View Full Version : NOTICED: those good ol' politically correct Thais ...

April 24th, 2007, 02:59
While browsing some of the hotel booking agencies for something new (i.e. an interesting-looking hotel we've never stayed in before), stumbled upon this blurb for the PJ Watergate Hotel in Ratchatewee.

Fabulous in it's wonky honesty ... crazy in it's potential litigosity** (in the West!). :blackeye:

I may be getting this all wrong, having seen many strange takes on english translations on sign in Thailand, but I can't really think what else it means, other that what it quite clearly says.


Cheers ...

** "Lit-i-gos-i-ty" ~ a new word just coined, for those who like to jump.

April 24th, 2007, 06:05
I seem to remember reading about various other hotels that do not allow Middle Easterners, but I don't know that I have heard that about Indians. I guess the complaint is that people from those places have a reputation for trashing hotel rooms.

It is surprising in some ways to see it so up front like that.

April 24th, 2007, 09:58
It must be the "room 'Rates' are not applicablt to Indian and middle East"
They must pay more because they usualy invite the whole family and think the bedding including the pillows and table lamps are all part of the bathroom freebies, like the mini soap and shower cap etc?

Sen Yai
April 24th, 2007, 11:41
....... bathroom freebies, like the mini soap and shower cap etc?

Actually, I think it's more to do with the Thais wishing that all their guests make full use of the mini soap!

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 24th, 2007, 18:47
you have heard of Greek Love..etc etc..don't you know that Indian and Middle Eastern is a euphemism for a certain erotic practice that requires..well certainly quite a large room to begin with !

The PJ Watergate Hotel is simply stating that the room wouldn't be suitable-ie: probably not big enough.

God, :dontknow: I didn't know there were still such naive persons around ! :dontknow:

April 26th, 2007, 14:04
Lunchtime and booze, since you know so much about life, what is an Arab sling? Is it a kind of panty?

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 26th, 2007, 17:43
but I was slung on the bed many times in the old Morocco days..by delightful and masculine Arabs when such a thing could be done easily and not draw the attention it does today.

I 've been slung about by large black masseurs in the steam rooms of Tangier. (and loved every minute of it)

I had a week of slinging with Abdul One of the Tangerin Hotel in Tangier ( as opposed to Abdul Two-the other hotel worker) when I lived for 2 months in the room William Burroughs wrote the Naked Lunch..and like Burroughs flooded the room and if I believe the delightful English owner of that hotel--shared Abdul Ones favors with the great man.

I was slung over the back of a sofa by a handsome Moroccan waiter in Yves's St Laurent's magnificent Marrakesh garden palace ( Yves's wasn't there) much to the chagrin of Madame de Gualle who I think fancied the same waiter.

I had a delightful afternoon with 4 young Omani police cadets who accepted my invitation to my Muscat apartment after they challenged me to a foot race on a beach..and I won. ( we really slung that day..or we swung..Omanis are soo handsome) My English friend later said I looked just like Quentin Crisp in The Naked Civil Servant--preening himself in front of some Chelsea sailors..but without the purple hair.

Is that the sort of Arab Sling you mean ? ( I don't remember panties featuring at any time) :idea:

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 27th, 2007, 22:32
and then there are Arabs...they are slightly into wham bam thank you mam..but make the most beautiful kissers with those thick lips. Especially the hetero ones (if there is such a thing) who like to treat you like a woman..you know.. take charge !!

But then I'm talking about the 18 to 24 year old age group..when everyone is wonderful !

Lawrence of Arabia was besotted by them !! ( so much in love with one Arab youth he shot him dead when he was wounded rather than leave him behind).

I'd also be terrified of being taken by an Indian RIGHT NOW !..have you seen the equipment on some of them ? :blob5:

March 22nd, 2013, 16:39
and then there are Arabs...they are slightly into wham bam thank you mam..but make the most beautiful kissers with those thick lips. Especially the hetero ones (if there is such a thing) who like to treat you like a woman..you know.. take charge !!

But then I'm talking about the 18 to 24 year old age group..when everyone is wonderful !

Lawrence of Arabia was besotted by them !! ( so much in love with one Arab youth he shot him dead when he was wounded rather than leave him behind).

I'd also be terrified of being taken by an Indian RIGHT NOW !..have you seen the equipment on some of them ? :blob5:

I get you completely lunchtime. The "hetero" Arabs close their eyes and pretend they're fucking a woman I think, because they as a general rule find it hard to get a woman to put out in their countries. A hole is a hole. They tend to be a bit lacking in reciprocity though.
It's hard to generalise a whole race but the Indians I've known ( in the biblical sense) have had more than enough meat to satisfy the hungriest of holes.
2 other common generalisations, not all blacks are hung like horses and I've sampled quite a few, and obviously not all Asians are lacking in the meat department. Will investigate the "Asian " myth further in June. Have rarely been too disappointed before.