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View Full Version : Why is it that Philippine guys

April 7th, 2007, 23:27
Philippine guys look so much better than Thai guys?

well I just want to know :clown:

April 7th, 2007, 23:38
You think so? You may be right in a way.... If you had a crowded room full of Thai and Singapore guys and had to pick out 10 guys that you would sleep with I am sure there would be a few Thai guys you would choose along with the Singapore guys.

But when it comes to creativity in the sex department, I have to think you would give the blue ribbon to the Thai guy :cheers:

April 8th, 2007, 00:06
If you like simian faces with paunchy stomachs and tiny wee-wees, Filipino guys will be right up your alley.

April 8th, 2007, 00:15
Philippine guys look so much better than Thai guys?

well I just want to know :clown:

If you want " And God Bless ' , in your mail 10 times a day ! Go for it ! :flower:

April 8th, 2007, 00:17
If you like simian faces with paunchy stomachs and tiny wee-wees, Filipino guys will be right up your alley.

hmmm... I have to check my directionary for at least 2 words (and it is not wee-wees) lol, I have evidence that the wee-wees of most philippine guys are in fact WEE-WEES , it's hit or miss just like with Thai guys. Fact is that philippine guys look great. (ok not all, and there are some great Thai lookers too (I almost wrote hookers , lol )

April 8th, 2007, 00:20
Philippine guys look so much better than Thai guys?

well I just want to know :clown:

If you want " And God Bless ' , in your mail 10 times a day ! Go for it ! :flower:

What difference is that with dating an American guy? hehe

April 8th, 2007, 00:40
Philippine guys look so much better than Thai guys?

well I just want to know :clown:

either scrawny little short guys or chub chubs - aside from a very few natural beauties in my experience.

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 8th, 2007, 01:17
(yes you too BG !!! :geek:)

Actually it's all personal taste but I used to travel to the Philipinnes exstensively when those nutbags the Marcos's ran the joint and I thought Fillipino guys were sensational. In fact Manilla was very much like Pattaya is today ( BG would have a fit !!).

The looks are due to the great Spanish influence and gradual intermingling with Filipinos-hence you tend to find a lot more "hunky" type guys !!

I reckon the place is due for a revival..become a bit danegerous these days but then it was 20-30 years ago as well.

One day I'll tell you about the gun battle I got mixed up in between a load of bank robbers and the police-during the funeral of a top Fillipino movie star. My then B/S was clapping his hands in glee as bullets whistled right through our taxi window.

I was, of course, sensibly trying to meld myself into the car floor, alternatively screaming and wimpering and moaning "we're all going to die !!"

April 8th, 2007, 06:38
I don't think there's a difference really, in terms of one being better looking than the other, but they do look different. The best looking Thai guys are stunning stunning, and the best looking Pinoys, same same. Maybe they're not quite as dark as Thai boys, which some prefer? I must admit though as mentioned above, I have yet to come across a Thai guy with a small pickle (ok well one) but I have meet a few Filipinos' with a little peepee. One guy in particular I remember here in Auckland had a stunning body really beautiful, but how disappointing when I pulled his pants down to find a little shrimp hiding in the seaweed. Although I have also meet Filipinos' who were well endowed. I'm seeing one at the moment. very cute, and nicely pouty in his boxer briefs.

April 8th, 2007, 06:55
it's pretty hard to generalize across a whole populations. I think because the Philippines was a Spanish colony for so long there is a nice mix of Euro and South Pacific genetics. One of my best friends is Filipino and he is one of the most gorgeous men I have ever known. He's also str8 and pretty clueless, but he is a sweet guy. And he takes compliments well and doesn't mind me running my hands through his hair. I have not seen him naked, but I suspect the small peepee thing is true in his case. He is also skinny as a rail. I knew another really hot Filipino guy when I was first coming out who was short and lean but had a killer body and the cutest face. I also have Filipino friends who have a bit more of the Pacific Islander blood in them so they are bigger.

And while there are tons of cute Thai guys there are also plenty who are not so cute.

I remember on my first day in Bangkok last year I was talking to my guide about beautiful men. My flight from NY also had Thai tennis star Paradorn Srichiphan onboard. I mentioned that and that I thought he was very handsome. He frowned, and said that most Thai people prefer a more Thai-Chinese appearance and whiter skin and that most of the farangs prefer darker skinned Isan boys. I'm not sure how true his generalizations were either.

April 8th, 2007, 09:35
If you like simian faces with paunchy stomachs and tiny wee-wees, Filipino guys will be right up your alley.

For the first time ever, ever, ever I agree with BG...

(From a bitter Rice queen in ireland - fed up with the fat fillipino gay mafia!)

April 8th, 2007, 09:59
Having been involved with a 6' tall, skinny, nicely endowed Phillipino for 5 years I can say that the only thing I've found accurate in the above descriptions is what Baziel alluded to. They are just too damn Catholic!

And also, of all the Asians they are the WORST Drama Queens!
Its all that Spanish blood, I think.

April 8th, 2007, 10:30
And also, of all the Asians they are the WORST Drama Queens!
Its all that Spanish blood, I think.

Well, have you seen their movies? They're all MELODRAMA. I don't know which one emulates the other though.

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 8th, 2007, 11:16
(From a bitter Rice queen in ireland - fed up with the fat fillipino gay mafia!)

is their a fat fillipino gay mafia in Ireland ??...only those whacky Irish would put up with this !! :geek:

I disagree : "They are just too damn Catholic! "..it's a great help--gives them all that Catholic guilt and we know what happens then--lapsed Tykes take to sex like a duck to water.

