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View Full Version : Bring your friends and family to Pattaya?

April 13th, 2007, 02:23
On my last trip to Pattaya I met a farang on the beach who told me that he invited friends and family members (including his elderly mother) to come to visit during the months that he stayed in Pattaya. He said that they loved it.

I am curious how many readers of this forum would do the same--especially with your family. As for me, my family would be shocked, and more than a bit put off by some of the goings on in Pattaya. Same for a good number of my friends--both gay and straight. Thats not to say that I don't have friends that would love it as well.

All my friends and family know that I am gay, but like a good part of the straight world (and some of the gay community as well) their acceptance of that only goes so far as their rather uptight and sanitized view of the world.

April 13th, 2007, 04:30
No, I cannot imagine inviting my family to Pattaya but then they are all dead.
As far as friends, I have invited them (at their expense) but none are interested. They are not sex starved older men who like young Asians (rice queens) and would not waste their money in Pattaya.
Some friends did come to Thailand, on their own initiative, but did not sample the flesh for sale. All they did was sight see and go shopping. How boring can you get?

April 13th, 2007, 09:22
It can be dangerous to expose a mid-aged hetero man to the joys of Pattaya/ Jomtien. One friend had his
sister and brother-in-law visit and then the brother-in-law abandoned his wife of many years and returned
to Thailand to let his libido free. Some wondered if seeing the boybars stirred up the brother in law or
was it the lady bars?

Some old married guys don't realize how easy it is to get into the panties of teenage/young girls/women/boys/men
and look at their age appropriate wife and some of these guys break up thier families to pursue their lusty desires.

Most gay farangs are not leaving wives but some closeted guys get their eyes opened and they wake up to the lie that
has been their life for the last few decades. Sometimes they even have children but it is a rebirth and they feel like
teenagers again or maybe they just have teenagers again... :cat:

April 13th, 2007, 10:33
I recently brought my business partner and his fiancee to Pattaya for a working holiday, and they enjoyed themselves. We drove through the rough bit of south/central Pattaya a few times (a necessary evil), and of course they thought it was pretty nasty... But they did like the rest of the trip.

I put them in the Beach Suite at Cabbages and Condoms, we had drinks in Wong Amat area, dinner at Mata Hari, an afternoon at a friend's house on Mabprachan, lunch in Na Jomtien, and some beach time both at their beach and in Bang Sarae, and a nice brunch at Mantra.

Their one complaint was that there is not very good night life -- for a young couple (smart clubs etc.). I think that they would have liked to see more dance clubs like in Bangkok or Hong Kong, but Pattaya just does not have that sort of thing.

Would I bring my mum there? Last time she was over I brought her to Bangkok and Phuket -- much easier for families!

April 13th, 2007, 11:20
On a recent trip I bought my sister and her daughter to LOS and of course Pattaya, I tried to explain exactly what it was like. ( They believe I am straight), I checked them into a Boyztown hotel, sat in the gay section up at Dongtan beach and went to a couple of the Boy Bars - none of the straight one's. They enjoyed it and thought it was the best part of their trip.

At the end, it really depends on what the family are like - I am doing the same thing with some more family this year and just ensure they know exactly what they are walking into. The sex industry is everywhere so I just advised them to ignore it if you don't like it but put up with it because thats what its like .

April 13th, 2007, 14:58
I had my older (straight) brother join me for five days last month in Jomtien (first time in Thailand). We were at the gay beach most days and he seemed to enjoy himself, especially the daily massage. His only comment was there certainly were a lot of paunchy men with speedos on.

April 13th, 2007, 17:25
Since most of my friends/family are visiting Thailand during their time off, I try to skip Pattaya (which to me is the "arm pit" of Thailand)...why bring them to this ugly city on a polluted beach when there are so many other beautiful places in Thailand? Raw sewage empties into the sea; the beaches are unattractive due to a stream of vendors to faded, torn beach chairs; the fat rejects who come here to pick up nellie "sex toys" ; the nonstop blaring music from the outside bars; the unsafe obstacle courses one has to walk on (they call them sidewalks) where you have to step around sleeping dogs, vendors, telephone booths, signs, drunks, and cautiously look out for caved in holes along the way... Yes, it is interesting to some Westerners to see what a chaotic city looks like when city officials do not enforce building codes, speed limits, respect for pedistrians, and the availablity of trash bins. (NO, I am not retired here, my job is here)

April 13th, 2007, 17:45
At the end, it really depends on what the family are like

Exactly, and in a nutshell. Why on earth wouldn't you bring them here? I have family and friends who visit every year. If you have family or friends, that if they came would then start to make judgments on your way of life, you, or the place where you have chosen to reside, why the f--k would you ever want to invite them here in the first place? :scratch:


April 14th, 2007, 06:30
What I'm gettting at is...when friends or family have spent a couple thousand dollars to fly over to Thailand for their limited two week vacation, there is more to show them than Pattaya. I feel sorry for you if you think Pattaya is paradise, but maybe you haven't seen the rest of beautiful Thailand. :cyclopsani:

April 14th, 2007, 07:25
What I'm getting at is...when friends or family have spent a couple thousand dollars to fly over to Thailand for their limited two week vacation, there is more to show them than Pattaya. I feel sorry for you if you think Pattaya is paradise, but maybe you haven't seen the rest of beautiful Thailand. :cyclopsani:

Having first come to the LOS 34 years ago and being someone that has been residing here for 13 years, I have lived in 4 different provinces which have been in, the North, North East and South as well as the East. I have also traveled extensively around Thailand in my time here in my truck, as well as on my motorcycle, and for your information still do at every opportunity I get.. I believe that qualifies me as having seen as much of Thailand as anybody else on this forum and most likely, far more than most. Believe me, I am well aware of not only how beautiful Thailand is, but was fortunate enough to see it when it was even more beautiful. I am sure you will be able to work out for yourself when I am talking about.

What establishment do you perform your mind reading act in thrillbilll? Where in my post did I even intimate that I thought Pattaya was paradise? Your words not mine. That said, I have no problem with Pattaya either, well apart from the self opinionated Farangs that now reside here, of which there are in my opinion, far too many. It is you, that as well as having a guilt complex about where you live, also are the one that is very much missing the point my dear thrillbill, not me.

That point being, why would anybody want to invite a friend or member of his family, that is going to make a judgment on them with regard to anything they do in their life, or where they reside, which is what I stated previously. I guess by the judgment you have made on me from my post, if this type of person does visit you, than I guess they would in all probability be in good company.

Lastly Billy Boy, please don't feel sorry for me any longer. As I have now hopefully explained in a way that you could not possibly miss a second time, you will now realise that your feeling sorry for me, is something that is totally unnecessary.


April 14th, 2007, 08:06
Bring your friends and family to Pattaya?

My friends not go Pattaya, they like Patong more ! :bigsmurf:

My family ? Oi, i wait till they get more senile ! :flower:

April 14th, 2007, 08:36
Bring your friends and family to Pattaya?

My family ? Oi, i wait till they get more senile ! :flower:

Good idea baziel. :idea: They will be able to slip in here unnoticed then, along with the rest of senile farangs that are already residing here.
