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March 22nd, 2007, 09:16
Do any of you guys remember the old saying of someone being "Gas-lighted"? You know... when a person wakes up and everhthing they knew to be reality was changed? Well when I think back on some of my experiences in Pattaya, I could almost swear I had been "Gas-Lighted!"

My first trip to Pattaya I can remember meeting some guys from the Internet. I can remember where I met them and how I met them and I remember what we did, but then there is that guy on my last night who was in my bed when I woke-up... Who is he? What is he doing in my bed? But there is more....

My second trip to Pattaya... I remember shopping, I remember walking around, I remember going to the beach and I remember going back to my room to shower and change and then BOOM! Some strange guy is sitting next to me and I am paying for his drinks! I don't remember where he came from.. He is not even my type but he is treating me like a top shelf prize and overly attentive to me... Who the hell are you? Is what I should have asked.

Then again! There is a stranger in my bed! I am hinting around for him to leave and he is hinting that he needs taxi money... I thought of giving him 10 baht for the baht bus but I gave him a few hundred baht to keep them from coming back.... Well I was still sleepy and was not in full defensive thought just yet. The one thing I don't like is for guys to stay and then ask for taxi money. If I knew I was going to pay taxi money I would have taken a guy off the stage... I mean if I am to pay then I want to choose the person I am to pay. (How I would choose) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzJv8X1gUuw)

This only seems to happen in Pattaya.... Who are these guys and how do they sneak in under the radar? I wonder if they have a training camp where the guys learn to do this? You know like how they show the other training camps with the guy running through a patch of old tires, crossing some mud over a set of monkey-bars and crawling under some barbed-wire... I wonder if there is a money-boy boot-camp out there that is training them for stealth infiltration?

Or maybe I am being gas-lighted! No.... That can't be.... I am sure if I were gas-lighted, I would be given a bill for it.....

March 22nd, 2007, 21:28
Were you a natural blonde before you shaved your head?

March 23rd, 2007, 05:07
drinking too much has drawbacks lol

March 23rd, 2007, 05:22
Or maybe I am being gas-lighted! No.... That can't be.... I am sure if I were gas-lighted, I would be given a bill for it.....

oh you fool...you were just being horny...