Come on--you know Thailand is full of Catholic farangs..poking everything that moves..In fact Catholics were the original "sex tourists " ( they were called "missionaries)

although I agree..drama queens galore !!

April 8th, 2007, 12:19
To get a sense of the Filipino-American scene read : Flipping by Ricardo Ramos published by Floating Lotus. It is non-p/c
but gives a viewpoint from a Filipino-American queen and cock size seems an endless obsession. I saw a copy at
Thais4Life bookstore and it is enough to convince me to stick with Thai guys.

The Philippines is the only predominately christian country in Asia so the priests must love working there and it must
have the highest percentage of pedo priests anywhere. It is too bad the church got a chance to get its claws into the Philippines
and help create all the social problems that exist there including self-hatred by gays, hatred of gays, guilt trips, drama queens,
lies and superstitions. This church is just one enemy of gay men and fortunately they never got a hold in Thailand..

April 8th, 2007, 12:49
There are a number of very cute Pinoys who have posted profiles at Gay Thailand. However, they are all con men it seems. I love Pinoys, but I tend to like most Asians and not sure how to rate them. I think the Japanese and the Koreans are also very hot!


April 8th, 2007, 15:22
If you like simian faces...Filipino guys will be right up your alley.

Most well-to-do Bangkok Thais would say the same of Isaarn people: short, sloping forehead with jutting brow, large square jaw and totally flat nose with flared nostrils. Hi-so Thai queens call it the cro-magnon look.

April 8th, 2007, 18:35
If you like simian faces...Filipino guys will be right up your alley.

Most well-to-do Bangkok Thais would say the same of Isaarn people: short, sloping forehead with jutting brow, large square jaw and totally flat nose with flaring nostrils. Hi-so queens call it the cro-magnon look.

Hi So queens call it cro-magnon look

What do you call it

April 8th, 2007, 23:18
.....self-hatred by gays, hatred of gays, guilt trips, drama queens,
lies and superstitions. ...

Yep, thats what I mean. Self-hatred, guilt-ridden and judgemental.
I've also read "Flipping" and don't reccomend it. Its just one long self-hating screed.

April 9th, 2007, 00:22
The Phillipinos cannot hold a candle to the Thai boys - consummate liars and actors, with tears and violent outbursts at the flick of a switch.

April 9th, 2007, 07:43
take for example this guy, he do shows on webcam and i now for sure his wee wee is huge , and he is very much 18+ , I have no interest in pedo things although he indeed look young., and I do realize that not everyone like this type of looks , wowpow comes in mind lol no muscles here

his last name is salvera , so some Spanish blood is involved I think.

Ok maybe my thread title was wrong, and it must be I find Philippine guys more handsome than thai guys :geek:

April 9th, 2007, 08:43
another very 18+ hot pinoy guy with above average playing tool.


April 9th, 2007, 09:03
Hmm I have to agree with all the anti. Too Catholic, my maid is doing the stages of the cross this weekend and refused to come to work, saying it will take four days to complete the journey. Too moody and violent, too small pee pee and either fat or anorexic. The looks are a personal preference but nothing can beat a delicate Thai male beauty. Nothing in Asia except perhaps the Vietnamese.
Don't over romanticise the "Spanish" influence, there wasn't much interbreeding going on, and they seem to have got the worst deal as far as personality and diet goes. If you come across one that looks pale skinned and 'cute' it is more than likely American army base genes, to be avoided at all cost.

They can't cook and eat hairy duck foetus in the shell for breakfast.

April 9th, 2007, 09:14
Hmm I have to agree with all the anti. Too Catholic, my maid is doing the stages of the cross this weekend and refused to come to work, saying it will take four days to complete the journey. Too moody and violent, too small pee pee and either fat or anorexic. The looks are a personal preference but nothing can beat a delicate Thai male beauty. Nothing in Asia except perhaps the Vietnamese.
Don't over romanticise the "Spanish" influence, there wasn't much interbreeding going on, and they seem to have got the worst deal as far as personality and diet goes. If you come across one that looks pale skinned and 'cute' it is more than likely American army base genes, to be avoided at all cost.

They can't cook and eat hairy duck foetus in the shell for breakfast.

One thing that i found strange is that the Philippine guys almost ask for sending money when u not even have said a word, Thai guys wait at least half an hour and try to know your name before they ask, My next thread is are philippine guys honest ? lol

April 9th, 2007, 09:32
One thing that i found strange is that the Philippine guys almost ask for sending money when u not even have said a word, Thai guys wait at least half an hour and try to know your name before they ask, My next thread is are philippine guys honest ? lol

If my anecdotal evidence about my maid is anything to go by, yes you have a big point there. Its called "borrowing" and it can be anything from your entire coffee supply to your fridge/freezer. They don't have sick buffalo they just have a bloody cheek.

April 10th, 2007, 07:20
For the first time ever, ever, ever I agree with BG...

(From a bitter Rice queen in ireland - fed up with the fat fillipino gay mafia!)

Now, Now, Colmx!

Just because you got the blow-off from some Filipino nurse in The George last weekend does not mean there is any need to get nasty!

April 10th, 2007, 11:23
Oh I don't know, I don't think WowPow betamax would kick any of these fine young Pinoy men out of the sack if he woke up one morning to find one of them tucked up in bed with him.