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View Full Version : Safety deposit boxes in Thai banks ...

April 23rd, 2007, 00:08
. . . . are they readily available, or difficult to come by? I've heard the latter, but I'd like to know some of our Board expat's experience.

For long term living in Thailand I think I'd feel much more secure if I had my Very Important Documents (VID's) locked up in a Thai bank safety deposit box. Here at home a deposit box normally comes with having a checking/savings account with any bank. It's not a free perk, but it's very common, and they are easily available in every branch.

But is this common in Thai banks? We've all read threads regarding the security issues surrounding one's VID's and it seems to me a safety deposit box in a bank would be the most secure option of all for the originals . . . with one carrying around good colour copies of them on an everyday basis. (Such copies have always been accepted in the few instances where I've needed to produce one).

So long-termers: Safety Deposit Boxes? Easy to come by . . . or not easy to get at all?

Cheers ...

April 23rd, 2007, 00:18
My branch the Siam Commercial Bank Jomtien said the boxes are fully booked and would not put my name on a waiting list. I think I asked about other branches and was told also fully booked. I agree they would be useful if available.

April 23rd, 2007, 02:09
Sounds like a possible business to get into. Something like Mailboxes, ect... You can offer shipping, a proper mailing address and safety-deposit boxes to all who are willing to pay rent for them.

April 23rd, 2007, 02:19
There are already a number of private services offering lock boxes as well as PO boxes. I really wanted a BANK safety deposit box.