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April 6th, 2007, 09:41
On my last trip, I got myself acquainted with a bar boy from Soi Twilight. Offed him a few times and he was able to conversed in above average english. I have always been curious if the owners of the bars or mamasans do get the boys for sexual favours and got some answers from this boy.
I was told that when he first joined the bar, the farang owners got him to go over to their apartments to see if he can do what he "says he can do". So, being versatile, he got to service his bosses at different times to prove himself. That was the only time he said he had to "serviced" his bosses but occasionally, he has to please his Thai manager and mamasans to get into their good books, like turning up late for work and get extra leave to go back to his hometown.
I am beginning to wonder what luck these bar owners have... owning a stable of 60boys and get to choose and get the boy of your choice to please you. Wonder if most of these bosses take advantage of these boys?

April 6th, 2007, 10:29
I chat with one of the gogo boys from a bangkok bar and he was bragging to me that the mamasan sleeps with any boy she wants.

April 6th, 2007, 10:48
What's the photo? A Kat-Toy?

April 6th, 2007, 11:17
I searched for a mamasan photo and that was as close as I could find. I also figured it was better as it was not a real womans photo being associated with a job as mamasan of a gay bar. :)

April 6th, 2007, 15:17
For sure one of the benefits of owning a bar would be the fringe benefit of getting the new/cutest boys first. But that doesn't necessarily mean you take advantage of them. The good bar owners would pay them just like any other customer. Most times when a boy starts at the bar he has nothing and no place to stay so it helps to start them out. Now the mamasans are different. They pay in different ways by pushing customers to off certain boys and giving favors in return for the sex.

April 6th, 2007, 17:49
I am beginning to wonder what luck these bar owners have... owning a stable of 60boys and get to choose and get the boy of your choice to please you. Wonder if most of these bosses take advantage of these boys?

It's been going on for decades in the film industry and theatre dear, it's called the casting couch :cheers:

April 6th, 2007, 20:05

As a former bay owner of many years let me place on record the fact that because of their position bar owners are often the first to see new bar boys arrive to work in their premises. From this it seems obvious that unattached bar owners are often the first to see new staff and have the opportunity of "offing" them should they so wish.
However, no bar owner "owns" his staff who are free to turn down any advance a bar owner makes; similarly no boy is forced to go with any particular customer; it is always "up to you".

In my own case there were several occasions when boys did not want to be offed and I felt no animosity towards them and they continued to work in the bar and were treated the same as all the other staff. Sometimes the reason given was that I was the boss and going with me was out of the question for that reason.
Yes, I did know of bars where
a) the staff were obliged to go with the boss;
b) they were forced to go with any customer who wanted to off them; and
c) had to do whatever the customer required by way of service.

Bar owners should always remember that there are many bars to choose from where staff can work and good staff could be lost if the owner is insistent on taking boys who really do not want to go with them. Its often hard enough for the boys to go with customers without worrying if the owner is going to try and force them to do things that they really don't want to do. There were times when I expressed an interest in offing a member of my staff but received the brush off and accepted and respected the boys right of choice.

Providing the bar owner offs his staff in the same way as a customer, i.e. pays the off fee and adequately tips the boy, I cannot see any reason why the owner should not off his own staff. I always made it absolutely clear to my own staff that if I wished to off them - and the choice was theirs - then I did not want them thinking that they were in any way special or favourite, although one did have favourites among the staff even when I didn't off them. The system seemed to work very well.

There was a certain amount of "luck" involved, but no more than that of a customer being the first to spot a new arrival and have the opportunity of offing him. As one posting noted, new boys are often short of money. have no place to stay and have no friends in their new workplace, and welcome the chance of getting offed on their first night. It this counts as taking advantage then I must plead guilty.
But as to "owning a stable of boys" - pleaaassse.. we are not talking of the eighteenth century; staff are not slaves for their bosses and any boss who treats his staff as such needs running out of town.

The same attitude I found did not apply to Thai mamasans who often did take advantage of staff. Thais seem to generally treat each other very differently from farangs. I have known of cases where a mamsan would take the boys off commission in return for recommending him to a customer, and also "try" the boy on his first night if he did not find a customer. Sometimes this was free, sometimes for food and a place to stay the first night and sometimes purely for the thrill of someone new. This was apparently accepted practice among Thais.

In my own bar there was no "casting couch"; bar owners constantly need new staff not only to take care of regular customers but also to supply numbers; turnover of staff - no pub intended - is very high as returning tourists know, and staff move from bar to bar not necessarily because they are being harassed by the owners, but in search of better opportunities and/or higher salaries and sometimes to be with their friends. No bar owner can stop this happening, its a fact of this type of life.

If customers knew the harassment bar owners had to put up with such as dealing with the ever held out hand of Pattaya's best, not knowing how many staff are going to turn up for work each night, and the continuous day to day problems of actually running a bar, then perhaps they would not deprecate the "lucky" bar owner who has the first chance of offing new staff.

April 6th, 2007, 20:25
... you don't think we did not know this before, I wouldn't be shocked by it, its the first thing that would go through my mind when a guy is starting work afresh ... it's writing on the wall ... right or wrong ... and "they" are so vulunerable, which is a contention, if someone is vulnerable, then they are not thinking straight and hence do something perhaps they would not under normal circumstances do. But they are adults and they make their own minds up.

April 6th, 2007, 21:58
In my own bar there was no "casting couch"
Kudos to you for that! However, the couch does exist and I could name two bars where it is used. Admittedly in one the owner only 'tries out' the faces fresh from the farm and not those who have simply moved bar for whatever reason. In the other it was considered de rigueur for the mamasan to 'evaluate' those new to the bar on their performance, however they came to the bar.

April 6th, 2007, 22:48
Sorry.. but forcing new boys to have sex with them to "Try them out" does not make bar owners "lucky".. it makes them sleeze bags.

April 7th, 2007, 07:54
Over the years I have been told that boys from Korat at least, have been groomed by their recruiter before they are

delivered to Sunee and BT Not exactly virgins even when they arrive.

I have also heard that an AIDS hospice in the north has a similar policy, at the far opposite end of the scale.

April 7th, 2007, 08:23
IMO, a smart owner would never fuck his staff for any reason. It is just bad business. It happens the world over, but it is still bad business.

Likewise, my current BF told me he has never slept with any superior at his work because of the uncomfortable position in which it would place him and the superior (no pun intended). I have also heard from various captains at different bars that they would never sleep with one of the boys whom they managed.

Although, at most bars, from what I understand, the owners/mamasan/captain will visually inspect the goods so to speak just to make sure of the quality and to make sure of what they are selling.

I am sure others have different stories or experiences.

Besides, an owner doesn't have a stable of boys. The stable belongs to any customer who walks through the door. If the owner is a customer, then he has the same stable. Most bar boys would not work in a bar where free sexual favors were expected.


April 7th, 2007, 18:20
Sorry.. but forcing new boys to have sex with them to "Try them out" does not make bar owners "lucky".. it makes them sleeze bags.
Hear, hear. Mind you a few of them are sleaze bags anyway :cheers: