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April 2nd, 2007, 12:23
Found this . . .
Is this right or political correctness gone ting tong?


April 2nd, 2007, 13:28
The only "ting-tong" thing here is taking the Daily Mail seriously. Gays have been beaten to death at least twice in the city where I live since returning from the civilisation of Asia. It's about time the police nipped homophobic abuse in the bud.

Only about a year ago the Blair Government had difficulty dismantling the notorious Section 28, implemented under Thatcher which had had the effect of preventing teachers from intervening when students gay or thought to be gay were being bullied by classmates. The pendulum has not swung too far in the other direction.

April 2nd, 2007, 16:11
Yes I fully agree with Northstar, nip it in the bud. What a ghastly family, if it's true. Isn't this a global posting?

April 2nd, 2007, 18:15
In the UK Gay has become a derogative, youth, street, cred, word - even used by Jeremy Clarkson on BBC TV's Top Gear in reference to a car he didn't like.

April 2nd, 2007, 18:20
... and their vigilante chums must be foaming at the mouth. After years of trying to force a non-pejorative word for faggots on an unwilling population, the preferred nomenclature ("gay") is now the latest term of abuse

April 2nd, 2007, 18:41
In the UK Gay has become a derogative, youth, street, cred, word - even used by Jeremy Clarkson on BBC TV's Top Gear in reference to a car he didn't like.

Yes...the Mazda MX-5, if I recall correctly.

April 2nd, 2007, 18:43
" ... Is this right or political correctness gone ting tong? ... "

Cheers ...

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 2nd, 2007, 21:04
Chief Inspector Boygeenyus !

Police send four police officers to tackle boy, 11, who called schoolmate 'gay'

April 2nd, 2007, 21:53
In the UK Gay has become a derogative, youth, street, cred, word - even used by Jeremy Clarkson on BBC TV's Top Gear in reference to a car he didn't like.

...and you meekly accept that mantle without reply?

Clarkson is a yob, whose payment from the public purse at the BBC is a disgrace.

April 3rd, 2007, 01:55
Not just the UK.. in the US... "GAY" has also become a derogative remark used especially by teenagers to describe something they consider "bad" or "ugly". So much for the illusion that homosexuality is becoming more accepted in society.

April 3rd, 2007, 07:01
You got that right Jakenasty. It's a pity that those of the anti-pc mantra can't grasp that enunciation is the precursor to action. First we call you a dirty poof (whether you are or not). We use our labelling terms to bond and possibly someone will get killed eventually. And we think we are from the "advanced" countries.

About twenty years ago the Queer Theorists reclaimed the term "queer" but the movement died when it got flooded by straight "queer theorists". Just because "teentalk" uses "gay" to mean "shit", I see no reason to start babbling in "teentalk" any more thn spk txt on ths brd. I trust there are no teens here.

April 3rd, 2007, 07:23
I see no reason to start babbling in "teentalk" any more thn spk txt on ths brd. I trust there are no teens here.Not even "see you, Aunty" - c u NT?

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 3rd, 2007, 07:25
Certainly not-we have the head of the Teen Police permanantly on guard--PC Boygeenyus ! :cheers:

seriously-why not ?.. teen gays around the world are reading this board avidly boning up on what to do when the take their backpacking holiday throughout Asia and end up Thailand and in bed with a Thai---they can learn on here how not to get labelled a "sex tourist" ( Oxford Dictionary def: tourist who has sex) :bounce:

April 3rd, 2007, 09:26
"n the UK Gay has become a derogative, youth, street, cred, word - even used by Jeremy Clarkson on BBC TV's Top Gear in reference to a car he didn't like."

Sorry , perhaps I was not clear - there is no homosexuality implied by these kids. As the boys said " I meant stupid ".

April 3rd, 2007, 09:38
Well, SAY "stupid" next time, you little homophobic freak -- or we'll put you in the big house where you'll come to know the REAL meaning of the word.

April 3rd, 2007, 10:39
Chief Inspector Boygeenyus !

Police send four police officers to tackle boy, 11, who called schoolmate 'gay'

They should have sent in the paratroopers, and exiled the entire family to Australia, economy class. That womans hair looks like a mop that has been left in toilet duck for too long, and the son looks like a dullard.
Clarkson is the unsexiest fat yob on the planet, how he even got so far is beyond me. Celebrity tossers are two a penny these days, he is hardly worth the effort.
I rather like the Masda, and spent many happy hours late at night racing a little perky black one around the Tucson ring road, until I found the off ramp. Unfortunately it beat the crap outta my renta crock a shit (and so did I), but it was fun and I made a friend.

April 3rd, 2007, 11:35
We got your meaning perfectly. TP, old bean. But we*, feel that acceptance of this meaning for "ge": the Japanese word for "culture", by the gay community may indicate internalised homophobia.

You don't really read the Daily Mail, do you?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
*this is the Royal "we". We're not called Mary, Queen of Scots for nothing, you know.

April 3rd, 2007, 11:40
We got your meaning perfectly. TP, old bean. But we*, feel that acceptance of this meaning for "ge": the Japanese word for "culture", by the gay community may indicate internalised homophobia.

You don't really read the Daily Mail, do you?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
*this is the Royal "we". We're not called Mary, Queen of Scots for nothing, you know.

April 3rd, 2007, 11:55