View Full Version : Bangkok vice: buddhas, boxers and bar girls

April 8th, 2007, 07:08
From one of my favourite on-line magazines, Slate -

In the beginning there was Jon Stewart irony, and it was good. And then there was Steven Colbert meta-irony, and it was better. But then I discovered meta-meta-irony, and it scared me straight. In a tiny bookstore on Khao San Road, Thailand, with a bottle of duty-free Jack Daniel's in one hand and a copy of Alex Garland's The Beach (with Leo DiCaprio on the cover) in the other, I was looking through the window at the most dense, most multiethnic, most unwashed group of truth-seeking wanderers I'd ever encountered in one locale ... If this is where peace, love, and understanding lead, then let's give war a chance ... One of the most important concepts in Thai is jai yen (cool heart), which gives you some indication of how frustrating the country can be

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 8th, 2007, 08:15
"So a Marine, a fisherman, and a writer walk into a pingpong show."

"I found myself sitting next to a lovely young woman from Cambridge and her Scottish boyfriendтАФsurprisingly enough, half the audience was farang women."

" My personal theory is that if your country's major source of revenue is tourism, and sexual tourism is a significant portion of that, then you'd want to offer every item on the menu. The latest trend is Japanese women and Thai go-go boys." :cyclopsani: :cyclopsani: :cyclopsani:

April 8th, 2007, 08:24
I'm afraid The Lad's in denial - The Second Noble Truth