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View Full Version : Sex Tourist alert for the Balmy Army

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 16th, 2007, 08:51
The Balmy Army ( title borrowed, stolen, inspired, plagiarized from LMTU) should be on high alert as a charming group of gents from the distinguished UK publication
:cyclopsani: News Of The World :cyclopsani: have descended upon Thailand to do yet another expose of the fleshpots of Pattaya, Chaing Mai, Patong and any area the dreaded sex tourist is wont to wander.

Be on your best behavior for the next 2 weeks !

Another troubling story-a charming chap with a very American accent is circulating amongst the gay farangs of Pattaya claiming to be a "private investigator" seeking information on a rather well know fellow who he claims is "wanted for a $100,000 criminal fraud in the US, amongst other things". Something to do with running up a credit card bill beyond his means. No doubt it's all a mis-understanding. A name has been mentioned..a pillar of the community ( who we all know)who dispenses advice rampantly to all. If approached by this 6' 2" mustachioed Yank with a strong Southern Accent just cough and change the subject. Stick by your own. :cherry:

April 16th, 2007, 10:42
One thing the army certainly isn't is "balmy," that is, "Having the quality or fragrance of balm; soothing. Mild and pleasant".

Even "balmy" as "slightly eccentric" doesn't quite fit.

"Barmy," as in mentally irregular, bats, batty, bonkers, buggy, cracked, crackers, daft, dotty, fruity, haywire, kooky, kookie, loco, loony, loopy, nuts, nutty, wacky" is more to the point, I think

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 16th, 2007, 10:48
inspired by LMTU ! :idea:

April 16th, 2007, 11:38
How many times do the News of the World teams go to LOS?

Thats the third time i`ve seen this "warning" on the boards in about 6 months - maybe they have become addicted!

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 16th, 2007, 12:32
News of the World teams go to LOS? "

probably as often as they can convince their editor to fork over expenses.

They were definetely here a few months ago trying to get info on a recently appointed diplomat ( no guesses from which country) who is gay..they left empty handed.

April 16th, 2007, 16:45
the last time the V.I. threatened to reveal secretly taken photographs of prominent farangs to
his close friends at the tabloid, nothing happened.
Nothing happened.... Just bullshit for weeks and nothing happened...

But that hasn't stopped the lies, the threats and the bullshit from returning. Maybe a good set up for a
little black mail attempt or just wacko and his henchman are enjoying their recent spewing forth
of hate, where ever they are not banned or blocked...

I would love to hear some farangs getting repaid for long outstanding loans from the profits from the
investments in minerals or whatever fantasy commodities the sociopath was bragging about making
big money.. just more and more bullshit, lies and the rantings of a sociopath and his top man... :drunken:

April 16th, 2007, 18:49
How many times do the News of the World teams go to LOS? "

probably as often as they can convince their editor to fork over expenses.

Spot on! Otherwise they might, now-and-then, trundle off to check out the seamy side of life in other Thai cities; like that (best kept secret), flesh-pot known as, Ban Pak Man.

Oops! Now look what I've gone and done.... :kngt:

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 16th, 2007, 19:09
have a valium dear..you are getting right out your tree .

This isn't about you ( unless the shoe fits of course you f***ing nutcase)..it's warning to all about an unscrupulous newspaper that doesn't give a stuff how accurate it's reporting is.

( and who is V I ?.is it Village Idiot from Fart Stop-who everyone thought was you in a side-splitting take on LMTU ?..it's getting so confusing)

I can tell you one of the journalists is the same one who was once on the UK Mirror newspaper who made the very damaging claims about a very famous science fiction writer who lives in Sri Lanka..who wasn't actually the main target-that was a member of the British Royal Family who was travelling to present him his knighthood. It all proved to be bunkum and the same journalist is persona non grata in Sri Lanka ( ie -he would be arrested if he ever set foot there again).

However you can ignore this..but if you very innocently chat to underage boy on the beach and it end's up being plastered over a British newspaper..just don't say I didn't warn you !

ps..perhaps you are worried about the American PI in town Catsoup..don't worry..it's not you he's after. But you know the person he is..as does just about everyone else)

April 16th, 2007, 23:32
I'm sure of a photo of me and a young lad would be of interest only to a stalker, hoping against hope for
an advantage, to try to "borrow" some baht, to be paid back when his ship comes in.

