View Full Version : Phew! Is it HOT or what? Chiang Mai 104F

April 24th, 2007, 09:20
Chiang Mai hit 40C (104F) yesterday and has the same hight forecast for today and tomorrow.

Bangkok today 36C (98F) with thunderstorms likely today and the next 5 days

Pattaya today only 33C (93F) with thunderstorms likely today and the next 5 days.


April 24th, 2007, 09:37
Arrived Chiangmai on April 6th and left this past Saturday (21st). While I didn't keep track of the actual temperature, it didn't seem oppressively hot to me until this last Friday (20th). Rather hot being out and about then.

Other than a brief sprinkle of rain two weeks ago, no rain until a good one last Tuesday afternoon. For the last week or so, one could feel a few breezes in the evening which the locals indicated typically occurred before the rainy season (which they sensed was coming early this year).

April 25th, 2007, 03:41
Whats with the Fahrenheit scale, wowpow?

I didn't think you were an American!

It's bad enough having the Yanks persisting with this outdated temperature system without the a European doing likewise.

(And before you say it, I KNOW Fahrenheit was used in the UK back in auld Gods time, but Celsius has been the norm in BBC weather forecasts for as far back as I can remember, and I am over 30).

April 26th, 2007, 03:38
While I loved Thailand and my life in Thailand, The heat and HUMIDITY were the main reasons why I left. The climate in Mexico City is much more suitible for human habitation. Last year when I lived in BKK my weight was 110 kilos, now I weigh 85 kilos, I'm thinking that maybe with the weight loss I'll be able to stand the heat and humidity a bit better.

What do you think?
