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View Full Version : Gay Jim Thompson's mysterious disappearance/anniversary

March 30th, 2007, 20:47
Founder of the modern Thai silk Industry and a millionaire. Nobody yet knows what happened to him in the Cameron Highlands.


March 30th, 2007, 21:59
I had never heard any inkling that Jim might have been gay - and the suggested "evidence" on the link (though probably meant to be taken humorously) is the sort of rubbish that might have passed muster 50 years ago but not today.

March 30th, 2007, 22:10
" ... I had never heard any inkling that Jim might have been gay - and the suggested "evidence" on the link (though probably meant to be taken humorously) is the sort of rubbish that might have passed muster 50 years ago but not today ... "
On the contrary, I think the evidence that he was Family is overwhelming. What else can one conclude after reading this blurb from the article? Some might think it innocuous ... I however think of it as proof-positive:

" ... We have no inside information about this subject (i.e. that Thompson was homosexual). But we did note that on the end table in his home sit two tribal drums that Thompson purchased at a market. He had fashioned them into table lamps (!!) ... "
Cheers ...

March 31st, 2007, 04:52
" ... I had never heard any inkling that Jim might have been gay - and the suggested "evidence" on the link (though probably meant to be taken humorously) is the sort of rubbish that might have passed muster 50 years ago but not today ... "
On the contrary, I think the evidence that he was Family is overwhelming. What else can one conclude after reading this blurb from the article? Some might think it innocuous ... I however think of it as proof-positive:

" ... We have no inside information about this subject (i.e. that Thompson was homosexual). But we did note that on the end table in his home sit two tribal drums that Thompson purchased at a market. He had fashioned them into table lamps (!!) ... "
Cheers ...

LOL, exactly. When you go to his home in BKK - only a homo could have done that honey.

March 31st, 2007, 05:30
... cane furniture and pot plants?

March 31st, 2007, 13:07
... cane furniture and pot plants?

He invented cane furniture and pot plants.

March 31st, 2007, 13:43
He had fashioned them into table lamps (!!)

Table lamps! OMG! What A Homo!

:blackeye: :blackeye: :bounce:

March 31st, 2007, 19:37
I have always thought it ODD that a search on "Thai SilK' will bring up both Thompson's name and the name of a controversial ex-PM.

March 31st, 2007, 20:33
I have always thought it ODD that a search on "Thai SilK' will bring up both Thompson's name and the name of a controversial ex-PM.

Odd? Why would it be odd? Thompson is well known as the man who rejuvenated and commercialized the silk industry in Thailand. And the Shinawatra family have been some of the biggest players in it, even before the time Thaksin was serving fried chicken at a KFC in Texas.

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 1st, 2007, 23:39
that were slightly involved in Jim Thomson's business ( long after he "disappeared")..who were run out of town by the police after upsetting someone powerful and bizarrely--they opened a store in Sydney selling Thai silk and LAMPSHADES !!! ( they were also run out of Sydney but that's another story)

April 15th, 2007, 07:31
It was widely believed that Thompson was gay, at least amongst gay expats in Bangkok.

It is hard at this remove to know for sure- the gay expatriot community in Bangkok was very small and discreet at the time.

The evidence that he is gay was pretty circumstancial, but some straight biographers have tried to claim him for straight on some pretty flimsy evidence too, so why shouldn't the gays claim him gay if they want?

But definitely there were gay men (particularly Americans) who were attracted to Bangkok after WWII because it was seen as a good place to be gay if you were a well-off westerner. (Plus ca change...)

For instance, we know for sure that Darrell Berrigan (the founding editor of the 'Bangkok World', who originally came to Thailand around 1945 to work, like Thompson, for the OSS) because he was murdered in 1965 by a male prostitute he had hired.

Would be pretty hard for a straight biographer to explain away that one....