Wouldn't it be awful if a photo was published and someone may think you are gay? Not.... I'm out for decades,
I've marched in gay pride parades with my lover and my closet doors were flung open many decades ago..

The sociopath tried very hard to blackmail this poster with threats of secretly made photos with boys but
like everything he posts, it was pure bullshit, lies and beneath contempt.
I assure the now very active ms.obooze that only a few Brits give a shit about an English rag that publishes
photographs of titled lords and ladies when their slips are showing.

Perhaps, it is time again to set up some fool with blackmail threats to raise a little cash and the old
gossip rag routine might have worked before so why not try it again.
After all, the lost passport scam worked and the phony police shakedown with the little boy worked so why
not try the tabloid scam again.
Bullshit artists and con men and truly silly geese are they, but forewarned is forearmed ... and all that jazz :cat:

April 17th, 2007, 08:35
... only a few Brits give a shit about an English rag that publishes
photographs of titled lords and ladies when their slips are showing....

Damn Right! The rest of us are busy reading more sophisticated rags that publish photographs of popstars without any underwer on at all! :gy:

April 17th, 2007, 09:04
... only a few Brits give a shit about an English rag that publishes photographs of titled lords and ladies when their slips are showing....Damn Right! The rest of us are busy reading more sophisticated rags that publish photographs of popstars without any underwer on at all!Bring back the days when the News of the World was full of stories about scoutmasters, vicars and choirboys, I say - all British to backbone

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 17th, 2007, 10:24
or you are channeling the Village Idiot from B.Stop who also believed he was being stalked through the streets of Sunnee Plaza by a team of pedophile sociopaths ?.

Get a grip dear.

You are correct....rational thinking people do not take the NoTW as gospel (although a few of the local Pattaya newspapers seem to have adopted them as a role model).

You must get over your paranoia..I doubt even your repuation as the town's sociapath exposer is of no interest to anyone in the media but dare I say it again : This isn't about you

Stories about people with mental health problems doesn't sell .

April 21st, 2007, 00:15
Well, now everyone knows and since I am already three or more people in some minds, why not be the one the
private dick is looking for for credit fraud in the USA of $100,000.
I have to agree with Rainwalker, $100,000 hardly makes one a big criminal worthy of sending private eyes half way
around the world for, but it is a nice round number.

I guess trying to keep out of the spotlight as lmtu posts hasn't worked and eagle eyes have spotted my subterfuge.
I am honored that lmtu would choose me as the biggest pathological liar on baht-stop.com and it is an honor to
be the only poster personally banned by his friend at GT. If someone is to know such things, it should be a man
who is a stranger to the truth, a man shameless enough to try to borrow money from those he already borrowed from
and not repaid, a man who makes millions trading the commodities markets or was it oil or lube futures, a man
who lives on gossip and needs constant stroking and attention.

I am honored you think I am braindrop or rainwanker as Rainwalker is a man I admire, respect, would trust with $100,000,and he
would not waste time with this nonsense but I cannot be Rainwalker and all the others you have proof of. Photos too..

Don't you realize that people are laughing at you and not with you. Don't you realize that people get up and ask for their checks
when you walk into a bar. Don't your realize that you are pointed out to newbies like a freak in the circus and they all get the
warnings about lending money or getting caught with the bins in all the expensive restaurants you like. Don't you get it??

April 21st, 2007, 00:25
... is what I want to know ...

April 21st, 2007, 00:50
try pming lmtu. you may have to wait as he has over 50 pms waiting his attention and countless emails, but he is the one
to go to to find out the answers you seek. Be careful what you ask for , you might just get it.. :cat:

April 21st, 2007, 05:47
I'm not feeling the LOVE on this thread. :cheers:

April 21st, 2007, 10:46
come on aunty,
you know homintern aka the colonel is infatuated with your every word and loves
to stalk you and has an unnatural attraction for aunty. feel the love, now aunty...

