View Full Version : Pattaya after-hours venue updates,reviews and suggestions.

April 2nd, 2007, 07:56
Just some up-dated info on after-hours venues for those about to embark on a visit to Thailand who might find it of interest.

The time I allow during my Thailand trips for visiting bars etc.. is limited so I like to make the most of the nights I go out and enjoy parting in to the early morning when I'm in the mood. I tend to 'drop anchor' at the Flamingo for a couple of weeks of my Thailand trip, and often use it as a base for 1-2 night trips here and there as well as partying for a couple of nights then slowing down for a night or two going to a concert, or visiting friends etc.. bit of a mixed bag.
Here are some of the venues I visited and really enjoyed myself, but I do realise that for me it is a holiday to let my hair down, and is not everyones idea of a good time, but here is some info anyway.

Sometimes when I bar-hop I will take off a boy with the intention of visiting after-hours bars for fun.I usually ask if he wants to take a couple of friends along as I find this adds greatly to my enjoyment of the evening. But some boys just want to be alone with you without inviting friends and in either case I find both Maya and JJ Pub(soi Day/Night 3) good for this. In both places there is always plenty going on round about you to keep you interested as well as having shows to break up the dancing, and it is very easy to pass 2-3 hours enjoyment.

From the experience of my last visit in March, Maya still seems to be the after-hours venue of choice of most of the gay boys I met.I visited there 4 nights and enjoyed every one. First a couple of things to look out for in Maya, they charge corkage of Bt200 on bottles taken in, so that has to be added to the cost of approx Bt350 for buying from 7-11 etc.Maya themselves charge Bt490 (just under Bt550 cost of taking in yourself) for standard whisky. The cost taking in a bottle versus buying inside is something I don't concern myself with as I usually just open a bottle at whatever venue I land up in, but a Thai friend pointed out the costs to me so I'm just passing on the info to anyone who might be interested.
Also Maya don't offer the option of paying a higher price for a bottle with the mixers thrown in like the karaokes, this means having to check bin everytime the waiter decides you need more ice, coke,soda water etc, and I find that a bit of a pain in Maya.
But apart form that, it is great fun. One of the nights I was there (go between 1.30-2am) the show had 3-4 segments which broke the evening very nicely.It also attracted a huge crowd of gay boys, and I noticed crews from Happy Boys, Lucky7,Gentleman Club and other bars there in numbers. I would guess that even though they are out with their friends, they would certainly be up for the chance of a hook up with a farang if available. The most farang I saw on one night was 6-7,with one night only one other apart from myself, so if you did go on your own there would be a very good chance of plenty of attention. In between the shows (some nights there is only one show) dancing Hollywood/Xyte style is the order of the day and there are also professional dancers on podiums throughout the venue which adds to the entertainment.

JJ Pub is a slightly different cup of tea in that it is quieter than Maya with much more room and less customers and not so smokey as it is a bigger building. The shows here go on throughout the evening every 30-40 minutes or so, with disco dancing in between, it is a nice pace whether with only one guy or with a party.It is not too expensive either with Red/Pipers at about Bt1200 including all mixers. There are also some cute waiters here and are offable, which I have done on a couple of occasions and was not disappointed, but as with everything you want to go well later on, just be sure to chat to the waiter about preferences, many are flexible, but some are 'men only' . JJ is open to between 3am - 6am as Maya.

I visited a few karaokes this time as I'm up for an attempt at a song after a few whiskey's. Sundance karaoke in Day/Night 1 is still there, but had very few customers on the nights we visited, sometimes that can give a lack of atmosphere in the place, but on the other hand, if you are with a few guys who like to sing and dance to specific songs and not just the djs choices it can be quite good, as you can get the dj in your pocket for B100-200 and virtually have your own personal karaoke/disco as we did of a couple of occasions and had a great time, and again not too expensive at Bt900 for whiskey and mixers all in. Also many waiters here, much more than my last visit Oct 06, with many cute boys, although virtually all men by the look of them, but they certainly enjoyed joining in with dancing and singing especially to the music fom the likes of Carabao and Thai rockers such as Clash and Loso,and on the occasions I went to the toilet there was always a waiter who just happened to be there asking if I already had someone with me for the night, so offing opportunities here also.
Often what has the prospect of an ordinary night can turn into great night of fun with a bit of effort.

I can give the names of a few other karaokes I can recommend for good fun, such as Hotman,Jupiter,Sure and Sky Beach.. but unfortunately can't tell you exactly where they are.. probably around the soi Bokow area, but it is easy to find them just as I did, because most of the gay boys know exactly where they are if you just remember the names. Hotman does have a parade of very handsome/cute men waiters during the evening for offing, but I assume this is for the benefit of the parties of Thai girls who go here, but no problems with the mix of girls and gay boys here, all good fun.

Just a small note of caution to anyone who wants to give a visit to karaokes a go but is new to it.... if the gay boy/boys you are with suggest Si Saket karaoke, I would recommend you persuade them to go to another, unless you enjoy an endless tirade of Issan/Morlam songs which all sound virtually the same you will otherwise be bored out of your skull within an hour, as sweetly as they sing it can be mind numbing.