View Full Version : 6 Nations

March 12th, 2007, 00:28
Rugby Union

England 26 France 18

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

March 12th, 2007, 02:27
Care Factor = 0

March 12th, 2007, 03:50
Care factor -10

March 12th, 2007, 07:44
What is rugby?

March 12th, 2007, 09:45
What is rugby?

A game played under two codes - rugby union and rugby leagues - the former code being the one that Rutgers and other universities developed into American Football.

March 12th, 2007, 13:14
American football is played by pansies (we are eligible) in armour, and has so many rules to protect the players that any real play is not apparent throughout the game. Rugby is played by real men into contact sports (we are eligible), and has few rules and is exciting. I support anyone but the English in the 6 nations. The Italians are a consistent and pleasant surprise.

What is baseball? And what is a world series without the world?

March 12th, 2007, 22:24
What is baseball? And what is a world series without the world?

Fuck me if I know. But I didn't write a post about the world series assuming there'd be anyone else interested, like our dear friend rogered did with his gratuitous rugby post.

March 12th, 2007, 22:58
But I didn't write a post about the world series assuming there'd be anyone else interested
Typical Yank, assumes that it is not interesting if it has nothing to do with America - cretin !
FYI - rugby (of both codes) is played around the world, which is far more than can be said for either American football or baseball.

March 12th, 2007, 23:18
You prat...I didn't think anyone would be interested NOT because it's not played in America, but because I doubt anyone here gives a flying fuck about sports period!

March 13th, 2007, 11:48
I must admit I'm not a strong follower of sport, although I did play rugby at school (was forced too). I actually quite enjoyed it. Big nelly me played in the forwards, and it was rather lovely to have half a dozen sweaty panting young men piling on top of me in a ruck. I was always amazed where my hands ended up when searching for the ball. (I would sometimes get so confused). Of course in the scrum having a muscular hottie thrusting his big hands in between my legs was always a treasure. I must admit I was not any good at rugby. I was always causing far too many rucks and giving away penalties for being off-side.

I was off-side all right, but not in the way they thought.

March 14th, 2007, 16:10
You prat...I didn't think anyone would be interested NOT because it's not played in America, but because I doubt anyone here gives a flying fuck about sports period!

Please no stereotyping. Leave that to Americans and their TV programmes like "gay eye for the straight whatever" made for beeders. Some of us love sports, I personally am very good on a horse and with a tennis raquet, and I am sure there are many participating in the gay Olympics who would also disagree with you, as would half of British football players today.
British football is not like American football, you never touch the ball with your hands, its more like ballet, with the ball being controlled with your toes, lots of running around and many pirouettes of ecstasy whenever a goal is scored, plus much manly ass squeezing, make it all quite compelling for many gays in europe and elsewhere. Then there is diving and swimming and and and, even Rugby as Aunty points out, all peeking our interest.

March 14th, 2007, 16:56
all peeking our interest."peaking", shurely?

March 14th, 2007, 20:31
all peeking our interest."peaking", shurely?

Close enough to be a play on words, not to fret about it so much hovel-turd.

March 14th, 2007, 23:20
all peeking our interest."peaking", shurely?

Or would that be "piquing"?

March 14th, 2007, 23:29
" ...it was rather lovely to have half a dozen sweaty panting young men piling on top of me in a ruck ... "
You meant 'rut' of course.

Cheers ...

March 15th, 2007, 00:11
all peeking our interest."peaking", shurely?Close enough to be a play on words, not to fret about it so much hovel-turd.I was harking back to Hedda's use of "peak" rather than "pique" (especially in the context of Aunty)

March 15th, 2007, 00:24
Now then, concerning what Aunty was had in above, the Japanese confuse "l" and "r" and the Chinese confuse "l" & "n", but I hadn't noticed before that the "kiwi" fruits confuse "f" and "r". Femafkable.

March 15th, 2007, 00:41
What is rugby?

Rugby, a game played by men with odd shaped balls!

Please get serious though, all this hysteria in the UK (amongst ex schooolboy journo's) about Rugby Union & Cricket - sports which nobody watched unless it's national teams playing each other. For a truly sporting ruch, tune into football (soccer) and the English Premier League or the Champions League - watch Man U' stride to victory and sip on a pint of Boddington's Bitter - both the cream of Manchester.

March 15th, 2007, 00:43
the Chinese confuse "l" & "n"

Huh? What on earth are you talking about?

