place , and I've seen the homeless youngsters laying in door ways -drunk and Drugged to the eye balls , the sight of used syringe needles around the areas in the car park near to minuos bar is very off putting -,

February 6th, 2006, 18:30
What I like the most about Pattaya in general (well second most), is the diversity between Boyztown, Sunee, Jomtien and Day Night, as each section in the quadrant seems to compliment, not detract, from the others. I'm glad to see the investment $$$ being made in all of these areas, because like in all business, they are either growing or dieing.

Sunee is my favorite spot for just hanging out, chit-chatting with visiting farangs and boy watching. I especially like this area because there are more of the younger effeminate type boys there which is by far my preference, and I also like the laid-back and relaxed atmosphere, especially when the boys are laid back and relaxed with you. I also like the SLEAZE factor. Yes...not sure why actually, but a little touch of SLEAZE helps to create just the perfect atmosphere. Now, if I were back home entertaining business people or having a night out with Mom and Dad, I would avoid SLEAZE and go for the more upscale Christian type surroundings, but I'm not entertaining business people when I'm on holiday, and I certainly wouldn't bring Mom and Dad along to witness my BOY adventures, so SLEAZE it is.

When I'm on holiday I'm either chasing BOYS around who are half my age, or I'm with Boy Special, who is exactly half my age, having sex with him. So, there you have it. A bit SLEAZY sounding I'm sure, but that's the way it is.

I enjoy taking in a show at Boyztown, although only do this once or twice during my long holidays... due to the fact that the majority of boys are the older more macho types, and I'm not a show person anyway. I always stop in at Panorama's to say hi to friends but never stay long. As John Botting mentioned, Soi 3 is for tourists, most of whom shuffle around in flocks holding hands like a bunch of children on a school outing. Not exactly what my holidays are intended for.

I guess it all boils down to personal taste (meant literally). Don't get me wrong...all sections of the gay entertainment quadrant have elements of SLEAZE, but Sunee Plaza is one notch up from the rest which gets my vote. Cheap drinks...friendly friends...an occasional wandering elephant...a host of cute young boys (>18 <23) looking for action...and just the right touch of SLEAZE...just perfect.

Sorry Mom, sorry Dad...we'll have to do Barbados in the Spring.

February 6th, 2006, 20:05
When I first came to Pattaya in early 90's, Gordon from Ambiance, was the first person I met, who incidentally I was happy to see at the Balcony last October during the Charity Dinner gathering. At that time in the 90's, I could never have thought such a place existed in the whole world. The beach and my long haired motorcycle guy are still thoughts of happy memory. That being said, one of the guys from the Cockpit literally took me by the hand to Crazy Bar. So I have a very happy memories of Boystown, but have moved emotionally to the Sunee area for a more relaxed and comfortable place to spend time. Also a bit less hectic.

I like a nice meal as the day closes, and Amor was one of the first places I found a nice meal and I also return every visit and have a nice chat with Richard, the owner, who is always there and has a hands on approach to his restaurant. No place has nicer bus boys who really care if you want a bit more butter with your rolls. Sunee has perfectly good places to eat. Thanks to Bud. my stalwart beach chair buddy, Po Pat, Ole, and Renoir, White Night are also high on my list of where I can enjoy a meal with friends.

February 7th, 2006, 01:20
I am sad to see that David from La Cage 'could' be hanging up his boots.

It appears that he is looking for a buyer for the bar or a 'hands on' partner to take some of the duties over.

I have spent many a happy hour in La Cage talking to David, customers and staff and will be sorry if he does decide to call it a day.

Any budding bar owners out there!


February 7th, 2006, 11:38
Well yes Rogered now you mention it.I was thinking about turning it into a B&D S&M bar where these little sluts will be wearing leather g strings.
And I will be wearing my old prison officer uniform complete with my jackboots and dak sunglasses and chewing my strawbery gum.
Would you come to my bar ROgered? BILLYS BONDAGE BAR.You think that would be a good name for it.

February 7th, 2006, 12:36

February 7th, 2006, 12:39
I love this bar.These are my kind of sluts.I like to off from this bar a lot.

February 8th, 2006, 22:43
I stopped by Diamond Pub last nite as a friend had told me that they had some older bigger guys than the usual fare..Unfortunately, the place was empty, maybe 3 or 4 boys sitting on the stage..Appartently the police were checking papers and those who couldn't pass muster were gone..
Tonite, Wedn. same story in Kaos where I was hoping to see a boy who I was told was at least 19..Apparently, he couldn't pass muster either as I was told he wasn't there for that reason..
I did see a parade of 20 young boys walk thru Sunee, while I was at a beer bar, and I now think they must have been told they couldn't work tonite..
I would have little problem if the police checked every nite as it would insure the boys were at least 18 and had papers..It seems it was BKK police so not the locals who only show sporadically...

February 9th, 2006, 07:25
David of LaCage only want to sell, if he cannot find a partner.
The bar is very good running, although customers come very late, but busy about midnigth. David want a person, who can be there some of days in the week.
It would be sad, if he left. There have been many good events in the bar and it will make Sunee more boring, if David stop. :geek: