View Full Version : Sarcasm!

April 24th, 2007, 19:47
Forgive me if I emulate the great master of cut and paste, but this news item from www.pattayacitynews.net/news_24_04_50_2.htm (http://www.pattayacitynews.net/news_24_04_50_2.htm) seems quite funny. I particularly like the references to "over inflated testicles" and "Mensa candidate"

Testosterone-Charged Males Cause Havoc at 7-11.

A fight in front of the 7-11 convenience store at Jomtien Nivate on Thappraya Road on Monday night led to the arrest of four young men, one of whom was driving a Bangkok-registered taxi that had been involved in an accident with a baht bus earlier in the evening.

The problems were caused by the over-inflated testicles of the new boyfriend of a 15-year-old Thai girl. Her new paramour decided he needed to ensure his sweetheartтАЩs previous boyfriend, who worked at the 7-11 store near Jomtien Nivate, didnтАЩt get any ideas about rekindling his relationship.

So, gathering three friends together they set off in a Bangkok-based taxi and armed with lumps of wood with the intention of bashing the 18-year-old ex-boyrfriend.

On the way they had a minor accident with a baht bus and then threatened the songthaew driver with violence. He, in turn, went off to Soi 9 station to report the incident while the brave gang of four, with the new girlfriend in tow, made their way to the showdown at the 7-11.

Apparently, the ex-boyfriend had been forewarned of the groupтАЩs intentions and marshaled his own group of friends to come to his aid. A fight ensued between the two groups but when police were called the fighters scattered. The four-man group took off towards north Pattaya in the distinctive Bangkok taxi but were stopped and apprehended by a police roadblock near the Montien Hotel in central Pattaya.

One man had suffered injuries to his arms after smashing his lump of wood against the glass of the 7-11 store only to have the glass respond in a manner he didnтАЩt expect, leading to the potential Mensa candidate suffering a nasty cut to his arm.

Police took the group back to the Soi 9 station while they searched unsuccessfully for the other gang. Although there is no law against being brain dead, the gang of four now face charges of assault and malicious damage.

April 24th, 2007, 21:38
I bite my tongue - ironically!!

April 25th, 2007, 08:10
Despite their "If it Bleeds, it Leads" mentality :velo: :tif: :nzd: :vis:

they do sometimes have hilarious writing. :laughing5:

April 26th, 2007, 02:55