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View Full Version : Tattoo, or no tattoo: that is the question

March 4th, 2007, 21:22
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The burrs and inkings of back alley artisans,
Or to take arms against a sea of postings,
and keep one's silky skin free of odd images...

(with apologies to William Shakespeare)

The photos of the beach guys featured a number of them with tattoos, and the comments about them prompted me to wonder why they spark such controversy.

Rather than start a poll, I'd be interested in hearing opinions on tattoos on Thai guys. From what I've read on the board here there doesn't seem to be much grey area on the topic - people either find them attractive or despise them.

I personally don't find them attractive and wouldn't want to see them daily on someone I cared about, but just as decoration on an otherwise nice looking young man - hey, I'll still look and admire!

For those who share bodily fluids on vacation there I suppose there is a real danger of hepatitis contamination (or worse, HIV infection) but as the culture there holds the custom in higher regard, I don't look at guys with scorn who have them.

If you love them OR hate them... why?

http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... ic_id=1843 (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/album_page.php?pic_id=1843)

http://upload7.postimage.org/33788/000Tatoos.jpg (http://upload7.postimage.org/33788/photo_hosting.html)

March 4th, 2007, 21:34

March 4th, 2007, 23:36
The tattoos vary greatly from those crudely drawn and often left unfinished to those which are very expertly done..

Some of the farangs, mostly among the breeders, have even more tattoos than the average Thai man and sometimes
the farangs even tattoo their faces, necks and heads. Now that is revolting as most of these guys you would not want to meet
in the proverbial dark alley.

Those who forsake boys with tattoos are missing out on some really great experiences and some not so great.. To each his own,
after all some men actually like and choose lady-boys. I will take a tattooed boy anytime over a fem lady-boy, in fact I would take
matters into my own hands (chuck wow) and leave Thailand, if only lady boys were available...

March 5th, 2007, 00:48
For me strategically placed black ink tattoos are a huge turn on. Not so fond of the huge coloured ones or when the whole back or chest is covered. In Pattaya almost every Thai guy i saw seems to have a small tattoo somewhere.

March 5th, 2007, 01:49
In Pattaya almost every Thai guy i saw seems to have a small tattoo somewhere.

same in Manchester, think its obligatory these days!

sick of tribal, everyone has it and it all looks the same. I do love the Sak Yant some of the guys have.

March 5th, 2007, 03:12
I love them! I just think that Thai boys skin lends itself to a lovely tattoo, and it enhances their handsome looks.
So sexy!

March 5th, 2007, 08:59
Why do you love OR hate them tattoos?

In my opinion, it's similar to asking why do you find someone attractive, while some others are not? You all know the old saying "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder", right?

There are many variations of tattoos from sizes, to colors, to designs from simple to very complex and can cover a little to almost then entire body. In addition, one exact tattoo may look good on one and not on another. Sort of like one cologne can smell good on one person and not on the next, or a particular shirt may look good on one and not on another.

So if you find that someone is sexy with his/her tattoos, give compliments! If it's not your cup of tea, smile and move on! :clown:

March 5th, 2007, 09:24
Tattoos are facinating to me but not a "turn on". I love the ones that cover the whole back/front with khmer magic spells.
The Japanese have a kind of tattoo art (can't remember the name) that is as beautiful as any Hirosige or Hosukai print.
I have to admit when I see some tatto art I am spellbound.

(but I don't get a hardon)

March 5th, 2007, 14:26
One of the most bizarre tattoos I saw was at a gym in Bangkok. The farang had his skeletal bones tatooed on his arms, legs, hands and fingers (and probably his feet, but I didn't follow him to the locker room). It was strange watching him work out ... it was like watching a skeleton in motion.

I remember thinking at the time, I wonder what folks would think if they saw him walking his children to school? It could easily frighten other children.

March 5th, 2007, 19:07
I wonder what folks would think if they saw him walking his children to school? It could easily frighten other children.

The same thing could be said about some of good friends on this board...