April 21st, 2007, 13:34
come on aunty,
you know homintern aka the colonel is infatuated with your every word and loves
to stalk you and has an unnatural attraction for aunty. feel the love, now aunty...

Hehehehe. I see what you mean, and you have my sympathies! :flower:

April 21st, 2007, 16:07
More nonsense from the master-baiter..
Why not an insurance salesman or a boy brothel keeper in NYC or any other profession you can
come up with. I see no dishonour with selling shoes or selling anything but once again you are in dreamland with your dossiers,
secret photos, bullshit and lies. Perhaps one of your spies leaked something about my designer years in Italy and Europe and
my work with factories all over Asia, South America and Europe. It is pathetic how you grasp at any bit of gossip and spin spin spin.

I used to own a very big hotel in the UK and as soon as the final proceeds come thru I will buy every bar in Sunne Plaza and even
pay the Thai boys the money I stiffed them on. The farangs are just suckers there for easy pickings and they will never see a baht
but when my ship comes in I will hire a private detective and finally figure out who is who. I will post big signs on all my bars and
ban catawampuscat from entering and I will perform myself and tell amusing stories about my enemies and stalkers. Come to the
cabaret my friends or the insane asylum as most of us would call it. good nite, Gracie..

P.S. you got me on the red shoes, just like the cardinals and even the pope on special drag events. :compress:

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 21st, 2007, 21:55
the name that was mentioned to me is not a poster on this forum ( so you are in the clear catspaw)..as far as I know unless he's under another name but I seriously doubt it..( you too Edith--it ain't you ).. Besides he's supposed to be an American.

But it was a name of a regular poster on another board..there are many after all..but that's all I'm going to say (unless of course you want to bribe me). And as this Yank who claimed to be a Private Dick didn't mention a reward I certainly lost interest.

Who knows -perhaps he's just a jilted lover and wants to cut the man's throat or re-kindle his love-or perhaps the mention of $100K is a minuscule part of the fraud..this is Pattaya after-all and as Catawampus said..he's met and made friends with a lot of farang scum..but then haven't we all ?( met I mean..not made friends..only Catswhatever admitted to that :fucyc:)

April 21st, 2007, 21:57
.. Besides he's supposed to be an American.Clearly then the lowest of the low

April 22nd, 2007, 00:42
Now what am I going to do with the $100,000.

Don't you love it when a demented person insists you are, who they say you are and that you performed work you never did,
and spins one stupid insipid lie after another. Why, he should really own his own gaythailand website and write about
himself endlessly until it became a boring blog of a boring turd.

I have been so many different people in the demented ones mind and he has insisted for months that I was a
drunk at Duc's bar and so lonely, that I wore a raccoon on my head and couldn't fit thru doors, that I am a fugitive
and wanted in the USA, and just all lies from a sick demented evil canker sore on the ass of Sunee.

I know he lives for this attention and thinks this is all a game and great fun for him but the truth burns a hole in
his ass and please will someone tell him about wearing black knee socks with black dress shoes and patterned shorts is
disgusting and if you see someone bellowing and roaring and wearing this get-up, hold on to your wallets boys and
put a hand over your check bin, so he can't slip his bin in it. Beware of blathering Brits wearing black shoes and knee high socks. :cat:

April 22nd, 2007, 04:41
There has been much in the news about the Korean student, Cho, who killed 32 people at a university in the US. A great deal of interest has been shown in his class writings and video presentation. People are shocked to see and hear senseless, rambling and violent statements of an obviously disturbed person who then goes on a killing spree.
Doesn't anyone read some of the responses on this thread and see the same pattern? It frightens me to think I may encounter such a person on my next visit to Thailand.
Can people obtain a gun in Thailand as easy as in the US? I hope not!


April 22nd, 2007, 05:12
Double Post, my bad. :error:

April 22nd, 2007, 05:16
Now what am I going to do with the $100,000.

Don't you love it when a demented person insists you are, who they say you are and that you performed work you never did,
and spins one stupid insipid lie after another. Why, he should really own his own gaythailand website and write about
himself endlessly until it became a boring blog of a boring turd.