March 15th, 2007, 05:06
the Chinese confuse "l" & "n"

Huh? What on earth are you talking about?

it was rather lovely to have half a dozen sweaty panting young men piling on top of me in a ruck

I'm sure all the other geniuses reading this got it.

March 15th, 2007, 08:27
the Chinese confuse "l" & "n"

Huh? What on earth are you talking about?

it was rather lovely to have half a dozen sweaty panting young men piling on top of me in a ruck

I'm sure all the other geniuses reading this got it.

I'm not aware that the Chinese confuse "l" and "n". Do tell.

March 15th, 2007, 10:54
Rugby, a game played by men with odd shaped balls!

Please get serious though, all this hysteria in the UK (amongst ex schooolboy journo's) about Rugby Union & Cricket - sports which nobody watched unless it's national teams playing each other. For a truly sporting ruch, tune into football (soccer) and the English Premier League or the Champions League - watch Man U' stride to victory and sip on a pint of Boddington's Bitter - both the cream of Manchester.

You mean Chelsea win, dont you? I wonder if the Fifa world cup in 2010 will go ahead after all in South Africa? The crime rate there is so high at the moment that even locals are wishing it was held elsewhere so they could all come out and enjoy it in relative safety. Locals are being burgled raped,harassed and shot dead while tourists have become walking supermarkets mugged at first sight. All such a far cry from the merry dance of Mandela and the "rainbow nation". Fifa has already said it will be using some sort of international police force....never new they existed.

March 15th, 2007, 18:18
What is rugby?
For a truly sporting ruch, tune into football (soccer) and the English Premier League or the Champions League -
For the uninitiated - football (soccer) - An 11 a-side game played by teams of untalented, mostly educationally illiterate, grossly over-paid and physically unfit (anything more than one game a week has them on the physiotherapist's couch) prima-donnas who fall writhing to the ground as though they have been pole-axed, when anyone on the opposing side comes within a foot of them. Any retaliation usually consists of handbags at two paces accompanied by globules of spit. "Sporting" - you must be having a laugh, footballers haven't a clue what sportmanship is!

March 15th, 2007, 18:21
Now then, concerning what Aunty was had in above, the Japanese confuse "l" and "r" and the Chinese confuse "l" & "n", but I hadn't noticed before that the "kiwi" fruits confuse "f" and "r". Femafkable.

Sigh, if only it were true. I would have become an All Black. :cheers:

March 15th, 2007, 20:42
Boygeenyus wrote: I'm not aware that the Chinese confuse "l" and "n". Do tell.

Takes us neatly back to Karl Popper. If he has anything to tell us, it is that just because we haven't made a personal observation of something it doesn't mean that it can't exist. Hence the much used allegory that Black Swans didn't exist till Australia was "discovered".

Those who spend their time teaching languages, and though I was trained to do so, I find other occupations more lucrative and intellectually stimulating, will tell you that confusions of second users of a language often arise because of a common sound made in their first language. Because the Japanese have a sound that lies between "l" and "r" they frequently pronounce "l" as "r". Because the most widely used overseas dialect of Chinese i.e. Cantonese has a sound between "n" and "l", Cantonese speakers often pronounce "n" akin to "l". [/i]

March 15th, 2007, 21:12
You said "Chinese confuse l and n", not "Cantonese confuse l and n". I know for a fact that Mandarin speakers do NOT confuse these two sounds, and that is what any reasonable person would have assumed you were referring to.

March 16th, 2007, 03:59
Takes us neatly back to Karl Popper. If he has anything to tell us, it is that just because we haven't made a personal observation of something it doesn't mean that it can't exist.No, no, no NorthStar. Tourette (whose sole acquaintance with Karl Popper seems to be via that invaluable textbook, Wikipedia - http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... .php?e=338 (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/weblog_entry.php?e=338) ), simple soul that she is, will now believe (or at least assert) that because there are two posters on this Board who really do understand Karl Popper, they are one and the same person. Worse, both of us come from the UK (home of rugby, and there it's a pursuit of the upper classes, public schoolboys to a man) - conclusive proof of Aunty's Hydra Fantasy (aka. Hedda's Hydra Fantasy)

March 16th, 2007, 14:04
........... will now believe (or at least assert) that because there are two posters on this Board who really do understand Karl Popper.............

Indeed there are two people on this board who understand Karl Popper, and you're not one of them.

March 16th, 2007, 16:09
........... will now believe (or at least assert) that because there are two posters on this Board who really do understand Karl Popper.............Indeed there are two people on this board who understand Karl Popper, and you're not one of them.I'm only here for the laughs