View Full Version : Senior Govt. figures in the nude?

April 1st, 2007, 07:24
Govt figures urged to disrobe for charity - Bangkok Post

A remote temple in the Northeast yesterday appealed to elder statesmen and women in the government to help raise funds for the terminally ill patients it shelters by shedding their formal suits and skirts and posing naked for a charity photo shoot.

A spokesman for Wat Pa Samun Prai said proceeds from the fund raising effort would be acceptable because the ministers would be reminding people of the way long and unyielding years of public service can take its toll on the human body.

The images would not be sexually provocative like some of the nude snaps of male and female celebrities being offered in a magazine's charity edition for Aids sufferers at another temple, the spokesman said, adding that he was not making any judgement on the physical attractiveness of any of the government ministers.

The temple in Ban Bai Buabok of Nong Bualampoo celebrates its ninth cycle today.


April 1st, 2007, 13:45
Govt figures urged to disrobe for charity - Bangkok Post

The temple in Ban Bai Buabok of Nong Bualampoo celebrates its ninth cycle today.


That would not be believable even if was not an April Fools joke.