You can read about it here: (a long article)

http://muse.jhu.edu/demo/journal_of_les ... ckson.html (http://muse.jhu.edu/demo/journal_of_lesbian_and_gay_studies/v005/5.3jackson.html)

It is a rather long article, but it has several gems - such as that Thompson and Berrigan knew each other, (why did all the faggots in the OSS (soon to be renamed the CIA) want to leave the USA after 1945, I wonder? Prescient, obviously) and that Thompson was friendly with Somerset Maugham (more "Family")

Some unusual stuff too - seemingly the Bangkok World was originally set up with finance from General Phao - now there's dodgy!

Also some titillating facts from the "twilight world of the gays" in BKK circa 1965. Seemingly the fashionable bars in 1965 included "the Star Night Club, the Two Vikings Bar, the Mitsui Bar, and the Playboy Bar". I wonder if any of oer older posters remember any of them?

The murder was discussed in more explicit detail in the Thai language press than in the English language press, particularly in relation to Berrigan's sexuality. For instance, when the Thai language headline one one occasion stated ""Hunt for Gun-Toting Kathoey in Farang Editor Murder Case" the Bangkok Post headlined it as "Pistol Toting Nightwalker Being Hunted in American Editor Murder Case." Note the detail that is omitted there.

The Thai press also went into detail about exactly what Berrigan liked regarding his men. They made much of the fact that the murderer, when eventually found, was a masculine bit of rough, (rather than the presumed transvestite kathoey)and helpfully explained to their readers that,according to kathoey acquaintances of Berrigan, "that while Mr. Berrigan was a man, he had the feelings and desires of a woman and that he had a special liking for teenage youths, whom he loved as his "husbands," not as his "wives." ...The interviewed kathoey insisted that Berrigan had absolutely no interest in kathoey who cross-dressed, "because kathoey who dress as women have the same feelings as Berrigan."

The English language press, rather unsurprisingly, did not go in for enlightening their readers about this part of Berrigan's life!

April 15th, 2007, 09:48
Jim Thompson was definitely gay, what straight man living amongst the most exotic, wildly beautiful and willing woman in the world, who with only one smile would have them dry humping a lamp shade never mind choosing its delicate floral fabric? So what happened to all those little heirs apparent, whisked away to the Sound of Music and the rattling of train carriages?

Not overlooking the little matter of him having sat on the board of the "Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo" during the 1930's. Following this, his "increasingly liberal antics" alienated him from his dear Papa from whom he escaped by enlisting into the military service and there joining in on the pranks of the Officer Training Corps?

No doubt in my mind. Nor that of his wife it seems, who later when joining him, immediately on arrival in Bangkok, turned around and head back for home filling for a divorce along the way.

April 15th, 2007, 10:40
In his day he would not have been considered gay...

I think "Confirmed Bachelor" was the term...

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 15th, 2007, 14:06
and quite obviously upset the wrong people..as some farangs do in Thailand even after they have been here for a very very long time...at least that is the rumour.

There were 2 Aussie gays who did likewise in the late 1970's and early 80's. They ran a hugley successful Thai silk enterprise out of Bangkok for many years with backing from a prominent Thai family ( as about as prominent as you can get-if you know what I mean !!!)

They also ran foul of their Thai partner when funds in Australia seemed to vanish...no warning was given to them. 2 trucks of soldiers turned up one morning at their splendid boutique and a General walked in and produced 2 airline tickets to Melbourne and announced he would escort them to the airport-they had one hour to catch their flight-never to return.

They were told on the way how lucky they were as the General usually escorts such offendors to a remote farm.

Perhaps Jim went to the farm ! :cyclops:

April 15th, 2007, 14:25
A few years ago I saw a BBC documentary* that came to the conclusion that Mr. Thompson went out for a stroll in the Tropical Rain Forest (TRF) and simply lost his way back. Whatever your sexual preferences you don't choose the Cameron Highlands for a clandestine romp with a bit of rough (rough enough to kill you). I believe they checked the guest lists at all the guest houses and failed to spot the fellow spy.

OTOH, if he secretly met a plastic surgeon in the TRF, he is probably posting here as Homintern, Cedric and Aunty but Karl Popper would dismiss this as one of the less likely theories.

*this was in the days when they tried to present all sides of an issue/problem/puzzle rather than an inflammatory rant as seems to be the current fashion.

