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View Full Version : Is Boygeenyus a Troll?

March 5th, 2007, 09:39
Maybe I'm a bit out of it but I just noticed Boygenus' new moniker.
Just for the record I am NOT a hydra for him, nor do I know him. He is not a friend and I have never corresponded with him either by email or PM.
Now I have to admit when he first showed up my finger hovered dangerously over the "Ignore" button. He hasn't quite redeemed himself but he hasn't prompted me to push the Big-Red-Button.
He doesn't seem to be trying to wind people up to get attention like some other notorius posters. He does however, have a very definte point of view about things that lead to a lot of pretty snarky comments.
Perhaps a better moniker would be "Anus Supremo"? :bootyshake:

(geez, would you believe I had to edit this because he didn't even spellcheck his own name?)

March 5th, 2007, 10:13
I would have participated in the poll but your choices put words in my mouth and when it comes to things I enjoy having put in my mouth, words are not it.

March 5th, 2007, 10:16
"Young fool" doesn't appear to be an option. However we have at least two other candidates for that title. I didn't vote

March 5th, 2007, 19:11
My very own message thread! I'm so honored. But I guess I have jinks to thank, as I'm sure he's responsible for my new moniker. I must have said something wrong about a FOJ.

Anyway...if your definition of a troll is one who holds strong opinions that might be different from yours, well then I'm definitely a troll. Vote away.

March 5th, 2007, 19:45
My very own message thread! I'm so honored. But I guess I have jinks to thank, as I'm sure he's responsible for my new moniker. I must have said something wrong about a FOJ.

There you go.. The vote is a "no".... a GOLDEN Member for a while at least :clown:

March 5th, 2007, 20:03
I'd like to thank my parents, for their undying support. Jesus, for being the greatest superhero of all time. And, of course, the members of the academy.

March 5th, 2007, 20:51
Actually the results show you are just a major a**hole and not a troll. Just wanted to set it straight.

March 5th, 2007, 20:53
Asshole I can accept. Actually, if I started to get warm-and-fuzzies from the denizens of this board, I'd have to spend a couple hours dry heaving into the toilet.

March 5th, 2007, 22:17
This poll is the stupidest one in a long time, there is no way to vote no.

You don't have to agree with BG but at least he is usually interesting and has an intelligent opinion
about things. Someone has to keep the colonel in check.

I somehow don't think mean spirited polls like this one should be used and it seems a cowardly way
to express one's indignation at a particular poster.

I, for one, have no problem directly confronting those posters who deserve it and find using a poll is just
a stupid, cowardly and nasty way to do things.

I suggest banning polls to attack posters but maybe there should be a poll on that idea........ :cat:

March 5th, 2007, 22:21
" ... I suggest banning polls to attack posters but maybe there should be a poll on that idea ..."
The stupidity of this poll thread is only matched (if not passed) by the stupidity of this suggestion. The Board's an open Board ... anyone can post whatever they want as long as it doesn't break the few advertised Guidelines.

Cheers ...

March 6th, 2007, 00:09
The frozen bozo of the north thinks he knows what is stupid and what isn't.
Stupid is Smiles in his endless attacks on the same few posters who don't kowtow to his
stupidity and his unbelieveably stupid polls of the past.
Stupid is as Stupid does.
Looks up Smiles in the Sawatdee Gay Thailand dicktionary and he defines stupidity..
Stupid enough for all and to all a good nite... :cat:

March 6th, 2007, 02:22
The frozen bozo of the north thinks he knows what is stupid and what isn't.Is there anyone you like, Cat? There are a number of posters for whom I have little time - most are on {Ignore} but generally I find Smiles ... harmless

March 6th, 2007, 08:00
for the record....
For those who might have tuned in late to this topic....
BG had his heading changed from "Golden Member" to "Troll, Don't Feed"

junks has changed it back.

I didn't intend to give Catty a furball.
Come on Kitty, cough it up, you'll feel a lot better. :cat:

March 6th, 2007, 08:25
...and let's not forget that the reason I was designated "golden member" to begin with was that I donated $100 to the board during its time of need. How quickly good deeds are forgetten, eh jinksy?

March 6th, 2007, 08:47
BG might be an A**hole, but he's also a GOOD SPORT.

Cheers Dude :occasion5:

(Jinksy, feel free to close this topic when you feel like it)

Lunchtime O'Booze
March 6th, 2007, 10:08
how do you know he's young ??????? :idea:

March 6th, 2007, 11:38
how do you know he's youngHe claims to have turned 40 only recently (and I have seen him in the (disappointing) flesh). He, Young Master Cedric and Aunty are all near contemporaries - and I still treasure YMC's remark when he joined the Forum that he knew more already in his short lifetime than I ever would in mine - like Aunty, confusing "knowledge" with "understanding". Sadly this is yet another poll where you didn't get a mention :flower:

March 6th, 2007, 13:58
and I have seen him in the (disappointing) flesh).

Do tell Homi, how did you know it was him? He has never published his photo?

March 6th, 2007, 17:38
Assuming for one microsecond that the senile old goat really had met me (he hasn't), his only "disappointment" would been that I have no gross physical deformities to poke fun at.

March 6th, 2007, 19:31
Up the Pole-hole!
I think every member of this board should get a pole!
Forget the damn polls!

March 7th, 2007, 00:45
and I have seen him in the (disappointing) flesh). Do tell Homi, how did you know it was him? He has never published his photo?When you've lived in Bangkok almost 20 years, as both of us have, there are few strangers

March 7th, 2007, 05:27
When you've lived in Bangkok almost 20 years, as both of us have, there are few strangers

There are few stranger than you, that's for sure.