I have been so many different people in the demented ones mind and he has insisted for months that I was a
drunk at Duc's bar and so lonely, that I wore a raccoon on my head and couldn't fit thru doors, that I am a fugitive
and wanted in the USA, and just all lies from a sick demented evil canker sore on the ass of Sunee.

I know he lives for this attention and thinks this is all a game and great fun for him but the truth burns a hole in
his ass and please will someone tell him about wearing black knee socks with black dress shoes and patterned shorts is
disgusting and if you see someone bellowing and roaring and wearing this get-up, hold on to your wallets boys and
put a hand over your check bin, so he can't slip his bin in it. Beware of blathering Brits wearing black shoes and knee high socks. :cat:

Hi :cat:

whilst it may be considered either foolish or brave for a :newb: such as myself to offer an opinion where both LMTU & your good self are concerned, I feel that in view of the posts made recently between the two of you, I am unable to remain silent any longer, despite whatever the consequences may be should either of you be foolish enough to try and inflict any on me. :glasses2:

I am at a loss to understand, how two people can continually spit such venom and hate towards each other on such a regular basis in their posts, as the ones of yours witnessed by me since joining this forum. Whilst I have nothing against either of you personally, your posts to each other display nothing more than an intellect that is on a level that one would be hard pushed to find the equal of in a prep-school playground!

Obviously, there is a history between the two of you, that as a :newb: I am un-aware of. Whatever that history is, what is beyond my comprehension, is that instead of making the rest of the members un-willing bystanders, in-so-far as we have to read this overly dramatised drivel from you both, why the fuck, if it is the intention of you both to continue attempting to annihilate one another, haven't you considered doing so the correct way in my opinion, that being by way of PM?

I believe this to be a fair question and if I may be so bold to say, it is also a question that a lot of members here no doubt are probably asking themselves repeatedly, the exact same question. Whilst I have never, despite my own beliefs, made it a practice to recommend drugs to anybody, I do believe that on this occasion, it is one where I must apply the exception to my own rule...

If ever two people were in such a dire and desperate need of a fucking gigantic spliff as I believe the two of you to be, I have yet to meet them! Who knows, maybe it may just prove to be what the pair of you and certainly the rest of us here, would greatly benefit from should you decide to indulge in my recommendation.

Should either of you feel inclined to reply to this post of mine, may I respectfully inform you both, that I am neither interested, nor do I care about the obvious history that has led to these repetitive & quite frankly boring spats that you both seem to enjoy forcing the rest of us to endure, or who you believe to be right and wrong. This would be of no interest to me whatsoever I assure you, so please do not try. I am only interested in attempting to help you both see the error of your ways, in the hope that it will bring the two of you to your senses and lead to a more peaceful future for us all.

I hope this post of mine will be received by you both in the same spirit in which I have written it, which is a genuine attempt on my behalf to help you both see reason & (Buddha forbid) a large helping of common sense, to go with it. I beg you both, for the sake of Buddha and everyone else here, PUURRLLEEAASSE grow the fuck up! :director:

Should either of you, as a result of this post of mine, attempt to give me any grief, or attempt to start a battle with me along the same lines as which you are currently engaged with each other, may I strongly advise that you do not do so without being extremely well armed and more than adequately prepared. However, judging from what I have seen so far from you both, I must be honest and inform you that if this were to happen, rest assured, I can gaurentee that I will not be unduly concerned. :mad3:

My sincere & genuine best wishes to you both! :)

Choc Dee,


April 22nd, 2007, 05:50
I am at a loss to understand, how two people can continually spit such venom and hate towards each other on such a regular basis in their postsWhat a sheltered life you lead, George

April 22nd, 2007, 07:45
I am at a loss to understand, how two people can continually spit such venom and hate towards each other on such a regular basis in their postsWhat a sheltered life you lead, George

This I have got to hear. Pray tell me homiterm how one has derived from the above quoted segment of my post, that I lead a sheltered life? As to whether there is any accuracy in your statement or not, for me is irrelevant for the time being and I will not comment at this time. However, please do tell one how you arrived at that conclusion, as I am truly intrigued to know, if only to enlighten me more about the members of this forum.