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 15th, 2007, 15:15
he was "A former U.S. military intelligence officer who once worked for the Office of Strategic Services,"

a spy...I think we can safely assume his past caught up with him.

April 15th, 2007, 16:20
If you believe even half of what you read in Wikipedia you are even more stupid than I already thought you were. :geek:

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 15th, 2007, 18:33
it seems all you do, is think of me buaseng !!

you're obsessed..get a hobby.

April 15th, 2007, 22:02
it seems all you do, is think of me buaseng !!

you're obsessed..get a hobby.
You appear using so many handles it's hard to miss you !
Besides I've already got a hobby, it's stalking you and getting up your nose. :drunken:

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 15th, 2007, 23:24
if that's what turns you on..but :"getting up my nose"..you give yourself airs here dear.

In your wildest dreams what on earth makes you think I could possibly give a flying fuck about some bozo on here who thinks he is stalking someone ?..a Thai should have doused you with cold water during Soncran and brought you back to earth.

I do have handles though..love handles.. but maybe you're a chubby chaser ! :compress:

April 16th, 2007, 10:17
Whatever your sexual preferences you don't choose the Cameron Highlands for a clandestine romp with a bit of rough (rough enough to kill you). I believe they checked the guest lists at all the guest houses and failed to spot the fellow spy.

Speak for your self Lights-out, The Cameroon Highlands is perfect for this very activity. It is fabulously cool and beguiling. I myself have been lured into its dark and secretive heart, though never before a decent cup of tea with fresh buttery scones and the sweetest locally grown strawberry jam of course.

It has this effect, you think you are safe because it feels like home, but teeter off the smooth green lawn and suddenly the primitive beast in everyone will grasp and suffocate any reasoning they had only seconds before. Thrusting them into a mad and rampant burning desire to give themselves up completely to the very roots of mankind. Naked and ready, instantly unshackled from all conventions of past lives, they will throw themselves at fate with the utter abandon of a wild savage.

If anyone gave you the chance to live your darkest fantasies, would you resist? Sadly like others, death might be the ultimate reward, but for Mr Thompson it must have been all worth it in the end I am sure.

April 16th, 2007, 14:49
The Cameroon Highlands is perfect for this very activity. It is fabulously cool and beguiling. I myself have been lured into its dark and secretive heart

You're confusing West Africa with Malaysia, dear. Next you'll be extolling the delights of Frazier Hill.

BTW Groan (sic) ups think that name calling is childish.

April 17th, 2007, 18:03
You're confusing West Africa with Malaysia, dear.

No I am not.

April 17th, 2007, 18:23
You're confusing West Africa with Malaysia, dear.No I am not.If you're talking the Cameroon Highlands, you are. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameroon_Highlands
Perhaps you mean the Cameron Highlands? http://www.marimari.com/cONteNt/malaysi ... meron.html (http://www.marimari.com/cONteNt/malaysia/popular_places/highlands/cameron/cameron.html)

April 17th, 2007, 19:07
Hovel turd, yes I am of course.

April 17th, 2007, 19:52
Hovel turd, yes I am of course.And you're prepared to accept Wikipedia as an authority in this case? Amazing

April 17th, 2007, 19:58
Hovel turd, yes I am of course.And you're prepared to accept Wikipedia as an authority in this case? Amazing

No more than is your desire to link to it, Beryl. Have you checked out the section on hypocrisy? I think you'll find it makes for very informative reading.

April 17th, 2007, 20:46
And you're prepared to accept Wikipedia as an authority in this case? Amazing

No I am not, I never bothered to look it up. It was a spelling mistake. This is getting ridiculous. Hovel turd and Lights-out up a tree.....ooh er. I am very tempted to use the ignore button for the very first time, because I am bored, but i can't be bothered, its way past my bed time. Im going to drop from some height into some crisp linen piled high. Oh the bliss of a mad Catholic maid. Bless jesus.

