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April 6th, 2007, 15:36
Tried to log in to see what was happening in sleepy hollow and got this message below

Any update or info????

IPS Shared Hosting Server
This Website is in the process of being moved.

You are seeing this page because the site you have requested is currently being moved to a new server. If you think you are seeing this page in error, please contact the site administrator or datacenter responsible for this site.

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April 6th, 2007, 15:49
What is baht stop?

April 6th, 2007, 17:39
Very odd to so do without notifying their members. Baht Stop - Baht Go?

April 6th, 2007, 20:35
just tried and got...

mySQL query error: SELECT * FROM ibf_topics t WHERE t.forum_id=11 AND t.pinned IN (0,1) and t.approved=1 ORDER BY t.pinned DESC, t.last_post DESC LIMIT 0,25

SQL error: Table 'bahtstop_ipb.ibf_topics' doesn't exist
SQL error code:
Date: Friday 06th 2007f April 2007 09:34:09 AM

April 6th, 2007, 20:47
I don't know why but i got in no problem :compress:

April 6th, 2007, 21:05
As many of you know, the Bahtstop board was off-line today, Friday in Thailand, for about 8 hours while a variety of transfers and other digital mystic maneuvers were performed, none of which I understand, placing us in the hands of a new state-of-the-art US server.

All is back to normal now.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

http://www.baht-stop.com/forums/index.p ... topic=1685 (http://www.baht-stop.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1685) .

April 6th, 2007, 21:14
What is baht stop?
Don't be so coy boygeenyus, you know very well that Baht-Stop is the message board which Hedda set up after letting go of The Bog, because it was not a large enough or busy enough a stage from which to spew his ponderous pronouncements on Just-About-Everything.
It has about 8 members in total who post all the time, who talk to each other, praise each other, and go on about their blather with a complete lack of any discernable humour or sense of irony. (As I am doing now :blackeye: )

Anyway ... Baht-Stop seems fine right now. Probably just a glitch in cyberspace, now fixed.

Cheers ...

April 6th, 2007, 22:48
What is baht stop?

Oh BG!
Why don't you go over and have a look.
I'm sure you'll just LOVE to pop all the inflated ego-ballons over there.
And Im sure they'll just LOVE your contributions.

Boy, this I can't wait to see :cheers:

April 10th, 2007, 05:16
I signed up over at BS right after it opened, just to protect my username (to prevent anyone from posting there as me) and had not really had a look since then. So, it seems all they do over there is talk about *this* board, and copy/paste news articles. Also noticed that most postings receive little, if any, replies. Worst thing though the place just has no personality. Just my own opinion.


Lunchtime O'Booze
April 10th, 2007, 05:40
the reason B/S is so appaling is because it's the home of "flamers"--and the very ones who flame are those handful of members who go on a rampage when any new member joins and has the temerity to question the Lord H***a !. A shrink could have a field day there investigating why a small number of people need to constantly re-inforce each others views and attack anyone who differs from them.

Rather sad.

April 10th, 2007, 06:54
... the temerity to question the Lord H***a !. A shrink could have a field day there ...Those of us with long memories (and deep filing cabinets) recall that Hedda once boasted to knowing every psychiatrist between Pattaya and Bangkok - doubtless having consulted each and every one of them

April 10th, 2007, 19:20
attack anyone who differs from them.

Rather sad.
Would that be why you were twice banned from B/S ?

If anything is sad it is that you were caught in the act and suffered the consequences but now can't stop sucking sour grapes.