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View Full Version : Pattaya accomodation

April 1st, 2007, 20:19
I am having a hard time choosing a hotel in Pattaya that does not give problem with overnight guest. Prefer one with swimming pool as I really don't know what to do during the daytime apart from shopping inPattaya. Anything around bht1500 per nite with nice clean room. Any suggestions? Thanks.

April 1st, 2007, 21:28
Probably the best pool is at the Welcome Plaza Hotel located near Boystown. I have stayed there in the past and never had a problem with taking a guest back to the room ( I actualy had two bellhops get vey friendly with me on my checkin and ride up the elevator to the room). Room can be a bit tired but always was very clean. There are other options for swimming such as the Water Park at the beach.

April 1st, 2007, 21:33
Why not try Yensabi condo
Nice room close to day / night and sunnie
They have a very nice big pool
You can get the rooms for between bht 800 to 1000 per night
No problems with guest
They have 24 hours security
The guys leave there id card at the front desk
I have stayed there many times no problems
Pm me and i can give you who to talk to if you want to stay there