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View Full Version : same posts to multiple forums

March 27th, 2007, 12:35
There seems to be an increase of posts here being repeated to the other gay thailand forums

Even the closet visitors to SF who dont sign in, are usually visitors if not members of all 3 boards.

Why is it considered necesary to post large posts to here, then baht-stop and gaythailand.

Do the offenders really believe there is a majority on other forums that might miss out on their cut and paste.

Judging by the lack of posts on the other two forums lately, these duplications are all that are keeping them active.

March 27th, 2007, 12:48
I agree with that. Existence of three different forums created a certain separation of people
according to their views and created better atmosphere on each of the forums. E.g Hedda attracted a lot of anti-semites to Baht-stop forum and as a consequence the number of anti-semitic posts on this forum visibly decreased. (having said that, I am not saying that everybody who posts on Baht-stop.com is anti-semite but the sympathy of owners of baht-stop to Hedda and some of her views are quite obvious). Of course, many people like to post on all three forums and this is up to them but it is not a purpose of separation.

Lunchtime O'Booze
March 27th, 2007, 14:48
dreadful old crow that she is, Hedda of course could never be accused of being a racist and it would quite wrong to call him one but the mistake arose when one of the new Sunnee Plaza cameras snapped a frame of him passing by and alarms bells rang in a distant hamlet near the border of Bolvia and Paraguay and several old ailing comrades were stirred awake and thought the image they saw being broadcast before them was a long lost mistress and godess Leni Riefenstahl-hence the sudden rush of anti-Semites and Nazi-huggers to Fart-Stop !!!!

Hedda-as seen recently in Sunnee Plaza:

http://upload7.postimage.org/407828/8518S.jpg (http://upload7.postimage.org/407828/photo_hosting.html)

March 27th, 2007, 16:58
I enjoy baht-stop.com and check it out daily. I have no interest in Hedda's separate section and never bother to go there.
I am only interested in the GayThailand forum and could not care less about Hedda's political views. Hedda has a right to
his opinions and the owners of baht-stop.com have the right to offer Hedda a space to espouse his views and for others to
comment on the world scene and world politics.

It is insulting and foolish to label baht-stop.com as anti-semitic and ikarus should not try to tarnish another gaythailand
website on this website.
I dislike the viewpoints and philosophies of other gaythailand sites but believe the appropriate place
to air those views are on the site I find objectionalbe itself..
Of course, if the site censored those posters who disagree with them, then it would be ok to go elsewhere but ikarus should be
airing his views on baht-stop.com and to the owners and Hedda... :cat:

March 27th, 2007, 17:52
I enjoy baht-stop.com and check it out daily. I have no interest in Hedda's separate section and never bother to go there.
I am only interested in the GayThailand forum and could not care less about Hedda's political views. Hedda has a right to
his opinions and the owners of baht-stop.com have the right to offer Hedda a space to espouse his views and for others to
comment on the world scene and world politics.

It is insulting and foolish to label baht-stop.com as anti-semitic and ikarus should not try to tarnish another gaythailand
website on this website.
I dislike the viewpoints and philosophies of other gaythailand sites but believe the appropriate place
to air those views are on the site I find objectionalbe itself..
Of course, if the site censored those posters who disagree with them, then it would be ok to go elsewhere but ikarus should be
airing his views on baht-stop.com and to the owners and Hedda... :cat:
I am going to "air my views" whereever I find appropriate and I cannot care less whatever,
you, pussy cat think about that.

March 27th, 2007, 20:45
There seems to be an increase of posts here being repeated to the other gay Thailand forums.

Do the offenders really believe there is a majority on other forums that might miss out on their cut and paste.

SGT is guilty pleasure enough for me; I can't justify the time to browse the others, so it's sometimes appreciated when teasers to other stories -- especially with a link -- are included. It give readers a choice instead of carpal tunnel from scrolling past it.

I agree with you though, andrewcraig: extensive copy/pastes are an irritation. The worst are the seemingly endless posts about commercial establishments.

If someone has personal experience about a hotel or restaurant, great... but enough with the e-diatribes that read like a promo flyer.

...Again, just my two satangs' worth.

March 27th, 2007, 21:20
SGT is guilty pleasure enough for me;

I agree with you though, andrewcraig: extensive copy/pastes are an irritation. The worst are the seemingly endless posts about commercial establishments.

If you think the ads are bad here you had better stay away from Gay Thailand Forum - there they live or die by them !

March 27th, 2007, 23:29
It is so mature of ikarus to call this poster pussy cat and defend his absurd position with a school yard
level retort that shows what a foolish twit ikky is.

School boys call each other names but men defend their positions and at least attempt to prove their points
and especially when they are defamatory like calling a website anti- Semitic but ikky is a little boy and
feels so big and strong calling this poster pussy cat and sticks and stone may break my bones etc.
Grow up ikky....

Obviously ikky is too much of a pussy to direct his slurs at Hedda and the folks at baht-stop.com
but chooses to attack them like a coward and that type of back stabbing deserves no respect and ikky can go tell
his mommy what the bad old pussy cat said..... :cat:

March 28th, 2007, 07:33
School boys call each other names but men defend their positionsAnd your defence, cat, is ... where? This just seems to be name-calling

March 28th, 2007, 11:20
[quote="catawampuscat boy and
The problem is I do not understand what you are talking about. Where do I call their website antisemitic? I just said that Hedda attracted a lot of antisemites to website and the owners are sympathetic to some of the Hedda views. That is all. And these are facts .How it is possible to debate anything with you?
You just an absolute fucking jerk uncapable of logical reasoning..

March 28th, 2007, 11:41
By the way, Pussy,
I was told that you are banned on Gay Thailand for posts like deflowering and Gay psychothrerapist needed (quite revealing} and indeed I do not see any posts of yours after the end of December.. and that you are using name Village idiot on Baht-stop. com
(quite revealing too). I am sorry if this information is not correct but posts cited above are yours for all to see...
And I am not going to further echange any posts with an idiot like you.

March 28th, 2007, 12:03
silly ikky. You can spin the truth and cast aspersions but you are not even man enough to admit you said baht-stop.com was anti-Semetic.

Gaythailand.com does not ban anyone and you can write to them to confirm this fact. I stopped posting there because of what I percieved as favoritism by one of the owners and I was never banned. Why don't you ever check out the facts before you post falsehoods feed to you by those who hate baht-stop.com as well as this poster. But, no , that would take a man and not a school yard bully who screams out names and runs home to mama.

It strikes me as strange that you would look up my posting history at another website as this is now the second gaythailand website you refer
to on SGT.
One has to wonder if you weren't banned at baht-stop.com and aren't currently on moderated status at gaythailand.com or if it just
your deep throat source..

So keep up the name calling and continue to prove what an utter and absolute waste of time and space you are. Something tells me you
will not be a man of your word and will continue to exchange further posts. :cat:

March 28th, 2007, 13:47
I'm ending this before it all ends in tears.

Thread locked.