View Full Version : Film review- A Prairie Home Companion- Robert Altman

March 23rd, 2007, 10:37
This film is one that I enjoyed from beginning to end, with a cast to die for, and even some that I never thought up to much turned out tip top performances, like Kevin Kline and even Lindsay Lohan. But the real stars where Lily Tomlin, Meryl Streep (hasn't she come far) Garrison Keillor(also script writer) and all the rest.......
Thats enough of this shit, go see it, get the movie, it is a perfect way to spend 90 minutes or how ever long it is. What a fucking pity old Altman decided to die. :triplets:

March 23rd, 2007, 12:57
This film is one that I enjoyed from beginning to endI'm with you, Cedric, I also enjoyed it although it was something I had to let grow on me. I get very impatient with the obsession with angels in popular American "culture" and the Angel of Death device irritated me at first. As for Meryl Streep - I can (and have been forced to) watch The Devil Wears Prada several times and I enjoy it each time (although I think I've reached saturation point). I don't think I could be bothered watching A Prairie Home Companion again any time soon. Having seen The Queen twice, I think I'm over Brenda films for the moment as well. Too much international travel, I'm afraid, and not enough choice of entertainment that's worth watching

March 24th, 2007, 00:45
I can hardly believe my eyes...both Ceddie and Homi singing the praises of a movie that couldn't be more American.

March 24th, 2007, 08:03
I can hardly believe my eyes...both Ceddie and Homi singing the praises of a movie that couldn't be more American.

You mean its a movie about something that is perhaps typically American, but no its not a typically American movie, not in the Hollywoods sense anyway. I don't discriminate against good directors or movies no matter where they come from.

I am still however boycotting American movies, fast food outlets, coffee, clothing etc, until they get the fuck out of the middle East etc. But for movies with the right directors I make eine kleine ausnahme, especially on long distance flights, something Hovel-in-turd also seems to do.

March 24th, 2007, 18:38
Cedric, honey, may I ask you a question? As a decent wholesome God-fearing Christian young man, I'm wondering if you have considered, as has my dear friend in Christ Jesus, Nora D. Edmonds, will retards go to heaven?

March 24th, 2007, 20:43
Speaking of Lily Tomlin, she is just such a doll. Here's a clip of her being her charming self on the set of "I Heart Huckabees".


March 25th, 2007, 09:27
Speaking of Lily Tomlin, she is just such a doll. Here's a clip of her being her charming self on the set of "I Heart Huckabees".

What a trooper, no wonder the fucking movie was a bomb, fire the director! Just so, they should've taken it up a notch or three.

March 25th, 2007, 09:37
Cedric, honey, may I ask you a question? As a decent wholesome God-fearing Christian young man, I'm wondering if you have considered, as has my dear friend in Christ Jesus, Nora D. Edmonds, will retards go to heaven?

depends on the retard?

March 25th, 2007, 19:38
Hehehehe. Do you suppose I've got somebody in mind? :cheers:

March 28th, 2007, 08:12
To me Robert Altman is an overrated BORE! The only movie I've seen of his that comes close to being ok is MASH. The rest is just mush.

Different Strokes I guess....

On the other hand I love Cristopher Guest's films. Go figure.