Before concluding, I take it from what you have said above, that the behavior displayed and highlighted in my post by the members in question, makes absolute perfect sense to you, and mainly because, now I am guessing here, for the reason that you do not lead a sheltered life? I hope you will not disappoint me by failing to reply to my question. I am delighted that the leading of a sheltered life does not prevent me from being enlightened and gaining in knowledge from every visit I make to this forum. :8( Beam me up please James. :ufo:


Lunchtime O'Booze
April 22nd, 2007, 10:02
"Why, he should really own his own gaythailand website and write about himself endlessly until it became a boring blog of a boring turd."

but Hedda has already filed that role. :director:

BY the sound and fury on this subject...a team of bounty hunters should be dispatched immediately to Pattaya as the mere mention of the whiff of a local Pattaya resident who may have strayed from the straight and narrow has got reams of farangs queuing up to deny it's not them !! (no smoke without fire !)

Catswallop has gone off on his sociopath tirade (I can't see anyone-not even LMTU saying this thread was about him !)..and given fashion tips to boot. (" Beware of blathering Brits wearing black shoes and knee high socks.".. dear God..we built the British Empire wearing this outfit !!)

Rainwalker scoffs at a mere missing $100K ! (if it's such a minuscule sum I wish he would serve up something more substantial at those little shindigs beside burnt sausages and limp lettuce)

and Francois's terrified a Korean may go on a shooting rampage in Sunnee Plaza..(then again he may clean out all the sociopaths in one go !!)

LMTU's is correct on one thing..talk about BARMY ARMY !!!:dontknow:

April 22nd, 2007, 12:59
Our friend Francois is too polite and doesn't want to show the strong comparisons between the twisted writings, run on sentences
etc. of the homicidal maniac Cho and our own sociopath lmtu. Francois is a gentleman but I have no problem doing so....

I do wonder if our newbie George is related to another gaythailand forum overlord as it sure sounds like his pontifications. George
will deny it and it is only a suspicion, but if he is who I think he might be , the truth never interferred with his words.

Catawampuscat has offered many times to end this madness and has tried to take the higher ground. I know it is boring
crap and endless rantings and ravings and it should not be imposed on others. I would never pm the fool and that is not a
If I ran the world, I would say something like after today any further attacks/libelous obooze induced twattle between these
posters will cause a suspension of posting priviledges or some such thing.

Tough luck if smiles doesn't like it or thinks I am dictating or has another thought about tab keys and rimming.

Fortunately, the little birdies have reported in and lmtu has flown the coop and left Pattaya ,so this should reduce
the nonsense. Maybe he went to live with his fuckbuddie lunchtime in Sydney and maybe O'booze can get him a job delivering
newspapers and his can spread the word as it is his mission in life as well as speading the wealth or whatever he can con or
blackmail or sponge off others..good luck with Obooze, you really deserve each other.. :cat:

April 22nd, 2007, 15:04
" ... Tough luck if smiles doesn't like it or thinks I am dictating or has another thought about tab keys and rimming. ... "
Far from it.
As I don't recall having taken part in this thread up until now I'm not quite sure why you would take my handle in vain within it.

But, be that as it may, I will admit to a strange and inexplicable pleasure at witnessing you self-destruct in so many interesting ways, and on so many quite delicious levels (none of which, of course, you recognize).
And along those lines ... I believe I'm probably not alone: kind of like a pivotal chapter in a Psych 101 class ... fascinating when one stumbles across all the text book neuroticisms and assorted psychoses conveniently rolled into one screeching little feline hair ball.

Up 'till now I had foolishly thought that LMTU took the cake on that score. But after reading this thread I now believe he's a rank amateur compared to you on a roll: even to the point that sometimes I'm not sure if I'm on a gentleman's message board about gay Thailand, or I've accidently Googled up an internet version of the 'Sylvia Plath School of Mental Health'.

But do carry on . . . the Peanut Gallery is fascinated.

Cheers ...

