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April 7th, 2007, 00:18
Climate changes dramatically fast. Increasing temperatures, shortening water supplies and more powerful storms will harm Thailand overall. Living along the coastline, Mekong, Chao Phraya basin and in Bangkok will challenge dramatically during the next 15 years.

At ICCP conference the US government where bitter fighting any scientific assessments regarding climate changes.

According to proven facts even the US government representatives couldn’t deny anymore and fine tuned phrases, the outlook is alarming.

Third world countries need to fear the worst since aid will not be granted from outside. Any country around the world will struggle with it s own problems and needs massive investments into there own infrastructures.

Rising sea level takes already its slow but increasingly steady impact on Bangkok, the coat lines and islands and will force to massive changes of infrastructure.

As usual, the poor will suffer most.

For further (multi-lingual) information: www.ipcc.ch (http://www.ipcc.ch)

April 7th, 2007, 00:47
As usual, the poor will suffer most.

Yeah...those poor folks in their beachfront villas are really gonna get whacked.

April 7th, 2007, 07:42
As usual, the poor will suffer most.

Yeah...those poor folks in their beachfront villas are really gonna get whacked.

I GAURANTEE you they will spend BILLIONS to build seawalls to protect the huge investments in Miami, Palm Beach and Martha's Vinyard villas while the poor Cajuns, Blacks and other assorted "White Trash" in Lous'iana, Mussa'sippi and Al'bama will be given a rowboat and a paddle and told they're on their own.