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View Full Version : Another land developer rapes Dong Tarn Beach

April 9th, 2007, 18:27
Construction began today on an eight story condominium less than 100 meters from Dong Tarn Beach. It will be twice the size of all other buildings a similar distance from the ocean, which are no more than four stories high.

The condo will block views in Jomtien Condotel and destroy the scale of the beachfront. It will also set a precident for future development so that other large buildings will loom up over the beach at a very close distance.

The developer is Indochine East Co;, Ltd: Trevor Ian Dick, Executive Chairman and John Gillies, Managing Director. It is difficult to understand how they were able to obtain a construction permit for a structure of this size in this location.

April 9th, 2007, 18:33
Construction began today on an eight story condominium less than 100 meters from Dong Tarn Beach. It will be twice the size of all other buildings a similar distance from the ocean, which are no more than four stories high.

The condo will block views in Jomtien Condotel and destroy the scale of the beachfront. It will also set a precident for future development so that other large buildings will loom up over the beach at a very close distance.

The developer is Indochine East Co;, Ltd: Trevor Ian Dick, Executive Chairman and John Gillies, Managing Director. It is difficult to understand how they were able to obtain a construction permit for a structure of this size in this location.

Don't know what's difficult to understand about it. There are skyscrapers up and down beaches all over Thailand.

April 9th, 2007, 21:15
. It is difficult to understand how they were able to obtain a construction permit for a structure of this size in this location.

You are kidding right?

April 10th, 2007, 02:01
If its that close to the gay beach area... best that we all buy up those condos and make it a 100% gay condo LOL

April 10th, 2007, 04:49
the name of the developer pretty much explains it all. I suppose they keep building because somebody is buying. Same reason that developers build those suburban-style gated communities. In the US, they name the streets after whatever it was they destroyed while building the community. So we have streets like "Singing Quail Rd" where all the quail used to live, or "Oak street", where the oak trees used to be before the developers chopped them down. And in Jomtien they have "View Talay" which was where you used to be able to see the ocean, until they built the next View Talay.


April 10th, 2007, 10:42
Compared to View Talay this is not so much a rape as a mild grope. The building is on low land and will obstruct very little from Jomtien Condotel and Village unless the stories are very high.

sorry cannot post images for 2 days being a new member

Here is a foto of Jomtien Condotel on opening about 22 years ago. Then it was the only high rise in Jomtien. Where have all the Dongtans (sugarpalms) gone

April 11th, 2007, 18:44
It doesn't only concern Jomtien Condotel. If this condo is allowed, it will be only a short time before other developers build oppressively high structures all along Dong Tarn Beach. You will have a wall of condos stretching from View Talay 3 to View Talay 7. Not only will they block the morning sun, they will change the scale of the shoreline. We already have lost the Sugar Palms. Soon we will lose even more of the character and serenity.

April 11th, 2007, 18:53
It doesn't only concern Jomtien Condotel. If this condo is allowed, it will be only a short time before other developers build oppressively high structures all along Dong Tarn Beach. You will have a wall of condos stretching from View Talay 3 to View Talay 7. Not only will they block the morning sun, they will change the scale of the shoreline. We already have lost the Sugar Palms. Soon we will lose even more of the character and serenity.

Guess you'll have to find another stretch of sand, because there's nothing your whining is going to do to change things.

April 12th, 2007, 04:06
If Jomtien/Pattaya serves as the biggest farang magnet in the Kingdom then perhaps that will keep people away from N and NE thailand. The other side of the gulf seems to be going through a similar thing as well. I met a UK couple in Hua Hin that were about to buy a house in one of those new subdivision/nightmare/prison complexes (some people have no taste). They had NEVER been to Thailand before, knew nothing about the government, politics, coup, currency, or thai real estate, but were more than happily ready to throw down lots of cash. Apparently they are running late night "real estate" shows on UK cable TV that advise people to go immediately to Thailand and buy real estate.
