View Full Version : 4 weeks in Thailand.. Whats in your bag?

March 19th, 2007, 09:18
I remember my first time to Thailand. I packed 2 bags and a carry-on! One bag was a BIG suitcase, the 2nd was a medium sized bag and the carry-on was also medium sized. I packed enough clothes to last 2 weeks! I packed gym shoes, walking boots and sandals... I had so much stuff! I even had a gym bag inside of my big bag!

I didn't know what I would need so I tried to bring everything! It was a problem keeping up with all my stuff in my travels and I often worried that I may be leaving something behind in one of my many hotel and room changes!

Now when I come I pack very light. I bring a medium sized multifunction backpack type bag with handle and wheels. Now I only pack enough 2 pair of jeans, 3 pair of shorts and a few shirts along with a winter jacket for my return home.

I also bring a few extra sets of disposable contact lenses, Doc Martin hiking boots that I like so much. My PDA that keeps me updated on where I am supposed to be and who I am supposed to see (I cut and paste my online conversations onto the unit under the name of the person I am supposed to meet with their photo and name).

I took so little with me that the contents of the bag shifted constantly.

I also carry my laptop with me and I use the laptop bag to hold my important things because It is the one bag that will never leave my sight. My digital camera is in there along with my passport (When I am not wearing my passport around my neck). I keep my home cell phone in there with the battery removed to keep the battery full of charge. I keep sleep medication in there for the flight, my travel itinerary, my wallet and ticket.

http://upload7.postimage.org/271562/trip1.jpg (http://upload7.postimage.org/271562/photo_hosting.html)

http://upload7.postimage.org/271563/trip2.jpg (http://upload7.postimage.org/271563/photo_hosting.html)

Once I got to Thailand I did some shopping and that included buying another travel bag there and filling it with new clothes to wear during the remainder of my trip.

I am wondering if I can or should pack even less for my next trip.. I packed light the last time and it was a breeze dealing with security checks.

When I was in Tokyo, being stopped for a security check, I could only smile because at that time I did not have my laptop. All I had with me was a small bag with a book, spare set of contact lenses, Walkman and Cd's. I was wearing a loose shirt, loose shorts and sandals. When the small lady began her check she asked me to remove my sandals to check them but they were so thin and flat that it would be a wasted effort to check them for explosives, she opened my bag and there were only a few items in there and I had nothing more for her to go through... She looked like a new trainee not knowing how to proceed... She talked with another worker and then smiled at me put my things back as neat as she could and tanked me and with a giggle and I was on my way to wait 2 hours for the connecting flight....

March 19th, 2007, 09:27
I was wearing a loose shirt, loose shorts and sandals.

Sounds like you looked like a wooly moof dressed for a day at the beach rather than for an international flight. I feel sorry for whoever had to sit next to you and look at your hairy, flabby legs for 14 hours.

March 19th, 2007, 10:35
I have learned to pack lighter also. 3 pair of jeans and 4 pair of shorts and a change of underwear and socks everyday for a week. The big one for me is shirts as I change shirts a couple times a day. I have gone to buying the lightest weight t-shirts and will bring at least 8 of them. Just one pair of t-shoes unless going in rainy season and then I carry 2 pair of them. I buy most of my toiletries there but always carry condoms and lubes as the ones in thailand aren't sized for us. A couple pair of swim trunks (daily pattaya park routine) and maybe a couple small gift items. I copy passport ticket and traveler checks before leaving and put copies in different suitcases. As I am there in a couple weeks I am packing items now.

March 19th, 2007, 10:39
I have also learned to pack light. I now have a checklist I use on every trip so I don't forget something. After each trip I adjust the list for stuff I don't really need to take next time. Laundry is cheap and easy so I try not to take too much. I have one suitcase just to take gifts and one for clothes. I also take a few different medicines in a carry-on in case I come across a bacteria that doesn't like me or have an allergic reaction. I don't take a laptop, PDA, DVD player, or video camera because I don't want to worry about them or carry them. But I do take a small digital camera that can do movies too. I can always find an internet cafe easily. I also keep copies of important documents and a contact list in both my moneybelt and in a saved email, so if I lose it I can always access it. Then I update it online when I am there.

Some simple but useful things are taking extra ziploc bags to keep things organized, a large net bag for dirty clothes that I can just drop off at the laundry and have them return my clothes in, and I also use the eagle Creek Travel Gear to pack my clothes so TSA can go through things easier. These three things also keep me organized while I am there so I can unpack or pack in a flash.

I also buy a roundtrip ticket in BKK so I always have my return ticket for next time and the price is much better.

I go for 8 weeks at a time so I need the organization.

WOW- just thinking about it gets me ready for my next trip.

March 19th, 2007, 10:48
After 13 trips in 7 years, I still take too much. I guess I need you (Buck) to pack for me.
I would note that I do wear big boy pants on the airlines, Bucky.

March 19th, 2007, 14:48
too cold by far to wear shorts for long haul flights!