April 22nd, 2007, 15:54
[quote/letmetellyou/] unlike you struggling on your pension, we know who you are get use to it?

it seems that many are struggling on a pension in Pattaya, it is too bad he cannot stay at Montys B&B for free and be fed meat and 2 veg without paying.

it is another case of the pot calling the kettle black

as for the following

quote LMTU Stay with the Robin Hood of Pattaya steals from the rich to give to all the poor boys around and on the beach now that is dishonest and very dishonorable you make a fine pair. same as if the shoes fit, why dont you both ware them. your like two peas in a very big pod.

Is this Robin Hood the same person,the US man is looking to collect his US$100,000 from

Is the suggestion being made, this is a different amount to the money LMTU owed before he went into hiding in Canada before Xmas

Where is Monty when you need him

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 22nd, 2007, 16:18
....The Sylvia Plath effect: Mental illness in eminent creative writers. ...

"Where is Monty when you need him "..."meat and 2 veg'"...once was enough for me !

"Catawampuscat has offered many times to end this madness and has tried to take the higher ground."..no-one wants to go that dungheap..

" end this madness "...but that's been your life's work...seeking out sociopaths from behind every palm tree !

April 22nd, 2007, 20:02

April 22nd, 2007, 20:07
Newbie George? Who are you trying to kid?And apparently needs lessons in irony

April 22nd, 2007, 22:14
What an absolute hoot this thread is.

And as for this "newbie" poster George. How many time in his posts can he enter the word "newbie"?

Newbie George? Who are you trying to kid?

I am not trying to kid anyone John. I really am a a newbie to this board and I have never posted on any other Thai board before, this one or any other. It is the only Thai board I have ever posted on and I do not have a membership on any other one.

I am rather sad that this wild and totally unfounded accusation that I am not a newbie, is coming from someone such as yourself. After all, you are the first to scream like a pig, when any accusations are thrown your way.

Since becoming a member here, I have been accused of being someone else on more than one occasion, and now I am being accused of the above. What is this paranoia and obvious insecurity that many of you suffer with regard to a new member joining this forum?

The accusations such as those I have had to put up with here, do very little towards encouraging people to want to stick around. I promise you that all I have said above is true, and if there is anybody that still does not believe me, than as far as I am concerned, you can go and fuck yourselves. :angryfire:


April 22nd, 2007, 22:50
... if there is anybody that still does not believe me, than as far as I am concerned, you can go and fuck yourselves... so we can either find someone else to fuck or (for the bottoms amongst us) find someone else to fuck us. Fucking ourselves simply isn't necessary :bounce:

April 22nd, 2007, 22:58
I do wonder if our newbie George is related to another gaythailand forum overlord as it sure sounds like his pontifications. George will deny it and it is only a suspicion, but if he is who I think he might be , the truth never interferred with his words

I have no idea as to who this person is that you may think I am, but I can tell you that whoever the fuck he is, he is not me. Check my post out above cat with regard to these type of accusations that have been made against me, in my answer to John Botting above. As you have no proof whatsoever to back up your totally unfounded and false claim and say yourself it is only a suspicion, what fucking right do you have to make up what can only be termed as lies in respect of me? I am now starting to believe strongly, that what LMTU has said about you, he has some strong basis for having done so. I say this in view of this latest rant of yours where I am the person this time that is having lies spread about him by none other that you.

If you still do not believe me after what I have said in my post above, than you too cat can most definitely go and fuck yourself. That said, judging by the feelings of many here that I have gaged by their posts, it is in all probability something you have already accomplished on this forum. I say this by judging the credibility you are given by what you say here, or more accurately the lack of it. Oh well, som nam nar as they say here in Thailand. I must say it is something of which you are totally deserving.


April 22nd, 2007, 23:44
Time to wash your mouth out with soap..you are such a bad boy and such a hot head.
Those that scream newbie are often just oldies back under a different handle.
If you can't handle the heat get the hell out of the forum.

You don't scare anyone and being obnoxious and threatening in really not endearing and we are
all here for some fun and some info on the happenings in gaythailand.

Fortunately this little flame war is concentrated on this thread and isn't polluting the other threads
so one can just ignore it, if they can't handle the heat.

