View Full Version : Sophia Loren

April 18th, 2007, 17:59
I am looking for the "chicken Sophia Loren" recipe, I have eaten it at source a number of times in the little restaurant in Kensington just next door to the Odeon cinema, and would like to make it for a do coming Sat. Is the cheese mozzarella, I just cant remember? Any help would be much appreciated, the net is full of bad advice, don't seem to be able to find the proper recipe.

April 18th, 2007, 18:03
I believe it's our own dear Thanpuying Sanitree who's still looking for the recipe for Condoloeeza Rice

April 18th, 2007, 18:37

49% American, Italian, or Basmati Rice
51% Thai Rice


Soak the foreign rice to soften it up.

Make sure that the best parts of the plate (e.g. corner units) form the Thai allocation.

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 18th, 2007, 20:09
I mean this dame ain't no spring chicken but I do adore her.

I went to Harrods about 4 years ago to see her turn on the Christmas lights and she fainted. Apparently she eats 4 lettuce leaves a day to still look sensational at 72.


April 18th, 2007, 20:27
I mean this dame ain't no spring chicken but I do adore her.

I went to Harrods about 4 years ago to see her turn on the Christmas lights and she fainted. Apparently she eats 4 lettuce leaves a day to still look sensational at 72.


She probably fainted when she got to the tacky porcelain department, it can get very crowded and stifling around Xmas time, like a regular Saudi souk.