April 18th, 2007, 17:58
It was a spelling mistakePerfectly understandable, especially as English isn't your native language. It's like typing "Austria" when you meant "Australia", or "aunty" when you meant "amoeba"

April 18th, 2007, 18:58
Of course the Cameronians were raised by the Covenanters to defend the Kirk against evil attempts to introduce the book of Common Prayer whereas the Cameroons were named after prawns by the Portugese (who were so desperate to disseminate the eating of prawns they introduced Tenpura to the unsuspecting Nipponese).

One has to wonder at the disingenuity of dismissing confusing them as a simple spelling error. Probably left too long with Filipina amahs as a child.

April 18th, 2007, 19:12
One has to wonder at the disingenuity of dismissing confusing them as a simple spelling error. Probably left too long with Filipina amahs as a child.I'm surprised we didn't get the Pearl of the Orient defence - "I'm dyslexic and you're persecuting me, you bastards". I'm reminded of the illiteracy of many Australians who believe that in the spoken form there's such an expression as "should of", "would of" whereas any educated person knows what they're trying to enunciate is "should've" and "would've". This form of linguistic barbarism goes right to the top; their former prime minister Keating (dubbed by Fleet Street "The Lizard of Oz") was notorious for this usage, and on the odd occasion when I can comprehend what the current little chap is saying, I think he does the same

April 19th, 2007, 21:14
Hovel Crap what are you babbling on about? Whatever happened to Pearl?
I worry so about her, with just her mangy pussy for company and barely enough of the readies for a bottle of Asda special gin and a thin saucer of "borrowed" neighbours milk for her dry throated little friend, the kids playing hockie all day long on her door knob.

April 20th, 2007, 07:03
Whatever happened to Pearl?Announced a trip to Wellington and never heard from again

April 20th, 2007, 17:06
Announced a trip to Wellington and never heard from again

There are probably more wormholes from points in New Zealand to places where interesting things happen than anywhere else on this planet. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Pearl got stuck in a Black Hole... or vice versa.

Reminds me of my flight into Dunedin in the 1980's - I think it was on a ANZ Sopwith Camel. The captain announced the time difference between Aukland and Dunedin and required us to put our watches back thirty years.

April 20th, 2007, 17:55
Whatever happened to Pearl?Announced a trip to Wellington and never heard from again

The indignity of it all, choked on a fisherman's friend in the thrust of her prime. How bravely she must have fought for air. I hope they erected a little plaque in her memory down on the peer.

April 20th, 2007, 18:44
down on the peer

The story of her once having once gone down on a peer were a fanciful exageration.

He was, in fact, a second-hand car salesman.

Sen Yai
April 20th, 2007, 19:40
down on the peer

The story of her once having once gone down on a peer were a fanciful exageration.

He was, in fact, a second-hand car salesman.

Surely even Pearl could count a second-hand car salesman as a peer.

Or did you mean a Peer?

April 20th, 2007, 21:45
You aren't seriously trying to tell me, NorthStar, that Britain is a hip and happening place are you? BwHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Maybe that's why there are over 200,000 Englishmen living in NZ? Would you like to have them back? I'd certainly like to send them.

April 20th, 2007, 23:17
Maybe that's why there are over 200,000 Englishmen living in NZ? Would you like to have them back? I'd certainly like to send them

Just send Mr. Lomu.

April 22nd, 2007, 04:12
I know an American ex-G.I., still living with his longtime partner in Thailand, who flew a helicopter in search of J.T. for the CIA. He said he used to see J.T., boy on knee, at the old Sea Hag, Bangkok's original gay bar started by Tiwa (rest in peace) of later Rome Club fame. That's a first-person factoid for history buffs out there.

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 22nd, 2007, 16:51
"That's a first-person factoid for history buffs out there."

but your post confirms my theory.. (CIA etc)...he finally got paid back for some former deed.

" I'm reminded of the illiteracy of many Australians who believe that in the spoken form there's such an expression as etc etc"..I hope you aren't getting the Hedda Complex..defined as "the tendency of former Australian minor Public Servants to go on a rampage of grammar corrections whilst posing as a retired Chicago banker " ( Wikipedia)