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View Full Version : God not only hate fags, but the whole world

April 17th, 2007, 03:00
The newest gem from the God hates fags team http://images.fok.nl/s/emo.gif


www.godhatefags.com (http://www.godhatefags.com)

April 17th, 2007, 19:13
I like gospel music. Those dudes need a couple of black faces in there to get the feeling though ... a bit flat.

Anyone know why all fag haters (and bigots in general) have terrible complexions? And pronounce "idol" as a 3-syllable word?
Noticed the Canadian flag flying there in the background of the last minute or so ... with the maple leaf upside down! Tsk tsk tsk.

Cheers ....

April 18th, 2007, 00:39
This group came to Provincetown, Mass. (One of the gayest places on Earth) when I was living there. We had an emergency town meeting to decide how to react. The decision? To ignore them completely. They thrive on publicity, and they literally feed on anger.

They're strategy is to do things (like picketing funerals) that will incite ordinarily docile individuals into fits of rage. Whenever anyone so much as lays a finger on one of them, they sue, and usually win. They are lawyers and it is all a scam to make money.

April 18th, 2007, 00:56
They're strategy is to do things (like picketing funerals) that will incite ordinarily docile individuals into fits of rage. Whenever anyone so much as lays a finger on one of them, they sue, and usually win. They are lawyers and it is all a scam to make money.

True, but thank God (although he hate me) they not always win :bom:

Topeka Church To Pay Marine Funeral Costs (http://www.kake.com/home/headlines/4892916.html?source=enews&c=y)

April 18th, 2007, 08:26
They're strategy is to do things (like picketing funerals) that will incite ordinarily docile individuals into fits of rage.

Read today that this group plans to picket at the Virginia Tech funerals.

April 18th, 2007, 17:10
But I've been reading and found lots of things they never talked about!

And it's all right there in the Bible! Leviticus 18:22 says so.

(But, interestingly; "we" should be excluded from the tribe; "they" should be stoned to death--And other fun things.)

Lev. 11:6-8 says it is unclean to touch the skin of a dead pig. So can I play football if I wear gloves? Are seven-button, above-the-elbow, gold-lame dinner-gloves okay? (And they go with everything.)

Lev. 11:10 says no shellfish. Arghhh! I love shellfish--But its a lesser abomination than homosexuality. Well,as they say: "In for a penny," I'll have the seafood platter--And a side of...Num." But dear Num has a tattoo on his left bicep: a tatoo of a wild pig. Must I kill him too?...Or is it okay if I get us matching dinner gloves? And I promise I'll never eat a locust; not even barbequed.

Lev. 15:19 -24 says it's alright to own slaves as long as they are purchased from neighboring nations. I've been told that, if one is living in the U.S., this applies to Mexicans but not Canadians. Why no Canadians?

Lev. 19:19 My friend's uncle violates this by planting two crops in the same field and his wife by wearing cotton\polyester overalls. Also, he curses a lot. Must we get the whole town together to (Lev. 24:10-16) stone them? Or can we wait for a regular family gathering: next-years Easter-egg hunt, for instance, to burn them at the stake as we are told in, Lev. 20:14, to do with people who sleep with their own in-laws?

Lev. 19:27 says the punishment is death for men who trim the hair around their temples. Do Thai barbers know about this? Can I do an up-and-over back-comb? I look terrible in pig-tails!... And there's that, pig, thing again.

Lev 21:20 say I can't approach the alter if I have a defect in my sight. I wear reading glasses, does that count?
And what should I do with all my clocks, watches & calendars?

Exodus 21:7 says it's okay to sell your daughter into slavery. Also, 35:2 says it's death to ones neighbor if he works on the Sabbath; as does my next-door neighbor, Mike. Should Mike be put to death? Mike's awfully cute; must I do it myself? If so, can I shoot his step-father, Ed, instead? Ed makes Mike work on weekends, you see.

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 19th, 2007, 12:28
and he tells me this is not true !!!

about hating fags...oh and the cutting of hair around the temple as well. That was just a rumour started by fag hairdresser haters.

today's trivia: when my uncle (a con-man all his life)was on his death bed the priest asked him to renounce the Devil..Uncle Herbie replied.."this is not the time to start making enemies"

April 19th, 2007, 17:38
Lev. 11:6-8 says it is unclean to touch the skin of a dead pig. So can I play football if I wear gloves? Are seven-button, above-the-elbow, gold-lame dinner-gloves okay? (And they go with everything.)

Yes those are fine. But the cheap polyester you wear is an abomination in the sight of the baby jesus. And he doesn't like your shoes either.

Sen Yai
April 21st, 2007, 01:34