Well, I have been outed finally by lmtu and my Mormon masters have called me back to Utah.
There is a hot movie with a Mormon young lad who is gay and his coming out by the name escapes me.
If there was ever an organized religion based on pure hokum and bullshit , it is the Mormons and
unbelievably one of the fools that believes in the hocus pocus wants to be the next president of the US.

Last bit for lmtu, the idea that I used to sit with you or socialize with you is totally absurd and makes my skin crawl.
Some bald guy with glasses and red shoes must be the defrocked RC cardinal you borrowed $100,000. from.
At least he still has his red shoes but really stealing his gowns and frocks..shame on you :cat:

Brad the Impala
April 23rd, 2007, 01:42
we are
all here for some fun

This is another thing that you and LMTU have in common. As you both hurl abuse and accusations at each other, leaving your faeces strewn across thread after thread and smeared over anyone else who dares to comment, you say it's just a bit of "fun".

That's the recourse of bullies,bastards and slimeballs, be they racists or homophobes, over the centuries when called to account for their actions.

"We didn't mean anything, it was just a bit of fun"! Isn't that also what the bullies at Abu Ghraib said? People with no sense of justice, decency, or how to treat other people.

Why don't you two just get in the fucking ring together, and beat each others brains out. Or would you prefer handbags at dawn?
I am sure that given both your high standings in the so called Pattaya community, it would be a sell out. Takings to Dr Phillipe. OK?

Last man standing, if there is a man in the ring at all in the ring when you both get in, learns to shut his mouth, and the loser stops posting, under any alias.

Go on, do something for someone else, well everybody else actually.

April 23rd, 2007, 07:54
...Fortunately this little flame war is concentrated on this thread and isn't polluting the other threads....

sigh... Alas, if only that were true.
This thread started off as merely toxic but quickly became radioactive. The fallout is spreading all over the place like some kind of queer version of "On the Beach" (with the action moved to Jomtien I suppose).
Looks like Georgie wants to bring HIS tactical nukes to the party and join the fun.

I like Brad's solution. I'd pay for a ringside seat! :box1:

April 23rd, 2007, 10:55
brad the imp has a bug up his ass and gets irritated quite easily.

If this thread is making you crazy , skip it and pass it by.

It may be your first posting imp where you don't ask for proof and
validation of every point and maybe you are loosening up and having
a some fun afterall.
It does feel good to let some of that venom out, doesn't it Imp? :cat:

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 23rd, 2007, 11:01
obviously I turned up and indulged in your generous buffet and took advantage of your free drinks...so many thanks !!!..I know your soirees are put on with the best intentions.

It wasn't meant to be toxic Kenc..more a warning. My main problem with someone who may have purloined $100K on their credit cards is "why so little !"..afterall..like banks..I have a loathing of these corporations.

As for the NoTW reptiles..I haven't heard of them being sighted anywhere but maybe they took one look at Sunnee Plaza and decided it wasn't worth a story now it's cleaned up ( a bit)..and I wasn't told they were specifically after any "gay" stories...indeed it maybe an errant vicar as Homitern says..who is spending the parishoner's money at a girlie bar and watching ping pong shows !!

April 23rd, 2007, 11:21

April 23rd, 2007, 13:41
I am sorry George but you protest to much. And you also make mention of history to do with me that would indicate someone who has been around before.

I am genuine and yes I was a newbie once, but I didn't quote it on every post I made as you have done. As for your last post where everyone can go and fuck themselves, well if you are a genuine newbie you are certainly making an impression.

John if you are going to quote something that I have said, please do so in it's entirety. I did not tell everyone to go and fuck themselves, what I sad above was: I promise you that all I have said above is true, and if there is anybody that still does not believe me, than as far as I am concerned, you can go and fuck yourselves.

I will reiterate once again for your benefit that I am a genuine newbie. Perhaps I will make even more of an impression still when I say to you, that if you are one of those that do not believe me, then please do what I have suggested above. :angry4:

I have decided to take the advice of someone at this board and will not give any of the doubters the pleasure of a response in the future and will ignore their rude and unsubstantiated attacks. This will be my last post on the subject and you can believe whatever you want. Up to you!
