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View Full Version : Dolly finds English subtitles on Thai TV - MCOT UBC 26

April 4th, 2007, 17:13
Dolly Lamma writes on Baht Stop
http://www.baht-stop.com/forums/index.p ... topic=1669 (http://www.baht-stop.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1669)

"Anyone who watches Thai TV for more than a few weeks a year knows that there are some channels which show virtually nothing but photos of the various members of the royal elite doing their official duties in various parts of the counrty, cutting ribbons, planting trees and receiving the adulation of the common people.

There's also lots of historic film clips from the 1950's forward, which seem to get shown again and again, 24/7, of the current Royals when they were much younger. There seems to be no end to the national rapture with them.

One of the big drawbacks for an expat interested in watching these shows to get a better glimpse of Thai society and its attitudes toward certain institutions is that they are rarely broadcats in English and my basic Thai cannot keep up with the Thai narration.

I recently found a channel which I believe is called MCOT 1, and which appears as Channel No. 26 on your UBC remote, which has the same sort of royal promotions in Thai, but with English subtitles. I am not sure how long this channel has been around.

The programming is mostly documentary style, and has nothing negative to say about Thailand or its institutions. Some might call it propaganda. It is obviously intended to present a positive view of Thai society and its institutions. But it still is interesting for me in providing a glimpse into what kind of broadcasts the Thai people are getting on all those Thai language broadcasts that the government controls.

The same MCOT channel has also been showing an "Upstair-Downstairs" soap-opera drama in sequels, about life in parts of the Royal Palace in the 1900's. Polygamy and social mores about it are prominently featured. Although it has an obvious bias in favor of the palace's privileged class, it's still interesting to get a glimpse into a society that's long gone and yet still perseveres in some respects."

I replied, Hello Dolly,
"What a brilliant find. I have just tuned in and there it is. UBC does come in several different pricey packages and the channel numbers vary so others have to look up MCOT but then I see I have two channels with this title?

Thanks I am looking forward to many hours of educational Thai soap operas."

I think that this will amuse some and for others it may become a useful tool in learning to speak Thai. It's nice to find something 'light' on that board which seems to have turned very serious these days.