View Full Version : Never Steal ANYTHING .....Small

April 21st, 2007, 10:01
There has been some discussion about the Farang who made off with $100,000 US and is hiding out in Pattaya. The burning question in my mind is not who the miscreant is, but how much would all of YOU sell yourselves for????

April 21st, 2007, 10:52
why would you ask posters on this forum such a queer question?

Why, one would almost think, some posters have already sold their souls to stay in Sunee
and I would dare say, we all know of one or two.

Fortunately, one cannot sell their soul and the devil only lives in your own brain which was
probably washed (brainwashed, in case someone missed it) by the same priests, now in prison for being bad boys with little boys........ :cat:

April 21st, 2007, 12:08
....Why, one would almost think, some posters have already sold their souls to stay in Sunee
and I would dare say, we all know of one or two.....

Ah, well yes. Then they'd be in the final category -s**t for gold- wouldn't they?

April 21st, 2007, 15:53
well, it looks like the he is back to attacking people by their physical descriptions.
I do remember when I was 8 or maybe 10 years of age , when nasty boys would make fun
of others and call them names usually referring to their eyeglasses or weight or even hair color.

It is still the school yard for lmtu and he is still in
the school yard calling names, fatty ,baldy, four eyes..

I don't know how Rainwalker can stand being called rainmaker. He must be a strong man to
withstand such abuse from such a respected and honorable man...

April 21st, 2007, 18:06
This didnt take long to go off topic did it
