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View Full Version : Pattaya bar/venue updates/reviews

March 26th, 2007, 04:48
I'm just back from a recent visit to Thailand of which I spent a few days in Pattaya, so I'm just giving an update on some of the places I visited during my trip. Every trip to Thailand I make i'm full of good intentions about getting round the bars & venues, but once I get together with old friends and new acquaintances after the first few days the bar hopping slows dramatically. I visited Pattayaland sois 1-3 most this trip, I had gone to Sunee within the first couple of days and I think I was put off from going there regularly by a combination of just missing a huge raid just as i left the area late one evening on my second night in Pattaya and also the fact that there are still a number of young boys hanging about and in one or two of the gogos which makes things uncomfortable for me, but this is just my personal view, most of the bars in Sunee do have boys 18+.

So with regards to Sunee here are some of the places I did visit.....
Happy agogo just outside Sunee is a very nice bar with boys looking 18+ and a good attitude, actually dancing as opposed to shuffling as they move from table top to table. Nice smiles and eye contact and very friendly if called down for a drink. Although I didn't off any boys from here I did know one or two from previous bars in Pattaya and I knew them to be of age as well as nice boys.I would certainly go back here on my next visit.

Contrary to comments and views from others previous to my visit,with regards to Crazy Dragon being out of favour, I found it to be very busy on the night I visited. All the comfortable seats round the walls were taken as well as some of the stools round the central bar with quite a few of the boys already sitting with a drink entertaining the farangs they sat with.The boys dancing certainly were frisky just as my last visit in Oct last year and keen to make contact, but not pushy. Another place I will re-visit next time.

Topman, which I hadn't visited for about two years was ok, some nice boys with a mix of men and fem/gay and again keen for offs with much eye contact, smiles and joking/conversation from the stage, but not many customers and as the show was due to start about 20 mins after I arrived I departed fairly quickly.

Across from Topman at Ozone there were much more boys than my last visit about 2 years before, and plenty of attention if you wanted it. Only myself and one other farang who was already there before me and well settled enjoying the company of 4-5 boys around him molesting him in full view of anyone willing to look, not really my scene so despite some nice boys dancing I left after I finished my drink and gave a tip to the dancer who made most effort to entertain.

Jimmy James... always seem to have a nice selection of very cute and attractive boys, the mamasan I know from his Nok Nok days is still there and even though some find him over-enthusiastic I find him very helpful when it comes to giving info on the boys. Unfortunately the boy who took my fancy was 2 months short of his 18th birthday so I didn't off from here. Knowing the mamasan for a number of years helps as he knows to be honest with me about the boys ages so no problems. I'll certainly be back on my next visit.

Sundance gogo was dead at 11.30pm the best boys obviously already off and the remaining few with glazed eyes more interested in dancing hiphop with the dj, I got much more attention from the ladyboy/gayfem waiters here.

The Corner bar was a very nice place to sit quietly and watch the comings and goings, the staff are very nice and attentive and sitting across from Sundance and next to Kaos is always interesting.

I didn't visit Kboys because it was closed, Euroboys which I think was also closed and Kaos. The reason I didn't visit Kaos was two fold. First i'm very uncomfortable in gogo bars which have obviously young boys dancing added to the fact they have the same boys performing in their show and as I sat at the corner bar I noticed farang couples being ushered in at show time clearly to watch the chuckwow show, so for me is another reason not to be there. But this is just a personal view, as from the numbers of farangs going in and out it seemed very popular.

I didn't sit at many of the host bars but one I enjoyed was the one next to Kboys..Mics bar?? it was the Buddha holiday 3/4th march and so was quite busy for a change as many bars in the area were closed.It had a few nice boys and i did off one back to my hotel then returned later (early morning) with him and some friends and went upstairs to the karaoke for the first time there. It was very good and as there were only two other tables occupied we got to sing as many songs as we wanted so the boys I was with were chuffed and at Bt800 for 100 pipers/free mixers not too expensive 2-3 hours of fun for a few boys.

This post is already long enough so I'll post my updates on the other venues I visited in another post.

March 26th, 2007, 10:05
good posting and accurate without any apparent bias or agenda on part of the author.. maybe because I agree with his
observations and rational thinking about the police raids and underage situation.
I was glad to read Krazy Dragon was back in good form as I have steered clear of it for months as it stopped being fun but will check it out again soon.
I look forward to Alaan's Pattayalanad sois 1,2 and 3 updates in the near future... :cat: